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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2014 in all areas

  1. Hello! From the north coast or Northern Ireland! These cars are getting more popular over here now what with the Lsd and lack of sierras lol. Nice site! I hope I learn a lot! Mine is an 01 se model, but seems to have a clatter of sport goodies which I can't distinguish what it might have come with and what someone has added... Super lowwwz Nice wheels Tinted glass Darker front and rear lights Sport grille Drilled and grooved discs Lsd Traction and snow Lip spoiler Electric seats Uprated ( I think) speakers Decat exhaust Things to do: Buff it senseless Replace tank ( over half way makes it weep from seam above prop) Replace a few unhappy looking studs on hubs Secure exhaust better/change back box Replace squeaky steering joint Waxoil Pic as I got it I've only had it a week, but what one done so far is remove the rs(ford part) badge that was beside the 200 part, remove the 200 and the Lexus badge, remove the sticker on back window, remove the ignorant reversing camera, tidy up the way the homemade induction kit was connected, remove the old airbox ducting from under bonnet, remove the yellow film on fogs and red on rear lights, fit a CD player, replace interior bulbs and gave it a good tight clean! oh and knock the wiper down a bit so it sits neat! And as it sits now Any comments or advice greatly appreciated! Anyone know where does a tidy hydro handbrake for one?
    1 point
  2. Definitely a personal choice comparing the performance of a V6 hybrid with a V8 but for me the sound alone wins the day even with the standard exhaust on the F. Having spent my pocket money on a H&S exhaust then I can whole heartedly recommend the upgrade for three reasons; the NASCAR rumble, nor more fake tips and the NASCAR rumble. Yes, the upgraded sound needs two mentions.
    1 point
  3. Yep you are now on record as a IDIOT.... Lol but your now a happy idiot and that's all that matters 😂😂😂😂😂
    1 point
  4. Easy enough to put your lights on as necessary without DRL's. Biggest problems are lack of Police vehicles on routine patrols and officers having to meet targets so go for easier options. So easy to prosecute for not using lights correctly whether not having them on or having lights on illegally....i.e. fog lights (front or rear) in use in inappropriate conditions. As for drivers who can't see darker cars without lights on then they should, in all conscience, be handing in their licence as they should not be driving.
    1 point
  5. Ho hum ................. I did say !!! Malc
    1 point
  6. Just a thought .............. the low mileage doesn't ring true with the amount of work done to repair. I would check each of the MOTs mileages as a starter ............... also query the gearbox issues that might have arisen from the rad needing to be replaced together with the waterpump. 101k miles with all this work done ....... summat ain't quite right methinks. Malc
    1 point
  7. I forgot to say my car also has radar cruise control. bilmac
    1 point
  8. Hi all, might I point out. my car is 2005, has all the extras listed by this guy, plus reversing camera as its the face lift model. and its not cat D At the price offered, you could buy it, install LPG, and still have money over. bilmac
    1 point
  9. Matthew Thats not an idiots trick, it is quite normal we all do it.
    1 point
  10. Can i go on record and say i am an idiot! having looked in the washer bottle i could see blue liquid in there, and the headlight washers worked too as i said earlier, so thought what the hell i will top it up anyway to the brim, and hey presto the windscreen washers now work!
    1 point
  11. Did you see that it's Cat D? Needs careful checking, and must be cheap, as resale can be difficult. Funny how every ebay write off had light damage isn't it? If I repaired a lightly damaged car, I'd take pictures galore to prove it, and yet I've never seen anybody else do it....funny that.
    1 point
  12. Blimey I make a jocular remark, and get torn to shreds!
    1 point
  13. See this post: Works very well :)
    1 point
  14. Phil, I parted company with my beloved LS 400 in November 2012. I then bought a 2009 RX 400h. It was a nice car with all the attributes you describe. wasn't an LS. In November 2013 I exchanged it for my LS 460. Once you've owned an LS, somehow, nothing else will do.
    1 point
  15. Hi my is200 is fourteen years old and still looks good as you say for what there worth just look after it and keep it
    1 point
  16. Well a year after starting this topic and umpteen recharges, I succumbed today and bought a new battery. Was quoted around £57-£60 from Motex (Unipart was the same price before they closed down), and Euro Car Parts had a "Lion" battery for £59, but decided to go for a Bosch battery at £70 (from ECP) because it's a trusted brand (never heard of Lion) and also it had 4 years guarantee instead of three. Bit more than I wanted to spend, as I'm sure I'm going to kill it in a couple years, because of the type of use the car gets..... I guess we'll see!
    1 point
  17. I had my 400 mk3 for 4 years and 80.000 miles........sold it woth 203.000 miles soon as I coud afford it I went mad for a 460.....I thought....if the 400 was so so smooth and quiet.....then a Decade on in development the 460 must be I loved the looks....I bought one with 10.000 miles on ....without so much as a test drive....I was so confident it would be a dream to drive.... {460SEL Air Sus}....Oh how wrong I was......The harsh ride was the first suprise....but with those frankly stupid low profile tyres on a car that in no way needs them was to be lived with. Wind noise was a big problem.....cured a little with the common internet fix ....of making a quietning plate from aluminium and siliconing it behind the front quarterlight trim....but much better when you just tap down both front windows a few mm whilst drivng....I would do this every time I had a windows down just to get some relief from the roar.... Lack of low down torque compared to the 400....far too many gears.....always changing when not needed. I had to replace all four tyres at 10,000 due to delamnatng of the centre tread....fitted new LS600 h tyres... Then set off from Cumbria at 7pm .....destination in the sat there 26 hours later....tired but got the chance to really use the car for what it was built for....Intercontinental TourDeForce ?.....the car was brilliant other than the above niggles.....but all the time....kept wishing I was n my old would have been a quieter smoother trip with an old friend. Less than a year with it and I had had enough....sold it for a V8TDI Touareg....even thought of buying my old 400 back....still look for it on ebay once in a while.... All of these comments are my own thoughts on the 460....I do not wish to upset anyone one who likes theirs....but it was such a dissapointment to me.... If I had never owned a 400 I would have been much more impressed with the 460. But in my opinion the 460 has not a patch on my 400 mk3....But I was after a smoother and quieter ride than the 400....and quite frankly....there is'nt one. I looked forward to the shortest or even better.... longest trip in the 400.......any excuse to drive it....never ever felt that with the 460. Sorry for the long story. Steve.
    1 point
  18. What an ingeinious use of a now largely defunct piece of equipmeant. I love this forum. Mike
    1 point
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