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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2014 in all areas

  1. I always feel tests are a false, manufactured opinion. I had had lots of mercs, bmw and lexus before I bought my late, much lamented ls400, a car I considered dynamically inferior to the marques mentioned. And...this may be the can argue that a bmwis more involving to drive, a jag is prettier, a Merc has more gravitas....but I don't think any of those manufacturers made a car with the blend of attributes the LS has. It's only when you LIVE with a car you appreciate its quality. To make an analogy, for roadtesters it must be like attending a a series of parties and meeting a load of strangers...and judging them on the brief time they spend with each stranger. Obviously the more charismatic, more idiosyncratic, best looking , will stand out...will be remembered.... For me, an ls400 can do everything all its competitors could do...but its blend of attributes are, and remain, unmatched. I have said this before but i don't think a car with such mechanical integrity, such impeccable manners, such tactility and such a resolved, coherent design has been available to the public before or continue my analogy, the ls400 CAN party, but it gets you home safely too....and then looks after your in, day out....
    2 points
  2. On the way home from work Christmas eve,had to stop for a picture as the sun had come out :-) Cant remember a Christmas being so mild down ere
    1 point
  3. There are still some really nice 400s out there but as someone as posted the chances of getting one are very slim as the population of earlier models diminishies the later ones are very much a premium car to own for the outlay , members who disposed of thiers regret it and the keepers learn from that. Merry Xmas and a Happy new year to all members.
    1 point
  4. NOOOOOOO! Not trolleys! I know Lexus paint is good but......always park well away from people/next to a wall/shop at 7 a.m./use's your treasure! And, anyway, they shouldn't just 'pop out'! Designed to survive 120 mph wind! Clear greetings today!
    1 point
  5. Good morning folks, I would just like to wish all of the members of the LOC a Very Happy Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2015 too. With massive thanks to everyone who has helped me with my various little queries etc. Have a great time folks.
    1 point
  6. I can never understand why they have two people driving two cars giving just the impression on the one they drive and having no knowledge of the other to be objective. Mike
    1 point
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