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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2015 in all areas

  1. REAL life! None of this namby-pamby 'wrong kind of snow/leaves on the track' stuff THERE!
    2 points
  2. That's the point Eric. As far as the best all rounder for performance, economy, running costs, uniqueness, you can't beat the IS-F. If you tune up the M3 or C63, you have even more risk of something braking. The IS-F can take headers, a good exhaust, and nitrous if you are really serious. Net result can be in excess of 500HP. Difference is you don't lose the reliability. I've had friends with M3's. They all felt they were money pits. Same with the GTR and Porsche Boxter.
    1 point
  3. I am all for an IS-F also, seriously, with the specification of the C63 you would expect it to be quite a bit better than a IS-F, plus the Lexus is going to be far more reliable down the line. I do not buy into these people swayed by the general population and brainwashed into German cars, apple i phones etc (own a galaxy note 4 which is about a billion times better than a iphone 6, but that's another thing). In summary i usually buck the trend and go against the grain. Lexus IS-F is a fine car, was in Andys one, economy is pretty incredible too considering its a 5 litre.
    1 point
  4. Hi Paul we are staying in seaton. Our friends moved down there last year and they live on the seaside front so we will be able to pop in on them. I see you are in Devon, or as it's said "the English riviera".
    1 point
  5. ..... dicing with near death for those guys on the quayside with the mooring ropes ....... dopey in the extreme. Malc
    1 point
  6. Possibly from a deceased's estate ............. my 1994 Mk2 when I bought it at 8542 miles in Dec 2007 had lived a charmed life in Ascot and Kensington and had probably been parked up like this. There's not much on-street parking or affordable garaging in central London and I guess this might have been in this car park long term ........ might be wrong of course but my theory might stand-up ! Malc
    1 point
  7. No offense Geoff, but have you tried Saga? Sent from my iPhone using Lexus OC
    1 point
  8. Tut, tut, where were the hi-viz yellow jackets?
    1 point
  9. Hah! On my first night back with my 'new-to-me' Ser 4, I got up in the morning to find a neighbour -clumsy idiot!!- reversing out had swung around too soon and swiped his Mundano down the side/back end of it. Wrecked the front end of his car-just scraped the plastic lower door/back covers and dented a door on mine! Still cost circa £2K on his insurance! And confirmed everyones opinion of him as a complete *****!
    1 point
  10. ***** almighty!!!! one way of getting an under chassis wash!! i suppose. (yes i know salt is no good for your car)
    1 point
  11. If your sensors had gone you would have seen the dash board light up (VSC / Traction etc) These will initially be erattic (off and on) but as the sensor dies the warning lights will stay on. The fault will be stored for reference but have you had any lights on?
    1 point
  12. It just occurred to me but is it possible you need to get your oxygen sensors replaced?? It needs to be changed between 70-100k
    1 point
  13. Th The only difference AWD makes is that it means you're less likely to get stuck so 4x4 is really no advantage at speed where black ice could send any sort of vehicle into a ditch. Driving at 10mph in bad weather means you'll cause less damage if you do hit something - or possibly someone so I dont see the negatives of driving slowly in bad weather tbh There is driving slowly and there is driving to the conditions. Driving at 10mph on a clear road with snow at the side of it, in traffic, just because it has been snowing is more dangerous imo, as it causes hold ups, frustrations and for some people to do/try something stupid. Lets face it, because we only get a few days per year of snow, most people don't have a clue how to drive in it and react by panicking and doing silly things. Silly things I saw yesterday - more than one person, face of concentration/panic, white knuckles on the steering wheel, crawling along at 10mph in some wet/slush on the roadside. A guy in a Toyota Landcruiser, completely covered in snow (lights/windows all covered) expect for the windscreen, yabbering away on his mobile. A woman in Golf, who had cleared the windscreen of her car, but not the side windows, was trying to join the traffic in an urban road, from her driveway, but couldn't see out, but instead of clearing the side window, was sat with the door open to see the traffic! People rev'ing cars in wrong gear and spinning wheels trying to move away from traffic lights and wondering why they couldn't start off. Another women in a RR Evoque, with snow on the roof, got a surprise when it all ended up on her bonnet and she couldn't see, when she braked sharply at red traffic lights, because she hadn't been paying attention as she yabbered on the phone. All avoidable and silly really, people just don't think.
    1 point
  14. what's the betting lexuschap buys it at £500+ and puts it up at £4k as a low mileage etc etc Malc
    1 point
  15. not sure why we are even debating this..we all know most European car mags and on-line reviewers always bias towards German cars. Lets be honest, the Germans can build a fine auto-mobile and they deserve all the praise but so can the Japanese. on paper there is nothing between E90 BMW M3 Saloon, C63 AMG, Lexus IS-F and Audi RS4, as they all hit 60 between 4.4 - 4.6 mark so there is really nothing in it. we all know the BMW will take the handling when compared to the rest but by how much these days? BMW's used to be king when it came to tackling bends and corners at the limit but not so much these days heck even hot hatches like your Megane RS's and Seat Leon's front wheel drives have posted official faster times at the ring compared to these 4 high performance cars neither can all 4 out run a Nissan GTR from a rolling acceleration nor from a stop. so the decision to pick one say an RS4 over IS-F or BMW over C63 or vice verca will depend on personal taste but saying that the IS-F is a breath of fresh air since most not in the 'know' will always opt for a Merc, BMW or Audi based on information read from most reviews and articles but personally nothing beats the IS-F in terms of second hand buy(reliability) and its still exclusive when compared to the German counterparts who seem to be everywhere.
    1 point
  16. Don't believe the computer average mpg it overeads by at least 2 mpg. If you work on 30 mpg average you won't be far off and at least you won't get smelly diesel on your hands ;-)
    1 point
  17. Thanks Steve, do you know the procedure for removing the air bag? And to the other Steve, I've asked my doctor and he said it's just an age thing!
    1 point
  18. One thing...Not giving it time to cool before switching off? This isn't an old school turbo here. Why would you need to do that?
    1 point
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