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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2015 in all areas

  1. Just got my courtesy phone call off Lexus Edinburgh Re my warning messages on dash ..... All down to a knackered 12v battery not holding a charge and low voltage, so new battery ordered at a mere £291+penny's fitted (seemingly a specialist battery with no cheaper alternative) this bill will be picked up by myself as not under warranty Heated seat problem is down to heat Element being KAPUTT so replacement seat base+ leather ordered at a costly £1350+vat covered by my warranty Windscreen washer jets not adjusting so new ones fitted under warranty 😃 (didn't even realise the was a problem with them) Lexus Recall work on fuel servo line being done as soon as parts are in So all going well I shall be sat back in my car (with a warm bum may I add) by the end of week As car was recovered by lexus assist it will be transported back up to me 200mls at no cost I'm a happy chappie 😃😃😃😃😃
    2 points
  2. To be fair Mike, I think you must have a well trained ear to be able to tell the difference between the ML and the stereo in the MK4. Maybe when you have them side by side you can tell the difference. it's been a while since I've had a mk4 so it's hard to tell from memory.
    1 point
  3. Cockney female genital parts maybe? :p Sent from my iPhone using Lexus OC
    1 point
  4. Graham, I'm glad you're still around to enjoy your LS. As for your sense of humour, I realised that was intact when you proposed using a solar panel - in Scotland :)
    1 point
  5. O.K. it's not a Lexus but.......same idea. Don't venture into little (Italian in this case) towns if you take your car abroad!
    1 point
  6. Glad to hear that you and L600h are back in the land of the living Graham. As regards Solar Charges, beware the Solar Eclipse !! Regards John
    1 point
  7. lol - so both you and the car on the road to recovery!
    1 point
  8. So am I.....unlucky for you as I'd made you beneficiary of my car if I'd snuffed it.... Ps altered last will and testament now n your written out of it now lol .... Yep my sense of humours back as well lol
    1 point
  9. Graham, I'm glad that both you and the LS are up and running.
    1 point
  10. Sounds like a pretty good result considering!
    1 point
  11. Graham, As I said earlier, that was almost exactly what happened to my 460 last year. According to the US forum, these cars eat batteries if you don't either use the car or keep the battery charged. Good result!
    1 point
  12. Hi Rudy Lovely looking car and really pleased to hear that you have got the door card off to open the door. I had a similar problem on a Merc 190 a few years ago - managed to get the door trim off after removing the door rubber from inside the car but it was not an easy job. Well worth spending the time, effort and money to eliminate the faults - enjoy your new toy! Regards Colin
    1 point
  13. ......... and you thought you was buying a Lexus then !!! ........... hehehehe Malc sorry, couldn't resist it
    1 point
  14. Been some 7+ years since I had my Mk1 ..... until then the very best car I had driven ....... ever .......... and I drove most of what we had on our garage forecourt ... . Bentley, RR, Aston Martin, Jag etc . the Ls400 was the very best daily driving car I could have wished for..................... on reflection, guess it wallowed a bit, 15 inch brakes and wheels didn't compare to the hugging and braking performance of the Mk2 on 16" stuff.. and I loved my Mk2 ....... it seemed markedly better than the Mk1. Engine performance ....... well tbh I can't really tell now the probable slightly appreciable difference in the Mks, all being superb with 4ltr power. I do like the PWR mode in my Mk3, which I leave it in for my daily drive, it's just magical. Looks, well, I do really like the Mk1 and Mk2 bodystyle best, but then I am old and a bit old fashioned in my outlook ...... preferring say the 1961 E Type Jag to later models and the 1960's RRs.. I think good well kept Mk1s will be very collectable at some time .............. but possibly not very useable as a daily driver coz one wants to keep classics for sunny days and in cotton wool a bit too. That's what I like about my Mk3, it's a very useable daily driver that can be used, is worth bugger all and irreplaceable except with another Ls400. Malc
    1 point
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