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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2015 in all areas

  1. Cameron is a superficial lightweight with no substance, gravitas, depth, ideology, character, integrity or genuine convictions. He is dismissed on the international stage as inconsequential and has no place outside the incredibly privileged bubble in which he has existed all his life. He is a cynical, nasty Bullingdon bully boy, with not the slightest concern for the lives of ordinary working folk. Personally, I think it is entirely appropriate that he should comment on the situation of soap stars and TV presenters. It is when he starts to talk about serious issues that I worry. Sadly, the alternatives seem little better.
    2 points
  2. I find it disturbing that hundreds of thousands of people are willing to sign a petition to have him reinstated when they don't know what happened - because we don't, yet, do we? To me, that says everything about his 'constituency' - unthinking, uncritical, mob-mentality. Apologies if this includes people on here who signed the petition - no offence meant - but is there something about physical assault that's not serious any more? I wonder what kind of offence he would have to be accused of for people NOT to rush to his defence? He's clever and when I've seen him on things other than Top Gear he has been funny, but he's basically a bully who hobnobs with Cameron at weekends and thinks he's untouchable. And bullies need to be stood up to - whether or not they're physically violent. Sorry to sound a grump, but I'd feel more positive if I knew that the same 676,000 people were also signing petitions to stop cuts to the local health and social care services I work for. In comparison to those, Clarkson doing wheelies in a Ferrari and burning off thousands of pounds worth of rubber doesn't seem very important, no matter how much money the programme brings to the BBC.
    2 points
  3. OooooooooooooooooooAAaaaaaaaaaaHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Why couldn't we have cars like this when we were young and single? What a fantastic looking car well done and enjoy.
    1 point
  4. I've seen that car for sale for a very long time. I thought it looked nice too
    1 point
  5. Looks stunning, look after her, enjoy. Graham.
    1 point
  6. Il come down be nice to meet some of you
    1 point
  7. Hi interest in coming down might not eat tho will add name bit nearer time in case something comes up as wife works weekends will need sort kids out
    1 point
  8. Best colour - I agree, well done. Pete
    1 point
  9. Congratulations Rudy, She looks absolutely great :)
    1 point
  10. I find that the most surprising thing about this whole affair is that our Prime Minister felt he should put his two penarth in when you think of all the things that are going on in this less than perfect world we live in that should have his undivided attention. I suppose he thinks it makes him a man of the people. Mike.
    1 point
  11. Here in leeds lexus and Toyota are at the same place where I ordered it from the parts counter, I'm trying to keep mine as original as possible, I've put new wheels on mine but saved the original ones in case I sell ever!.so I always stick to main dealers.
    1 point
  12. What was that I said about the media being state controlled and Clarkson becoming front page news?? Total distraction from what is going on! With everyone focused on Clarkson how many knew about the government finally confirming the NHS not being exempt from the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - this is being negotiated behind the closed doors of the wonderful EU commission between the US and EU. Just over a year ago or so, hardly anyone had heard of the TTIP and there have been many demonstrations up and down the UK against this with millions signing a petition and so on....did you know or have you got the blinkers on? Wake up. It will effectively make the privatisation of the NHS irreversible - cue private, secret investors and American companies stepping in to use the NHS for their own ends. Not only that, it will allow corporates to sue the government for lost profits - totally ludicrous with the health service can you imagine that? Also during the Clarkson furore there was an election debate - these two issues crept in totally under the radar. BOOM! So would you say we are like mushrooms? 'kept in the dark and fed s**t'
    1 point
  13. How about putting the toothpaste on the reversing lights to make them whiter. Class 1 Police driver reversing into a wall....... tut tut, mind you, I watched a class 1 Police driver take the beacons off of a Transit, now that was funny!
    1 point
  14. Please revisit this post and remove your VIN no. You're showing your car/ colour/ registration and now the VIN number. Keep some things never know who may be using your info elsewhere.
    1 point
  15. I'm sorry to inform you Chris that the replacement batteries you've ordered from Amazon won't be an improvement.....they'll be flat in shape too ! :winky:
    1 point
  16. Sorry but he has got to be sacked if this turns out to be true, look at the aftermath. He don't get sacked will give the message you can thump your manager/producer and all is acceptable, what happens if the next person thumps a manager and does get the sack, then you have victimisation because clarkson didn't get sacked. A legal minefield will be created. You all go and thump your manager tomorrow and see how long you keep you job, not long i guarantee it. I quite like clarkson, he can be a ****** at times and he is not everyones cup of tea i admit. The bbc have got to be firm here and create a warning that this is not acceptable no matter what the starting issue is. He will move to other shows and i'm sure he won't disappear, topgear if it continues wont be the same without him though.
    1 point
  17. ..... in his own words ,,, On that bombshell ... its goodnight Clarkson !!
    1 point
  18. Hasn't changed much has he!!
    1 point
  19. I take it you have rain drops on the seat, I once had this, I removed the internal panels and got the wife to pour water on the roof and saw where it came in and filled the hole with black mastic,if you open the roof and stop it half way you can check for any splits in the rubber,a new seal from lexus was about 167 if I remember right, but it was a 3 day wait, and it took me a morning to do the change over,it was fairly tricky to do though, if you opt for a new one, fit it in place and do the bolts before removing the tape cover.
    1 point
  20. I hope he doesent come back, all he does is look down on the Japs and promote the unreliable Germans.
    1 point
  21. You need one of THESE.....not even a key to start it! No heater, no........thing to go wrong!
    1 point
  22. This happened to us a few weeks after we had bought our RX300 - turned out to be the oxygen sensor which (as those American sites referred to in the other reply mention) is really easy to disconnect when someone is fiddling with the engine. In our case we took it to our Lexus dealer and they checked, found the sensor was faulty, and replaced it -- all for no charge, which was a nice introduction to Lexus service standards.
    1 point
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