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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2015 in all areas

  1. I recently paid just about £100 a corner for my Falkens ...... all-up, fitting, balancing, new valves, disposal and whatever else is involved .......... at Treadmark Tyres in Canterbury. And it was there 3.5 years ago that they laser re-aligned my tracking, camber and whatever else the high tech kit shows up needed doing at the time ..... with the appropriate trained expert to do the job, analyse and adjust etc They gave me the pretty coloured printouts showing before and after too. Malc
    2 points
  2. Could not agree more- no cutting corners here. Maybe on a cheap fiesta yes, but not on the 4+ litre rwd beasts we all love so much Just passed the MOT this morning with one silly advisory!
    2 points
  3. Mine gets used every day for all sorts of driving, short, long and tbh I don't worry any more about mpg ........... just fill it up when it hits the orange and a bit ( there's 100 miles left in mine when it hits orange ) and pay the card bill every month and thank heavens I can ........ when one gets older the finer things in life matter more, and to me driving my Ls400 is of prime importance and absolutely one of the finer things in life. Holidaying with my Ls is also a great thing to be able to do and something I so, so enjoy. Good food, home comforts, Ls400 driving and that other thing that seems to develop more when one's a tad younger ........ hahahaha .... get my first state OAPension this month ........... OMG ........ now I can afford more miles in Lexii ... ah the bliss of older age eh !!! ........ and getting old quite disgracefully is good too. Malc .
    2 points
  4. LS400 has little or no depreciation, set that against your fuel cost and you're laughing all the way to the bank. If you're doing a lot of miles, spend £1200 on a lpg conversion, and you'll be filling up at 50 p per litre, doing the equivalent of 40mpg + on petrol. As daft as it seems, because of the build quality/reliability of these cars, they are ridiculously cheap to run, and a lovely place to be when negotiating our creaking road network.
    1 point
  5. You just need an old scruffy leather jacket on .....with a cut off covered in badges to match the Era of the bike..... ......Great !
    1 point
  6. Many tyre shops offer free wheel alignment and fitting if You buy tyres from them.
    1 point
  7. Vicar's wife? You and me both - mostly gentle pootling but with the occasional foot down just to see the bonnet lift slightly and feel that push forwards. Good luck with the alloys!
    1 point
  8. . I think at that time it cost me about £50 or so, might be more now as it was 3.5 yrs ago and I guess early days in this technology being readily available too. Malc
    1 point
  9. Having posted recently about Mr Bones of this parish, re CAR set-up, it's good to read this (above). It might be pricy, but having a car that runs without wobble, tyres that don't wear unevenly, etc is vital?
    1 point
  10. Hi there Bryan, Welcome to the LOC. I cant help with your question but it wont be long before one of the guys come up with your answer. We are a friendly bunch and some have a great knowledge of our beloved Lexus LS. Mike
    1 point
  11. Could not agree more (though pension is a little way off, yet). There does come a time when collecting stuff means you cannot fit it into the house, so why not spend a little more on petrol to travel in luxury. But all in all the LS400 is by far and away the cheapest car I have ever run, regardless of engine size etc. I spent 6K on a Vaux cavalier in 1994, and 6K on a Vaux Omega in 2000, and £2.2K on my current 400 in 2012. I never expected the Vauxhalls to last that long, whereas I can see the LS is going to go until it is 25 years old, so long as looked after well. Am trying to persuade the good lady to do a driving tour of UK this year, but taking a while to convince her, but surely there is no other way to see this green and pleasant land then behind the wheel of a luxury sedan made by Lexus
    1 point
  12. Barry, Lexus dealers are not air-con specialists and I very much doubt there's anything wrong with the condenser itself. Most likely to be a leak at a joint or 'O' ring. If you havn't put a hole in it you won't need a new one at £800 a pop. I would take it to an A/C place for a proper leak test using a dye (won't cost much) and not rely on a dealer's expensive guess. At Lexus, you could replace the condenser and still find you've got the leak.
    1 point
  13. Apparently, the ISF was bog standard, other than the ABS being disconnected. At full chat the car sounded great. I was told that in the dry, 10 sets of tyres were used in a day! I noticed they were Michelin all round. The RCF is a great car and I am glad I had the opportunity to drive one round a track (albeit the slowest). How much better is it than the ISF, hmm I don't know. What I do know is that it sounded better, felt more planted and had better brakes. I had my hot lap with Alexander Wurz, boy he can drive!
    1 point
  14. IS200, IS300 share the exact same suspension components, If it fits the 200 it'll fit the 300
    1 point
  15. Andy I know what you mean about people I spend £15 a week on going to the gym and people say that's a lot then they spend £7.50 a day x 7 = £52.50 a week on cigarettes
    1 point
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