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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2015 in all areas

  1. Mine says I've a small willie and cars compensating for it...... either that or I'm a pimp daddy or drug dealer
    3 points
  2. Welcome to a very exclusive club of only 200 or so owners in the UK!!You may experience from time to time jealousy from a minority of other drivers,ignore them put your foot down and drive off into the sunset with a huge grin on your face!!
    2 points
  3. I don't think it's so bad with my silver 460 but, when I had the gold 400, people thought that my willy was so small that I was counter-sunk. :)
    2 points
  4. Congratulations Ace. Being a relatively new owner myself, I can honestly say you have made the right choice! They are an awesome car!
    1 point
  5. Congrats Ace, and welcome to a pretty exclusive club. You won't regret it for a moment as the cars do not have any real faults; it's all about keeping them serviced properly and having to spend a bit of money when it comes to tyres and brakes! Other than that, it will just run and run.......
    1 point
  6. Hi there, hsd same problem on my is220d "08 ! ..and no, its not normal to find your engine sprayed with coolant whatever other say!! I had big headache because of this plus my heating in the car wasn't working either as coolant level was slightly dropping to minimum level but not below!! A friend of mine suggested to look at the expansion tank cap lead and before spend @35 for a new one, i took out the cap and at the lower gasket i add a couple of rounds of plumbing tape which is used for water pipes(blue one): its very tin and stretching. Below the expansion water tank on the left side you'll notice a little rubber called the overflow pipe which it realise coolant from the system if that cap-gasket fail hence the spray all over moro or less. I would say to start here before you go in any other expenses!! bringing the car to dealer it's ripp off. They will have a quick fix and charge you for God knows what reasons!! Let me know how it go..
    1 point
  7. that's better i was hoping nobody saw the upside down picture i put up first
    1 point
  8. I must admit, I dialed up the ASC and then dialed it down again. I quite like NOT having a growly engine noise! (I do have a fat V8 TVR Chimaera for when I feel noisy ) Oh, and those reviewers who moan about the petrol revving and wailing when booting it - are they nuts? This is a seriously quiet car, and the lack of gear changes makes wafting around a real joy.
    1 point
  9. What a stunning car, you did very well. Please be careful about converting others who are not knowledgeable on Lexus motoring, makes it even more difficult for those of us who have been converted for many years and may need to change theirs.
    1 point
  10. Hi, I have a Lexus but couldn't get accurate data from fellow owners. A google search led me to which has all Lexus intervals on there and what seems to be all other models too. I guess it is best to know your interval rather than risking a snap and a new engine!!!
    1 point
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