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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2015 in all areas

  1. Just don't ask the wife to get the ticket. My dear lady got confused as to the Reg details and when went back to buy another ticket is wouldn't allow it. - Month later Penalty Notice for £72.50 duly arrived and of course the damn receipt for the original ticket and the attempt at correction somehow either left in France or whatever. Managed to plead our way out of paying but I do the buying from now on!! Well done you for not paying. It really eats away at me that these days poor little Joe public make the smallest of mistakes quite innocently and you are immediately hammered with a financial penalty way out of proportion with the mistake but bankers, civil servants, local and government and corporate upper management never or rarely at best ever get to be held for their misdemeanors involving billions £ and sometimes lives, mostly will be asked to leave with a huge golden handshake only to pop up somewhere else ready to do as badly as they have done before. Keep up the good fight. Mike.
    4 points
  2. Got the call last night from my wife. There's a problem with the car - think I have ripped off the rear bumper! Turns out that when exiting a pay barrier at the train station she has executed a sharp right turn and gone up a kerb with the rear wheel, hooking the bumper join into a small post which then proceeded to tear the bumper off as she moved forward. Naturally when you hear contact you just keep on driving don't you?! Took it in to a local bodyshop today - fortunately the bumper retaining part behind the wheelarch has taken the brunt of the damage. There is one on eBay for £15 but is the wrong side unfortunately, Lexus charge £81 plus vat! There were quite a few scratches on the bumper anyway so am thinking of having the whole bumper resprayed while they are sorting the retaining bracket. No comments necessary re women drivers, I am sure we have all done worse at some point!
    3 points
  3. I know who would suffer the most expensive damage - me! However, if we do pass each other I will show impeccable good manners. Because of the 'seniority' of your 400, I will stop and salute you.......just like the AA patrolmen used to do :)
    2 points
  4. I got into the car this evening, and twice pressed the Power Button , but the Ready light didn't come on ,all the other Dash Lights came on as normal. The car wouldn't do anything , so got out , locked it then unlocked and tried again , but still the same . Tried once more inside the car but still no Ready Light. Got out and locked it again , and left it about thirty seconds before trying again. Luckily this time everything worked alowing me to drive home . Anyone ideas ? Thanks Rob
    1 point
  5. And I hope you have your pipe clenched in teeth and wearing plus fours at the same time just to top it all off.
    1 point
  6. The reason for doing the water pump is the labour cost involved in doing it separately should it need replacing in the future. The decision is similar to insurance/extended warranties. When my 400h had it's 100k service the dealer advised there was no need for the pump to be replaced, or even the belt tensioners/idlers. It had 114k on the clock when I sold it, no issues with the water pump.
    1 point
  7. Defo on the water pump! If you can (and do change it) please can you post a pic of the water pump gasket (which should also be changed). How will you get the hybrid system checked & serviced? Will you be doing the inverter coolant?
    1 point
  8. I would suggest running into one another might not be a good idea, that would be two less LS 400s on the road. Can I suggest just winding down the window, waving politely and saying 'toodle-pip old chap', just like they used to in the 1950s
    1 point
  9. Definately fill from the hex plug. Use a small funnel, grab a stool or chair and be prepared to trickle it in. After about 20 years you will notice the overflow bottle filling up. I got mine up over half full (18 years) before coming to the conclusion that the fill would never stop at the hex plug end so as deftly as possible with the level as high as poss at the hex plus screwed it back up. I torqued correctly. Then I topped up a bit at the tank. Then ran the engine up. I squeezed all the big pipes a number of times not that that did much. But it felt nice all the same. I can't recall the level dropping but if it does it's very little. You will be delighted with the results. Check it regularly when stone cold - you might need to add a tad but after that it will be stable. There are plenty of good quality anti-freezes available that are absolutely fine for the engine. If you can still get red then red is good but the latest long lifers are pink OAT antifreezes. I wouldn't go for the other colours - they have a shorter life span. Lexus use pink in all new cars.
    1 point
  10. Everything has worked as it should do today for the Missus . Hopefully if it plays up again , it will be before the one year warranty runs out early next yet . Going to ring Lexus tomorrow to tell them what happened so they can put it on record.
    1 point
  11. Not sure how I managed this lol, a mixture of motorway and A road driving.
    1 point
  12. Was the previous owner a" Leeds Rhino"?
    1 point
  13. OK so I ordered some di-electric grease and a new Denso coil from Rock Auto. In the meantime my curiosity got the better of me and I had a half hour spare so I decided to take a look at the coil. This has to be about the easiest part I've ever taken out of an engine! I removed it (takes about a minute) and gave the ECU connector and plug and the HT connector a good old spray with contact cleaner, the outside of it was coated in a brown dust (I assume these things must generate a healthy magnetic field when they're firing so they attract any fine oxidised metal dust) so I gave the whole thing a good wipe down. Put it all back together on Friday, no codes since despite a fair amount of driving. New coil will arrive from the States next week so it will go in the glovebox until I get a repeat.
    1 point
  14. Clayed using farecla mitt, then polished using megs stuff that came with DA6 I bought about a year back, but been too busy to use!
    1 point
  15. Nice car with the longest description ever seen
    1 point
  16. Yes, check the coolant level first of all. If you do drain the system at any time, there is a old fashioned screw-type drain plug on the bottom of the radiator. Saves having to fiddle taking off the bottom hose as on other cars. Also, when replenishing the coolant, use Toyota long- life Pink coolant (which comes already mixed 50/50) or, Toyota Red which you will have to mix yourself 50/50 with distilled water. They are compatible. Refill via the hex plug at the top front of the engine. When nearly full, finish topping off at the plastic coolant reservoir. Filling it the proper way saves loads of time trying to 'burp' the system of air. It could be that you have an air lock in the system which is causing your current low heat problem.
    1 point
  17. Apologies for the late photos!
    1 point
  18. Thought I'd give the club insurers Adrian Flux a call as my renewal through Churchill had increased, they managed to save me £44 so I've taken out a policy with them, result :) Well worth giving Adrian Flux a call.
    1 point
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