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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2015 in all areas

  1. AJ, do you not think the real culprit is the Scottish climate?I know from my sister that once more a lousy extended spring has skipped straight into autumn :( With both the Scottish Govt. (now there's an oxymoron to behold) & the EU refusing compensation payments for a reduced quality of life, the stress levels will be running high & this is when accidents happen. Seriously, get a grip man! (rather than the door doing it for you .... (please laugh)). Says he who once held the top of a Volvo 145 door frame, & slammed the door. It closed fully. Oops - Fingers - PAIN. The resourceful qualities of newly qualified skool teacher Mrs. Loathecliff shone forth that day when she enthusiastically offered to belt the fingers of my left hand to compensate for the pain in the rapidly swelling ones of the right.
    2 points
  2. Hi All, Finally got some time to clean the car. Near 8 weeks of ownership to date and having come from a long string of what i would class and powerful cars (GTR's and supra's) i'm one very very happy owner. The car truely depicts comfort for the daily drive and is a raw power house when required, something my previous cars lacked. The majority of my previous cars were bit OTT for the daily commute. It needs a bit of tidying, wheels will be refurbed, few scratches need to be polished out etc. All good otherwise Thanks for looking
    1 point
  3. Rudy what's the part number of the Japanese spec one, I have some contacts in Oz who may be able to help.
    1 point
  4. When the RX hits showrooms Lexus will make sure there are so few of them that it creates the illusion of great demand. There are bound to be some who are disappointed at not being able to get hold of one, and that allows dealers to sell on ex-demo models at pretty much new prices. After all, if you are told you will have to wait 6 months or more for a new car, and you are that desperate to own one, the ex-demo may be a more attractive proposition. After a couple of months the small number of people willing to pay new prices for used cars is exhausted, and then Lexus dealers have to start lowering their forecourt prices in order to shift them. That's the time to buy. Alternatively, wait a little longer and buy privately from somebody who doesn't like the car, or who buys it as a fashion accessory, then sell's it when the novelty wears off, and a newer trendier model takes it place. Always a few of them!!
    1 point
  5. Yep , agree completely with the above. That's why I've told the dealership that if they want a sale , they need to stop being idiots. Their response was as stated in my earlier post. Well they will lose a sale after I've had a freebie jolly courtesy of Lexus. Plenty of other stuff out there. I've got a Honda NSX on order and that seems to be another waste of space. The interior is not up to scratch and Honda have put back the public sale date. The price has also gone up considerably. This Japanese committee meeting decision process seems to be backfiring bigtime.
    1 point
  6. Used NX's seem to be hanging around for ages, partly due to dealers being totally unrealistic with their prices, and partly because word has got around that the car isn't that good. The near £30k premium for the top of the range RX is a joke, and I imagine it will also sit around on forecourts with over inflated dealer ex-demo prices. Lexus like you to believe there is huge demand for their cars, but I reckon they manipulate the import figures deliberately to give the impression of scarcity. Demand outstrips supply if 100 people want to buy an NX, and Lexus only import 50 a month, which makes the car look a bigger success than it actually is. The truth is it isn't very popular. Total UK Sales figures of the NX so far are less than 2000, which with 35 million cars on the roads means one person in every 17500 owns one. Dealer offers when you try and trade in an NX are really really low, which I take as an indication that apart from being greedy B's, they know it's going to be difficult to sell on.
    1 point
  7. Old thread revived for update on my LS400 So, I've had the Borbet Alloys fitted and put new Maxxi's on the front and Nexen's on the rear. I think the Borbets were refurbs from Poland and they are possibly the style on a smaller Lexus. Anyway, quite pelased with their appearance as the OEM's weren't flaking but impossible to clean between the pattern. Yes I think I like the look and didn't cost a packet. Standard size of course.
    1 point
  8. If you value your paint finish then avoid dealer washes. They use industrial strength traffic film remover applied with a gritty brush blasted off with a hugely powerful pressure washer. My f sport was covered in swirls as a result. Fortunately Lexus paint is soft enough to fairly easily polish and my paint is looking superb once more with a decent layer of wax applied. I now specifically say no to them washing it. Dealer washes are the work of the devil!! Ed.
    1 point
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