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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2015 in all areas

  1. I am with the others, not for me, it looks cheap tacky and completely tasteless. Mike.
    2 points
  2. You are clearly very upset about this, and I think you are right to follow it up. However, it's not my place to give advice, and what I'm going to say may sound trite, but events over the Alps yesterday demonstrate that what we perceive as big problems really are not. I speak as one who is probably much like you. I am a perfectionist and stress over anything that is not just so. Having seen the grieving relatives on the news today and thought about what the poor people on that aircraft went through as it went down, and compared it to the stresses I feel during my ongoing house renovation, I intend to try and keep things in perspective as much as I can.
    2 points
  3. Took the IS-F onto Elvington Airfield early today. What a car! I was the only car on there so had two runways to myself. I was doing some on limit handling and also some high speed runs. Did some heavy braking and then sharp turns, the car held on very well. I was quite surprised at how well the tyres coped. The fastest I got was 168mph. I did a few runs and I can vouch the isf can easily cruise at 150 all day long. It was very stable at them speeds. Let's just say I was very impressed with the car!
    1 point
  4. Well he's gone, and I doubt Hammond and May will be renewing their contracts later this year either. My guess is that all three will sign up with Sky or C4 to present a Top Gear clone. Although he brought it on himself, I'm quite surprised the BBC took such a hard line with Clarkson, especially after they turned a blind eye to the paedos and pervs that worked there for decades.
    1 point
  5. If Lexus put a Diesel engine into a LS they might as well take the L away and replace it with a T so it would be a TS (TRACTOR SALOON) rather than Luxury Saloon .... I'd never buy one as I hate diesels with a vengeance ...
    1 point
  6. I fitted a vaistech to my gs450h. The setup is much the same in the ls. Simple plug and play setup, no wire cutting. Only work is removing a few trim panels and stereo to get to the plug at the back. You can plug in your iPhone or use a usb stick. Everything is controlled through your normal car media controls, eg steering wheel as you would the cd. Sound quality is excellent and as yet not had any problems. I posted a few pics and details in the Gs threads. Carl
    1 point
  7. I think that looks fab, makes it a little bit individual as well.
    1 point
  8. Hmmm. What you say betrays a common misconception. Life is not a zero-sum game: it is perfectly possible to be equally upset about terrible disasters happening to other people and also non-life-threatening problems of your own. You don't have to choose, you don't have to rank these things in some sort of order. Being troubled by your own problems does not mean you are lacking in empathy or a sense of proportion. I'm sure you mean well but, in my personal view, you should not be telling someone else how to feel about their own difficulties. First of all, I did not tell anyone how they should feel. If you read my post more carefully, you will note that was careful to relate my views to the way in which I get stressed over what seems like major problems. It was not advice, just an observation. Your view about life not being a zero sum game etc. is true enough, but it does us no credit and is only the case because we have such privileged, spoiled, soft lives compared to many and have little to worry about, except the occasional family tragedy or health issues. We generally worry too much about trivial matters. I was watching the news about the plane crash as I read the OP's comments about being ashamed of a wrinkly seat and it seemed disproportionate, which in turn made me think about how I sometimes react to what are usually fairly trivial problems in the scheme of things.Your comment that my point betrays a common misconception is meaningless and irrelevant and assumes that I was discussing facts. I was not, I was discussing perception, which is 100% subjective. My perception of how we deal with specific issues is not wrong, and it's not right, it's just my perception, and my opinion. I don't care whether you think I meant well or not (although I did), and that comment is simply patronising. Again, if you read my post more carefully, you will note that I specifically made the point that it is not my place to give advice. I suggest you adopt the same view. I don't expect you to agree, and I'm definitely not going to get into an argument with someone who can, firstly, completely miss my point, and, secondly, contradict themselves by giving me advice.
    1 point
  9. I just wonder if you really need one when you have privacy glass? In a full year of ownership, I have never had to toggle my manual mirror. Thoughts?
    1 point
  10. Graham, You live in a beautiful part of the country......but it must be a pain to have to travel so far to get to a Lexus dealer. I'm lucky to have 2 dealers within 20 miles. If I were you, I'd drive the car down to Edinburgh myself and have that face-to-face. Incidentally, I'm writing this on the ferry between Amsterdam and Newcastle - we are coming over for a family celebration. So, if anyone sees a silver 460 with Dutch plates around the Glasgow area, give me a wave.
    1 point
  11. Clunkfish .....Lol so your saying because it doesn't have the fake stuck on wood effect that Lexus interior is cheap and tasteless... OMG lol My personal opinion is no it looks cheap and way out of place I had a imported SC400 limited that had this stuff on centre console when I got first job was peeling this fake plastic rubbish off... But as I said that's my opinion, My wife doesn't listen to me so not expecting anyone else to either 😝
    1 point
  12. The car arrived this morning with a bunch of flowers for my wife. Very happy. I will post some pictures when it is light! Just another quick question. Does the car have to be unlocked for the power tail gate to work via the key fob? All it does it beep when I try to open it with the fob when the car is locked
    1 point
  13. I'm glad to see the back of him, especially as my daughter and wife think of me as a Jezza lookalike ! I don't watch light entertainment shows on tv, that's what TG has become. Maybe I'm a bit of a nerd, but I'm interested in cars and the show isn't about cars any more. If my memory serves me correctly, I remember Quentin Willson demonstrating a stable glass of water on a revving Lexus V8 engine many years ago ? I found the William Woollard era interesting too, always about cars. Told you I am a programmes don't have mass appeal I guess......I'll get me coat !!
    1 point
  14. I see William Hill are offering odds on new presenters, with the favorites being Chris Evans, Piers Morgan and Boris Johnson. Gawd help us, Joe Pasquale and the Chuckle Brothers would be better.
    1 point
  15. I'm glad. The show needs a refresh and getting rid of him or all 3 of them is no bad thing. Maybe it will survive and maybe it won't. Either way it was tired, contrived and as a car show a load of poop. Good luck to them if they go elsewhere. Stu
    1 point
  16. oh that is good news. It is about time the wheels were sorted out!
    1 point
  17. If it was triggered by the code reader, you can reset it by bridging two of the pins in the OBDII connector under the dash, you need to bridge pins 4 and 14 Procedure is: Ignition off bridge pins ignition on (do not start the engine) Leave on for 30 seconds ignition off remove bridge Check that lights are now extinguished. If you don't want to do it yourself, if you are close enough to me in Basingstoke (on the mobile app, you can't see posters locations even if you have for it on your profile), pop round and I'll do it for you.Agree with Colin re: the alarm. Could be a poor battery, but also large metallic objects left in the centre console area can play havoc with the alarm for some reason.
    1 point
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