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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2015 in all areas

  1. Cameron is a superficial lightweight with no substance, gravitas, depth, ideology, character, integrity or genuine convictions. He is dismissed on the international stage as inconsequential and has no place outside the incredibly privileged bubble in which he has existed all his life. He is a cynical, nasty Bullingdon bully boy, with not the slightest concern for the lives of ordinary working folk. Personally, I think it is entirely appropriate that he should comment on the situation of soap stars and TV presenters. It is when he starts to talk about serious issues that I worry. Sadly, the alternatives seem little better.
    5 points
  2. I noticed this a couple of days ago on eBay, green 400 and a gold one, same area, same advert style, and loves a multi coloured font lol
    1 point
  3. You can have my Bluetooth one for a fiver, it doesn't work with iPhones, just android handsets and PCs....
    1 point
  4. .... wait for the 460 and in the meantime relish in your Ls400 and the non bills that come your way Malc
    1 point
  5. I so wish you well with the Lexus remedy for your LS600 ills ......................... it beggars belief the grief you're having with this car ......... I really can't think that I'm going to ever change from my Ls400 now .......... . the 430 woes put me off bigtime as I can't see any point in getting what is now into " old banger " territory with potential huge bills to match. The Ls400 is way past being in that territory methinks, at 20 yrs old now too....... and hardly a bill in sight !!!! So it might be a 460 one day I guess BUT with the potential bills you would have had with no Lexus cover, well, a Ls600 would be ridiculously impossible for me to fund to keep in fine fettle and on the road ..... when I could be spending all that dosh on more holidays tbh Malc
    1 point
  6. in 7 years of lexus ownership ive never used to parking brake and never had any problems
    1 point
  7. I'm not so sure the problem is mechanical damage as the speed of MG1 will change to balance the engine revs, as it does when you accelerate hard whilst moving. The problem would be with MG2 as it is in effect stalled and a stalled electric motor has much lower effective resisitance than when it is rotating (due to back emf) and hence greater current flow and possible overheating. I would guess though that the electronics would prevent you from causing major damage.
    1 point
  8. i,ve just fitted the mirror mod and it works a treat
    1 point
  9. Nice colour, nice car, enjoy the driving (every day)
    1 point
  10. Hi Mark thank you for you remarks yes the car does seem to be attracting some attention, especially from next door when i start it up at 3am to go to have been lucky with the weather, the colour really shines in the sunshine, like the ISF i don't think people know exactly what it is. what did you think of the test drive? Well, suffice to say I went into the dealership after the test-drive, they've taken my Nov.'14 BMW M4 and my new RCF will be collected on the morning of Sunday 22nd March, Blue / Grey combo, TVD, sunroof, ML, PCC & ACC... it was the only one on the boat that had the colour scheme I wanted and it just happens to be fully loaded :) The guys at Lexus Derby got me a great deal on the M4, and I have an RX450h as a 'run-around' for free whilst I await the RCF. Try getting that kind of customer service from your local BMW dealer! This isn't just about the car, it's also about the brand and all it stands for...
    1 point
  11. Beautiful, Rudy. Many congratulations from a very fastidious enthusiast. Pepe
    1 point
  12. I'd have agreed on Quentin Wilson until watching his new Classic car series. He's turned in to some kind of grotesque caricature of himself, with a laboured delivery and constantly squirming round in his chair like he needs a pee. Shame, because I thought Top Gear was at it's best, for me, when Quentin and Clarkson (before he got too big for his boots) were passengers to Tiff Needell and quite obviously scared to death as Tiff thrashed the latest car on test.
    1 point
  13. OooooooooooooooooooAAaaaaaaaaaaHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Why couldn't we have cars like this when we were young and single? What a fantastic looking car well done and enjoy.
    1 point
  14. I am, of course, talking's an age thing...the cx was the citroen named after the acronym in French for aerodynamic get my coat....
    1 point
  15. I hope he doesent come back, all he does is look down on the Japs and promote the unreliable Germans.
    1 point
  16. If they are claiming that the Lexus satnav does not have full seven digit postcode entry, they are not wrong - it doesn't. A full postcode entry system is far more useful in my experience than the four digit "district" approach used by Lexus. Many of the remote addresses that I visit (farms etc) are on un-named roads and do not have a number. The Lexus system is pretty useless at finding them whereas my Tomtom 910, with full postcode entry, finds them in a blink. The Tomtom is actually better in a number of other ways too, but that's another story. My understanding is that the full postcode information is significantly more expensive to buy into than the truncated version. It seems to me to be a very fair question to ask why an aftermarket device costing a few hundred quid is better equipped than the much more expensive Lexus device?
    1 point
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