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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2015 in all areas

  1. He has been suspended after a fight with a producer. Will this be the end of him on the BBC? ITV must be rubbing their hands together. They will let him punch all the producers he wants if went over to them. Mike
    2 points
  2. Think he should STAY. Jeremy IS Topgear whether anyone likes it or not - you could say he has become a brand in his own right and has been on the show for how many years now? As to what he thinks of our beloved LS well that is neither here nor there and let's face it he did love the LFA . He is not PC, has a sense of humour and shoves it up the general media establishment, who are all state controlled regardless. You cannot say he is totally in love with our 'teutonic' pals across the water - he does love a Jaaaaaaag and did own an XJR for many years, likes TVR too and Astons. Yes, he does make statements that provoke a reaction and he does court controversy - do you think he really means it? from a man that parks a BAC Lightning in his garden I would doubt that. In fact, not a week goes by where I hear someone say in conversation - 'you can't say that now' honestly what is the world coming to? no sticks or stones may break my bones? is the general populace now terrified to give an honest opinion or take the mickey? However, I do not watch Topgear and for that matter television - too much garbage. Excuse my little bit of a rant gentlemen and fellow '400 owners.
    2 points
  3. Hooray! Clarkson suspended. No more slagging off Lexus for a while and no more promoting all things BMW, Merc or Audi. The German car industry will miss all that free advertising each week.
    2 points
  4. I tried this and it works, but you must, keeping foot off brake, press start button twice so all the dash lights up. D
    1 point
  5. Hope you guys will forgive this. I come from a Citroen origin in cars. Here's why. I had 3, and this tempts me! though can't afford them. Puts the cost of a LS into the bargain level though!
    1 point
  6. Get rid of football I say. 22 blokes chasing a bag of wind.....waits for the explosion. 😂
    1 point
  7. You need one of THESE.....not even a key to start it! No heater, no........thing to go wrong!
    1 point
  8. Sorry, can't agree. He is just about the only sensible voice in this crazy, touchy-feely, PC obsessed world that we now live in. One of the reasons I live in Holland is because I am so disappointed in what the UK has become. And he loved the LFA.
    1 point
  9. Somebody at Lexus Hatfield needs a lesson.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I'll add one more to help your record ! I live in dry stone wall county (Yorkshire) and have only 14" either side along the road to my driveway. If you meet another vehicle then, dependant on how far you are down the lane, one has to reverse. For all the 6 years with my RX400h SE-L reversing at night, in pitch black, has been a nightmare. There only needs to be one stone sticking out and there goes another £150 for bumper repair, and I've had two done. Before anyone chips in with some wisecrack as an advanced driver for 49 years & holder of police class 1 I think I know how to reverse but in this car it is an experience in the dark you never hope is you have to do. Your initial point about the revering lights being crap is totally correct and quite honestly I think some people on this forum have never had to reverse in those situations. I removed my deflectors within a couple of weeks of buying the car, made some difference but not enough to save my rear bumper !
    1 point
  12. I recommend Listerine to make her breath better ! :D
    1 point
  13. I hope the Lexus's modesty will be concealed by a cover of some sort while on the back of the recovery lorry? We don't want to give the wrong impression... Meanwhile, Graham, remember that the instruction 'Contact a dealer' means something different to a lot of hoody-wearers LOL,
    1 point
  14. Found on a sale post! (THIS is how to sell your LS?) 'The Lexus LS400 is one of the World's most elegant saloons. In my experience, there is quite simply nothing that matches the reliability, workmanship, comfort and value that a Lexus can give you. Lexus is not just a brand to me. It is a mind-set. They have a philosophy of doing things right, first time round, and I admire that. Lexus is still a relatively young brand considering they have only been producing cars for the past 25 years. However, as some of you may know, Lexus is the creation of Toyota and it was there aim back in the early 1970’s to create a brand that was the best of the best. The first Lexus that was launched was the LS400 back in 1989. This was the end result of nearly 20 years of research, time and thought that went into the creation of the first Lexus. There are a lot of interesting facts regarding the LS that many people are unaware of. One thing is for sure, Lexus went out of their way to create a luxury car and I will briefly explain a few out of the many reasons why. For example, during the creation of the engine for the LS400, Lexus called in Yamaha to acoustically tune the engine note of the original LS. To show how refined and well-tuned the LS400 was, as a demonstration to customers, Lexus would fill a glass of wine and place it on top of the engine. Then someone in the driver’s seat would start the car and then rev the engine, even to its peak, and throughout the process the glass of wine would simply not spill. Amazingly, Lexus still stand by this. Believe it or not, the LS’s 1UZ-FE V8 engine (the 4.0L V8) has a six-bolt main and is the only automotive engine of the era to be FAA rated. That means it’s so durable, the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States of America says you can put one in an aeroplane, no problem. And people have done it. The leather used to upholster Lexus seats is made from the hides of cows that are kept without the use of barbed wire, to ensure perfect quality. During production, the Lexus LS received more coats of paint than a Rolls Royce of the same age. In fact, Lexus paint inspectors are required to pass an examination of their skills four times a year to continue working on the line. When it comes to the smallest and finest of details, during the development of the original LS, one team member was assigned to ensure the feel of each and every button and switch was perfect. He carried around three sets of fake nails to ensure buttons were suitable for all types of customers. This was unheard of then, and still is now.'
    1 point
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