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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2015 in all areas

  1. Firstly, the Lexus RX is no Zafira - its one of the most refined SUV's on the market today and pampers you unlike Zafira's and the Prius. That's essentially what you pay for. Of course, if you just want to get from A to B as cheaply as possible, its best to get something cheap in the first place but if you want to get from A to B in style, the RX fits the bill. If you've driven a Prius, you'll know how crap that car actually is..... lol With GAP protection, they HAVE to pay unless you've deliberately given them wrong information. It doesn't matter whether its your fault or someone else, they have to pay regardless. No point getting the ding and scratches insurance though, the people who come out to do it can't seem to get it right, especially on Lexus 3 stage paint.
    1 point
  2. Try asking Algy's Autos, who import cars from Japan? No idea if they can get parts, but no harm in asking.
    1 point
  3. Whilst I can empathise with your problem, I am afraid that I cannot be much help. I am convinced that you and only you can decide what is important to you, and with two such differing cars it's a bit like trying to compare a pet rabbit with a pet dog, both are excellent in their own way, but at the end of the day they are completely different animals. I chose my RX because I wanted the size, comfort and "waftability", but I can see that a Prius would give reliability at a lower cost, and if cost is an important factor then that could sway the decision. The problem is of course, if you follow that line of thought to it's logical conclusion you would end up with a Smart Car. Best of luck, but remember that in the end you only have to justify your decision to you.
    1 point
  4. I agree. Why do today's cars have to be so aggressively styled? You see them in the mirror and they seem to be saying, 'Move over, 'cos I'm coming through.' Sometimes I think my Lexus looks really old-fashioned, but other times it has a kind of elegance that you don't see anywhere else. But then I'm biased, too.
    1 point
  5. Only to be expected!! Another year of motoring pleasure. Enjoy.
    1 point
  6. Well done. miles of smiles ahead. Mike.
    1 point
  7. Nice one Rudy , that will be a big weight off your mind . You can now look forward to another year of pleasure motoring
    1 point
  8. The LS is the more stately looking, the other ones seems as if they are looking for a fight
    1 point
  9. Jack Trust me , she is a good un ! It's no skin off my nose either way , but please go and try as she drives like a good mint . Let me know how you get on . Worth paying a bit more for piece of mind ..... (Eg - you know the history etc) Don't you agree 👍🏻 Jon
    1 point
  10. Carbon build up - I have experienced this although my car is an IS and not an RX When I first had it I spent a lot of time looking into the cause - it was reported as a big problem in the states where they use a lower ron value of fuel than Europe .. it was put down to a buildup of carbon due to lower ron fuels being used. An upper rebuild of the engines affected cured this. How I have resolved mine was to use an additive - a lot of people report these to be a placebo effect - I used it along with changing to the higher ron fuels, filling up on alternate fills. It has worked for me - I used BG44 and Shell V Power.
    1 point
  11. Fog lights in normal driving conditions are illegal. Why you need to drive around like a mobile light house is beyond me. If you want some lights on turn your sidelights on, that way you wont endanger other road users and the police wont pull you and issue you with a fixed penalty notice. Mike.
    1 point
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