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  1. .......from today, you can remove the taxdisk and holder and free up some windscreen real estate! First thing I did this morning, got rid of the horrid lease company holder with its No-Smoking symbol and lists of phone numbers. Windscreen is now sticker free.
    2 points
  2. This week marks our first anniversary, and I have to say that I love my 300h more each day. Looking back, quarrels have been rare except for when, without explanation, she would sometimes refuse to connect to my iPhone, or suddenly cut me off in mid- conversation. From time to time she would also freeze my iPod and memory sticks, but this was because she needed time to digest the contents before delivering them with fidelity and impressive power, sometimes accompanied by album art and other times not. Now that I have learned to be patient with her and push the right buttons, she is reliable and fairly predictable, although her frequent mis-hearing of vocal commands indicates a congenital defect which, if left untreated, she might pass on to future generations. Her navigational skills are occasionally questionable but, when she promptly supplies alternative choices, easy to forgive. When asked to move, she does so with poise and feline grace, stealthily and silently, gathering pace fluidly and without apparent effort, her body so smooth and firm as to make the weekly application of foams and cosmetic potions an addictive delight. Indeed, like all thoroughbred beauties, she insists on cleanliness and dreads the slightest blemish, inside and out. When in motion, she does not drone but almost imperceptibly purrs, and her whine upon stopping, which some have unkindly but not altogether unjustly likened to that of a milk-float, is neither offensive nor annoying and, on acquaintance, becomes quite pleasing. In an overcrowded and noisy world pervaded by noxious fumes, she enfolds you in her protective embrace and calms your fevered brow. Her multiple charms do not come cheap, but you soon understand that her taste for champagne can be satisfied for the cost of beer, since, like the well-bred lady she is, she demurely sips and never gulps. Not unexpectedly, her lithe elegance and hint of oriental mystery inspire admiration and curiosity, and perhaps a little envy, especially among those accustomed to weightier and brasher teutonic curves, but her response is neither haughty nor ill-mannered. Rather, she reveals herself as being pleased to be different.
    2 points
  3. Really good post and it's good to see and hear of other owners who look after their cars so well. I ran my LS400 for 13 years and did almost 230k miles and maintained it meticulously too. I sold the car last year and the new owner was very impressed with the service history and overall condition of the car. I changed my cambelt 4 times during my ownership and the original water pump lasted 180k miles and the replacement genuine part was £90 - now that's a good sign of build quality and durability. I hope my latest purchase, an LS430 will live up to the same level of reliability and quality as the LS400
    2 points
  4. Have a look at this ebay listing for the coolant 281146222065 from the USA
    1 point
  5. Euro Car Parts or Lexus/Toyota Dealer. I would say go for the original parts. Re coolant - Halfords or ECP - Something is better than nothing. Even water if need be.
    1 point
  6. Hello, The most likely cause of this type of fault is usually associated with: A. a short circuit somewhere in the wiring loom where a permanently fed live circuit has been breached and is now making contact with an ignition or auxiliary fed circuit. B. a short circuit in an electrical or electronic component that is also causing a permanent live feed to remain present in a normally switched service. C. a component such as a relay or other switching device that would normally disconnect a switched service, but who's contacts have stuck or welded together, keeping the feed live. If you feel confident enough to try to locate this problem, I would start by removing each fuse in turn until you come across one that will switch off ALL of the affected services. (not just one of them as this could be the designated fuse to that one particular component) This is a very difficult and exact procedure that should be carried out by a qualified Auto Electrician, but if you intend to go in blind, then please take particular attention to the following points: 1) IMPORTANT! if your battery drains to the point where you can not restart, then please, please, please...DO NOT use jump leads to try to restart. Any surge experienced by either your own car or the donor vehicle during connection could cause a catastrophic failure in any of the ECU's in either vehicle. For safety's sake, remove the battery for bench charging - or at least, disconnect the battery's earth lead. 2) when replacing the battery after charge, leave the earth lead connection until last. 3) when removing fuses during your diagnosis, DO NOT disconnect any fuse or component associated with the air bag system 4) be prepared for some inconvenience should the security system and immobiliser loose it's programming and prevent you from restarting due to lock-out. 5) should this problem suddenly appear to right itself, it should not be left. It will most certainly return at some point -usually at the most inconvenient time. I am sorry if this seems to be a gloomy message, but I cannot recommend more highly, that you seek the help of a qualified auto-electrician. Kind Regards, Eric (Auto-Electrician)
    1 point
  7. Conversation now held. He wanted to understand servicing costs, running costs, purchase cost, known issues and generally about the car. I pointed him to the link on his forum around issues we have had with our ISF's. Also pointed him towards Lexus Woodford. Only negatives i could think of were firm ride but stated this was expected for such a car, exhaust note was to quiet for me, Nav was a bit dated, should have been more driver modes and mentioned throttle controller and poor iphone integration. That’s it! He said that the more he researches the car the more he likes it and was stunned that there are no common issues. I mentioned the Americans had water pump issues but not a issue over here. I am not aware of any indys who service the ISF’s so stated that as well. He was also impressed by depreciation, ot rather lack of. Asked him to let me know when the article will be issued. Looking forward to it. Stu
    1 point
  8. I'd have chrome arches on my LS if I could. I like a little bit of bling.
    1 point
  9. Studying religion briefly as you say you have, really puts you under the umbrella of "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" I've tried to study and understand different religions for the past 20 years. The one that concerns me most is the increase of Islam. At the heart of it, it is not a religion of peace. The so called "prophet" was a man who murdered everyone that stood in his way, and taught his followers to do the same. Compare that to Christianity where Jesus taught his followers to love their enemy. The two largest world religions are in total opposition to each other. Of course some awful things have been done in the name of Christianity, but these have not been done in accordance with the bible, whereas the atrocities carried out by many Muslims have been carried out in accordance with their book. Misunderstanding, or misrepresenting God doesn't make him any less real.
    1 point
  10. Anthropomorhic, can you get that at ASDA?
    1 point
  11. ............... and maybe as your Ls600 gets elderly .................. trade " up " to a Ls400 only joking ! ( or am I ) Malc
    1 point
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