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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2015 in all areas

  1. Why oh why do so many motorcyclists seem to have an in-built death wish. The main road between Exmouth and Exeter, the A376, has for many many years, been the subject of discussion regarding upgrading. It is totally inadequate for the volume of traffic that uses it on a daily basis. This morning, travelling back from Exeter, I had a motorcyclist on my tail, I had been watching him in my rear view mirrors, overtaking the vehicles behind me, by dodging those vehicles going in the opposite direction. As we approached a set of traffice lights he edged ever closer to my vehicle and was obviously preparing himself for what turned out to be a most idiotic manoeuvre. I was in a line of traffic with an enormous artic about 5 cars in front of me, with quite a number of cars in front of him. There was an almighty roar and this motorcyclist went past me and everything else in sight, he/she was lying flat on the fuel tank, presumably to minimise wind resistance! I kid you not, but he really must have been doing well in excess of 100mph in completing this move. I really don't mind if it is his choice to wrap himself around a tree or suchlike but, unfortunately they often manage to take some unsuspecting innocent person with them. A couple of weeks ago I was driving in a line of traffic on a B road between Exmouth and East Budleigh. Once again a motorcyclist was behind me, having already overtaken others, and I was watching him in my mirrors. As we were driving along, this motorcyclist was weaving from side to side behind me, but not in upright mode, he was leaning over as far as possible in each direction with his knees virtually touching the tarmac. The movement reminded me of the F1 drivers on the lap before the start of a race, where they too go from side to side to get the tyres warmed up. As we approached a right turn off the road, with bollards and lighting, this idiot does no more than decide to overtake the 7 or 8 cars in the line, ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BOLLARDS. There is a telegraph pole on the A376, where there is constantly a bunch of flowers at its base. A good guess could probably be made as to why. When you see a motorcycle being ridden well, it is a pleasure to see. Unfortunately these instances are far too rare. I can remember seeing a motorcyclist on my way to work everyday in the eighties. The bike was being ridden very well indeed. It was a very big bike but, the rider was very small. There was an occasion when I saw the rider get off the bike and remove their helmet. To my absolute amazement the rider was a mere strip of a lass, but she certainly knew how to handle that bike!
    3 points
  2. Saw this ............. first a 460 then an old 400 - very impressive!
    1 point
  3. It was I who did the repair for Paul, I charged him £30.00 which included the repair and fully tracked/insured return. If anyone else requires this service I would be happy to do the same for fellow LOC members.
    1 point
  4. ... and of course it is the motorist that is the bad road user! David
    1 point
  5. Oh, nothing fancy really, but quite good value. Found out the OEM RC coupe Fsport model bar is 3mm thicker than mine (assuming same material that's almost 100% stiffer) so just ordered that! Drop in fit with its own more sophisticated bushings but yes, the rear subframe was dropped slightly for access.
    1 point
  6. Just to update the quoted post.. Drove for around an hour on country roads From the hotel to the castle where a family wedding was being held. On the return journey home the cruise was set at 80mph with a few three figure speeds reached. ( avoiding getting in sticky situations) I had to nip to a friends on the way back, my average speed reading was 77mph then a 20 min journey home. I knocked around an hour off the return journey with the final figures here.
    1 point
  7. ^^ But I thought printing none existent money was the solution to the worlds problems :)
    1 point
  8. Happy Hallowe'en Ls400/430/460/600 Owners :)
    1 point
  9. Hi guys... Just a quick one to say that my lovely Lexus IS200 SE auto passed her MOT yesterday, 140,000 miles in, Again with flying colours according to the fella doing the test, no advisories as there haven't been in the other 3 I've had done. Happy Days, touch wood.. I still love the way she looks, even after all these years.
    1 point
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