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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2014 in all areas

  1. Found this recent article about the 25 year anniversary of the LS400
    3 points
  2. I will get some pictures put up tomorrow, and yep the TPMS sensors were a straight swap over
    1 point
  3. .... thought the black leather bound thing kept in the glove box was a chock for the wheels when changing pads? ...
    1 point
  4. Now that is awesome. Hmm, RCF - daily driver, LFA - weekend toy. Looks like I'm going to have to get a new job.......
    1 point
  5. Your car looks terrific and so does the RCF. That grill is starting to grow on me. If I'm not mistaken, that looks like an LFA next to the RCF, did you get to have a sit in that?
    1 point
  6. So apart from the weather a great morning...even if it was horrific to get up at 5.30. Glad we did though as we could park under cover in one of the paddocks and hide from the rain. After spending most of Saturday prepping the F a bit of rain wasn't going to stop us. In fact I even had my daughter and wife wiping down the car. Quite a few people loved the car and wanted to know more about them. We did see these beauties as well They were brought along by Lexus UK and I had a good chat about the RCF. They mentioned that the Ascari trip was at the dealer's discretion over who they could invite but they were also trying to tempt some buyers away from Audi and BMW so that's where some of them may go. Shame really as if it drives better than the F I would be sorely tempted to get one. They also said that the model the mags tested wasn't the carbon model but the standard one. Might explain why journos thought it a bit heavy but only time will tell when I can have a proper drive of one. They did let me sit in it and start it up. It does sound a lot more meaty than the F and I found the controller much better than the old mouse one. LFA-inspired dash was superb as were the seats. All in all a great day and well worth a trip..seeing so many V powered cars was amazing and I can highly recommend it. Now I need a lie down and rest..far too early a start.
    1 point
  7. It's already in the pipeline I've had a couple of near-misses with people walking into my path - makes 'em jump when they realise. What might be more useful is a proximity warning app to wake up all those muppets who wander all over the place while obliviously fixated on their twitter-feed or whatever it is that's so interesting on their smartphones.
    1 point
  8. Exactly the labour costs are just out of this world. I am in the wrong profession .
    1 point
  9. You will be hard pressed to get one as nice as this let alone at that price. I find it quite contradictory that we harp on on this forum about how good these cars are and then treat every candidate for purchase as a possible dog . The guy selling it is offering a free three month warranty and if there is anything seriously wrong with it it will show in the first three hours of ownership.Get real, these were £50k cars fourteen years ago £100k today. The quality does'nt go up the road with the last owner .Tyres are consumables they are not there forever if you are worried about forking out 400 pounds for tyres should you even be looking at one of these cars. Stop knocking the resale values you are only hurting yourselves.By the way the wires are related to the Lexus mobile phone set up that was then available on this model.
    1 point
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