Hopefully you are alone Philip, at least those are my thoughts anyway. Without the cameras, the scumbags will get away with anything and everything on a regular basis.
Did you actually read the detail of my original post? People jump red lights everyday, I don't get overly concerned by that, just a little irritated but, when a driver actually pulls out from behind me in stationary traffic waiting at a red light, and then proceeds across the junction, then I'm afraid that that takes the biscuit!
I wonder what your thoughts would have been had you have been making a left turn at those lights, and you had had a head-on collision with a car that was on your side of the road (which you would not have expected at a light controlled junction), as this driver would have been. Would you not have been thankful that someone was able produce crystal clear evidence that shows that he was at fault and driving dangerously? Equally, there may have been a pedestrian who saw that the lights had changed to red and the first car in the line had stopped, and so he assumes it is safe to cross, but no, some idiot pulls out from that line of traffic and he has to jump out of the way, or worse still gets mown down! What if that pedestrian was a member of your family?
Sorry but I am a fan of CCTV, the more the better as far as I am concerned. I have first hand experience of shoplifters taking my profits away.
My thoughts are that if you can't abide by the rules of society then you should be removed from it until such time as you learn respect for others and their property, but that's another story.