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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Between 1990 and 2005, I visited India at least twice a month. If I had the required literary skill, I could probably write a book on the place. Malc and Jon have made two very valid points in; NEVER, EVER, drive in India and the fact that, although desperately poor, they are very friendly. I'll just pick two of the many driving stories I have: I wanted a car to travel 30 miles the next day, so I arranged a car AND driver at the desk in the hotel. I insisted that it had air-conditioning. 'Not a problem, Sahib'. Next morning, there was an Austin Ambassador-based taxi with 'Air Conditioned' on the side. When I climbed in beside the smiling driver, I noticed the heat was stifling. This was the conversation...... Me: 'Can you turn on the air conditioning please?' Driver: 'Sahib, it is not working'. Me: 'I asked for a car with air conditioning'. Driver: 'Sahib, it HAS got air conditioning - but it is not working'.............. On another occasion two of us wanted to visit an old fort about 40 miles from Delhi.......again in an Austin Ambassador taxi. We were soon in the middle of nowhere with not a soul in sight. The car coughed and steam belched from under the bonnet. We got out, the driver lifted the bonnet and it was obvious that the head gasket had blown. Our quizzical looks were met with 'Not a problem, Sahib'. The driver went to the boot and took out a bucket with minimal tools in it. He then undid the head bolts and lifted off the head. In the meantime, as if by magic, a crowd had gathered - I have no idea where they came from. We then noticed that the 'head gasket' was, in fact a piece of cardboard with 'Carnation Milk' still visible.......there was a split in it - the leak. He gave the bucket to a young boy with instructions to go and get some water. In the meantime, he went to the boot and re-appeared with another piece of 'Carnation Milk' cardboard, then using a knife and with the old gasket as a template, proceeded to 'manufacture' a new gasket. He dropped it in position then replaced the head. The head-bolt tightening sequence was instructive......starting at the front, he hand tightened the first nut - then torqued it using a 3ft long bar. He carried on till all nuts were fitted - this is the head tightening sequence in India :) The young lad had returned with, what looked like, a bucket of diluted mud.....this went in the radiator. Off we went to enjoy the old fort. We made it back to Delhi with no more technical problems. Happy days!
    2 points
  2. There's not much I can fault on the RX300, I like the way it drives (relaxed cruiser with loads of space), auto gearbox is good but not the best Toyota box I've driven, interior is comfy apart from usual wear on driver's seat. Engine and mechanicals seem fine in general, most problems are known/documented issues (90% avoided with routine maintenance). 2nd hand electrical parts are readily available should they be needed. I think the biggest concern is rust underneath the car (and in the usual places due to water ingress around boot/tailgate) and maybe air strut suspension on the SE-L's. I next plan to start some longer projects in Easter next year when the weather becomes more consistent, such as rust proofing the bottom. I am going to strip my removed/old air struts down and figure out how to rebuild with 3rd party components as this is by far the biggest most likely expense. The nearside rear strut definitely had an air leak, the front offside had a failed shock absorber (but the air bag was ok)... Hence got me thinking, if I like the car and I know it will outlast the 3yr estimate/life I had in mind, the only thing it is really missing for me was some extra fuel economy. I could trade up to a hybrid or as you mention, better the devil you know and try a DIY LPG install as a project....!
    1 point
  3. Nothing planned as yet Stuart, although the H&S exhaust sounds great so that would be on the list. I will see how i get on with the car for a few months and take it from there.
    1 point
  4. Only just saw this post. Are you wanting to dismantle the mirror casing? If so take a look here Just scroll forward to the bit where the side mirror is dismantled. Hope that helps
    1 point
  5. Great video, sums up exactly how I feel about my Mkiii !!!!
    1 point
  6. Snap. Bought mine in March. 3 years is my target. T hen maybe a 350?
    1 point
  7. .... such presence, unostentatious elegance ........ every time I watch a video like this it makes me feel nostalgic for all things beautiful and great ......... then I remember I too have one !! ain't we lucky guys ! Malc
    1 point
  8. Hi they are for want of another word part heated(up to where the wiper blades sit) hope this helps
    1 point
  9. You may be disappointed. It doesn't have many numbers in the database.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I'd certainly aim for getting a 6 speed example. Faster, smoother and more economical. The easiest way to tell is to look at the gear shifter. The 5 speed has a conventional pattern: P R N D 4 3 L 2 The 6 speed has a manual sport mode with sequential shifting: P R N + D S - Also the shifter surround is a grey colour on the pre-facelift 5 speed vehicles and silver on the facelift models.
    1 point
  12. ............... I last bought wiper rubber refills from Lexus dealership ( Toyota spares ) probably about 4 years ago now at I think about £19 ..... and I guess some 50k miles on they are still fine and effective ..... not expecting them to last another MOT though ( June 2016 ) but hey, I didn't expect genuine even Lexus rubbers to last this long tbh :outforcount: Malc
    1 point
  13. I joined to benefit from the experience of members who have enjoyed the GS300 and have also found answers to the problems that may arise from a 14 year old - albeit that she bears her years well! So, excuse me if I try to 'pick your brains'.
    1 point
  14. Simon I seem to recall buying refills for my Mark 1 from a Lexus dealership many moons ago I think it was about a tenner at that time. I think the wiper through the LS400 range is virtually unchanged so the rubber profiles should be the same.
    1 point
  15. I didn't use winters last year,never have. Had worries about the Lexus due to big tyres and rear drive, but Snow mode button is awesome didn't get stuck once even through some dicey conditions between Glasgow and Carlisle. Car felt very stable underway, only slight fishtailing, controlled well by stability control. The design of the front end however..... Hope it doesn't snow again when I'm driving as the front is like a snow catcher, you can't see as the headlamp area just fills up with snow and ice after a few miles!
    1 point
  16. Yeah they are the bees knees - awesome tyres. Id get them for every car I own if they were made in the right sizes. They properly work as well! All season's on my RX have been great so far. Very heavy rain has had no impact compared to normal tyres, very good in the dry as well. Will find out in the snow I guess but Ive never had winter tyres as I dont need/use them.
    1 point
  17. As above states always do all 4 with winters be safe not sorry.
    1 point
  18. I think you will find just switching the front is a no-no, in slippery conditions, the rear will break away very easy, as the front will grip harder than the rear, have a look on you tube.
    1 point
  19. It will be the WE before I can take some actual pics. I found the image below on the web that shows where my pipes have been cut and where I will blank them. My mechanic erroneously joined the two separate pipes together usng a splicing kit 8-12 mm. The AC gas has been removed and just awaiting confirmation on where to blank off before the gas is re-applied.
    1 point
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