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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2015 in all areas

  1. I ignore the MPG from the car as everyone knows it's not too accurate. What I do know, is that I generally got 350-400 miles out of a tank of unleaded in the A5 and I got 641 miles out of the last tank in the Is F-Sport. well impressed
    2 points
  2. My F-Sport was in need of a new set of wiper blades. I orderd a set ( 18 & 24" same as an Insignia!) from ,£13 delivered. They seem excellent quality certainly as neat looking as OE unlike some makes I have seen. They work out less than replacement rubbers from Lexus. The last time my car was in the dealers I asked for a new set and all they did was clean them, it s amazing what you see and hear on the dash cam!! I have no connection to other than being a satisfied customer. regards Ed
    1 point
  3. Having recently purchased a 2008 RX400h with the sat nav disc of 2007/2008, I decided to update. Following information on this forum I got a quote from my local Lexus Main Dealer, and then got a quote from Lexus and found that their price was the best. When ordering from their web-site it was showing a delivery of up to 32 days, but when I received the order confirmation it showed a delivery date of 05/08/2015, which I calculated to be 44 days. I decided that this was just too long as I wouldn't have the update for most of my trips out during the summer, so I cancelled the order on the evening of the 22nd. The site said that I would have a confirmation within seven days and I was surprised to have an e-mail from them on Tuesday morning 23rd. asking if I still wanted to cancel my order as the goods were being picked that day and would be despatched that evening. I agreed to accept the order as long as they kept to that schedule, and low and behold the discs arrived late this afternoon. I have posted this as information for other forum members who might be considering an update. Obviously I haven't tested the disc yet, but to me it shows that if you don't ask you don't get. Cheers Roger.
    1 point
  4. That's because what looks like a radiator at the front isn't. The radiator is an inch behind it.
    1 point
  5. Welcome to LOC B) I'd be wary too, at £350-£500 for a replacement unit (make sure it is a post facelift one) plus labour, you'd have to get the car at a steal to be worth it. It is possible to read the codes using the diagnostic socket and a paperclip, and count the flashes of the abs light. I don't have the full details yo hand though. From what I recall, pumping the pedal should eventually sound the buzzer as the pressure drops away, so that should be a way of checking the buzzer is still connected. Sent from my iPhone using Lexus OC
    1 point
  6. The scored bore issue made me back out of a gen 1 997 purchase too. I did no research and fell in love with it and left a deposit, my mate who is a massive Porsche fan, told me all about it, I rang a couple of Porsche dealers and they confirmed there had been issues so I walked away. Only way to buy safety is with a Porsche warranty in reality or spend more for a gen 2. Evora is a good shout. always liked them. And back to the OP, Julian that looks so good. Good example of how a simple change of stance and the right wheels making all the difference. Its perfect.
    1 point
  7. A software developer trying to put themselves out of business ? That'll never happen :D
    1 point
  8. Insurance companies are a bit like the banks-- rolling in money but still likely to try it on each year and rip off their poor unsuspecting customers. Look at the number of (very expensive) insurance commercials that fill our screens. Seems strange that when renewal time comes, your existing insurance company somehow always tries to "match" what you've been quoted cheaper elsewhere. It's a computerised racket and they are all in it together. Why can't your existing company quote you the "matched " price in the first place? There's a thin veneer of so called "competition" in that industry and the regulators are all toothless wonders. (Rant over).
    1 point
  9. I've found that OEM have the best balance between performance, dust and feel however, Pagid do good discs and pads so I'd be getting them personally
    1 point
  10. Agree with all those choices. I disagree with the earlier post about old vs young. I am no spring chicken but I like Chris Evans. he is enthusiastic and clearly very intelligent. His TV programmes to date happened to be aimed at younger viewers but his style may be dictated by the content, which for Top Gear will be different. CE is no spring chicken himself and you may be surprised at how interesting he makes the programme. As for radio 2, it is indistinguishable from radio 1 and plays utter crap and fluff most of the time. Steve Wright mostly plays disco music from the 70s, Ken Bruce is brilliant, Jeremy Vine is good (apart from the occasional stupid question - like asking that old Spitfire pilot what it was like baling out with an ejector seat) . Terry Wogan is still very good, as is Graham Norton but I suspect they are told what music to play. God knows what their intended demographic is. Elaine Paige probably gets her choice of show tunes on a Sunday but she is utterly unbearable. I have largely stopped listening to radio 2 as I am sick of the inane, homogeneous crap they insist on playing
    1 point
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