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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2014 in all areas

  1. I always feel tests are a false, manufactured opinion. I had had lots of mercs, bmw and lexus before I bought my late, much lamented ls400, a car I considered dynamically inferior to the marques mentioned. And...this may be the can argue that a bmwis more involving to drive, a jag is prettier, a Merc has more gravitas....but I don't think any of those manufacturers made a car with the blend of attributes the LS has. It's only when you LIVE with a car you appreciate its quality. To make an analogy, for roadtesters it must be like attending a a series of parties and meeting a load of strangers...and judging them on the brief time they spend with each stranger. Obviously the more charismatic, more idiosyncratic, best looking , will stand out...will be remembered.... For me, an ls400 can do everything all its competitors could do...but its blend of attributes are, and remain, unmatched. I have said this before but i don't think a car with such mechanical integrity, such impeccable manners, such tactility and such a resolved, coherent design has been available to the public before or continue my analogy, the ls400 CAN party, but it gets you home safely too....and then looks after your in, day out....
    1 point
  2. they will only listen, not mechanically check. They never need adjusting either, unless something is very wrong.
    1 point
  3. Should Lexus have kept the twin tail pipes on the current GS models? I think twin pipes looks sportier and nicer. What do you think?
    1 point
  4. Simple, make your own mind up based on your personal opinion of your drive. I've owned loads of Japanese cars over the years, most of which have been rubbished by the motoring press, but have suited my needs perfectly. If I'd taken their advice, I'd never have owned anything that wasn't German, and I'd have spent a lot more time fixing them.
    1 point
  5. Stuart - best not read the comments, as the level of English is - well not really English on you tube. But your point on loving a flawed car is valid when I was a Vauxhall man, and having driven a Ford Cortina Mk3 and later a Sierra, swore that Ford was crap, and then one day drove a Focus and had change of heart, but then spent another 6 years driving Vauxhalls. I do think having once driven a well put together car it is hard to go back to back to run of the mill, whether it be Merc, BMW or Lexus, My good lady looked at Mercs about 6 months ago, and she did not like the clutter and the layout - even though the quality of interior was good, and I felt the same. This is why I love me 400, not too much dashboard tech, the right amount to give me a relaxed drive. I have found my Mk4 easier to drive 400 miles in without back problems, so not sure if seat design changed. I do know from driving other cars that many of the modern cars with side air bags give me real problems due to the way the seat back has to be shaped, but bigger cars being a bit wider seem to mean the seat is not pressing on shoulder blades in the same way the do in a Mini or a Hyundai or Mazda. By the way if you really want to cry go look at some of the Mazda forums on diesels, my next door neighbour had real problems, and I was amazed at how many Mazdas blow their engines. So not all Jap tech seems ot be good
    1 point
  6. Think that's 4 of us now from the club going. A mini meet!
    1 point
  7. Nice to see another car that's clean this time of year. I presume you've got a layer of wax on to hold some of the winter wear at bay? Make sure you get a good leather cleaning/protection kit for the pale leather seats, something like this would last the distance and keep everything feeling nice and looking tip-top.
    1 point
  8. I have seen the video before, and this time got around the reading the somewhat idiotic commentary below from half informed nitwits. I would say both cars are good, but I have been thinking lately maybe the way to really work out which is the best is to review the Merc forum against the Lex forum. Which ever one discusses the car less means it is the best car. My reasoning - if the car is reliable the forum will be about holidays in France, when is the next meet, etc etc. rather than lots of calls for help because the car is in a lay-by needing some expensive spanner recommended to fix a widget under the bonnet. Anyone fancy doing the analysis to prove (or otherwise) which forum meets the best car criteria!! Personally when younger I found the Merc more attractive, but as time goes by I want a reliable machine not just an attractive one (could say that about the missus!!
    1 point
  9. Thanks everyone. Steve - the tax expired at the end of October so I will have to start it again from the beginning of November I guess. In terms of other 'niggles', it is missing a front headlight washer, there are a couple of very minor scrapes on the bottom edges of the bumpers (nothing serious and nothing £150 wouldn't fix in a body shop), the cambelt needs changing, there is a very small bit of damage to the back of the driver's seat (tiny) and it will need new tyres shortly. On the positives, the vast majority of the bodywork is beautiful and unmarked, no rust anywhere, MOT til May and everything works. Wing mirrors show no signs of fading, no lamination in the windscreen, no knocks or rattles that I could hear and a nice smooth drive. I will get Miles, my mechanic, to check it over tomorrow but it generally seems ok. Also on the good news front, I got it for £1000 which I think is a good price for a 1999 model in good condition.
    1 point
  10. Bluetooth compatibility tool is here
    1 point
  11. 1 point
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