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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2014 in all areas

  1. Not just the young uns drive about with no insurance. Couple of years ago a report shown that some high end cars were not insured as the keeper could not afford to insure it, but they still bought it, sounds daft eh ? Shame we never see these cars being seized and crushed, just think, 6pm news and a posh bentley in the crusher because the owner couldn't afford insurance, i would love to see them crying. Would make a good show actually, kind of reverse wheeler dealers, 1hr of car crushing delight with the footage of the car being seized. Make the owner watch as well for the final shot of joy for us.
    2 points
  2. Personally I like the chrome arches. The world would be a boring place if everyone had the same taste :)
    1 point
  3. Whenever I see any car with those chrome trims around the wheel arches, I cringe as I don't like the look of them and some owners use them as a way to hide any rust. My biggest gripe with that S-class was that it wasn't as well built or as solid as it's predecessor. Just my opinion though. These types of cars do represent great value on the used market - it's just ashame that the service & running costs don't go down the same way !
    1 point
  4. Apology accepted. Not only is my car green in colour but runs LPG. All of those that drive LS's are doing a grand job to help recycling as the amount of pollution created in building new cars is something that Governments, the Green Army and Business etc seem to convieniantly forget as it dosent fit into what I consider is the Great Climate Change/Conservation Lie. What are they going to do with all these batteries that are being produced for the greenies when they are of no use? Landfill? best thing is not worry about that problem as they dont have an answer for it. Climate change is my opinion one big Con. No one has ever been able to tell me why the last Ice Age happened, but I know one thing it didnt have anything to do with it and that was The Human Being. This earth we live on has changed from the day it was born and that is something that wont change until the day it goes bang or just dies quietly zillions of year from now. These are just my opinions and are not put on here just to annoy people. Mike
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Of course you got treated well, you went in there to spend £30k!! A good salesperson will not come to a conclusion on weather or not you can afford the cars they're selling purely on first impressions. It's the worst mistake any salesman/woman can make and it's trained out of them now. You think those salespeople start work at the dealer and are instantly allowed to sell cars? Nope, they undergo training before being let loose. Number 1 item in all sales peoples training is.... Do not judge on first appearances and treat every potential customer (every person that walks into the dealership) the same!!
    1 point
  7. But that's a one-off third-party conversion. MB would never do that to the S class, just as Lexus would never do it to the LS. And it's fugly! :)
    1 point
  8. That does look the business. Will match my LS. Mike
    1 point
  9. Best way to deal with any change such as normal exhaust to stainless is this argument. If i leave the steel one on it will rust and will cost stupid amounts to replace which you the insurer will cover, i am changing to stainless steel system which will last (10yr guarentee on the one i had on my car) a significant amount of time and probably will not need to be replaced by your cover. This is a quality and safety improvement and should not incur a policy premium raise. As you can see this will save both time and money for us both, so if you feel you need to raise the premium i will go elsewhere, you choose. I have used the above argument on many occasions regarding motorcycle exhausts, it works just as well on cars. For me i had admiral on my car and they said it does not matter as it is a safety improvement and cost effective. I rang them before i had it done so was well aware of any implication. I must admit though, some insurers are poor in quality and service and use any reason to raise the premium.
    1 point
  10. You should be able to get an individual pulley from a Lexus dealer - you just need to identify which one it is! The proceedure to change the water pump is quite complicated - not least because it says in the workshop manual that you need to discharge the aircon gas (and obviously recharge it again afterwards). This is so that you can remove the compressor - now I'm not sure if that is absolutely necessary - it may be possible to just move it out of the way without disconnecting the pipes. You most certainly need to get hold of a workshop manual before tackling the job. Has anyone here actually done it and could provide some pointers?
    1 point
  11. my brother said a pulley near that pump had some slight play in it also? cant remember the name of this but i think it would not be so trivial to change this pulley, indeed ordering a individual pulley might be tricky itself? will order that pump from blueprint anyway. :)
    1 point
  12. Saga, well, my experiences of them are as absolute shysters of the first degree ...... wait till next year's premium comes thru .................... will any of them ever be honest and ethical ....... sorry, rhetorical question .... we all know the answer Malc
    1 point
  13. Insurer's are just highway men without the mask. Ive just got my renewal through, it was £300 last year ive got a extra years no claims so guess what theve put it up to £410, bargain NOT. Im now going with saga £278 now thats more like it.
    1 point
  14. Yes, I am studying philosophy, in my fourth year, and although I am an agnostic who leans toward aetheism, I have a deep interest in religion, and studied it, albeit briefly, for a term, last year.. I would point out that almost any world religion has a huge degree of ambiguity built into it so that it is, in my opinion, a one size fits all moral guidebook...the problem with that is the ambiguity allows many translations and interpretations, and these translations can be tailored toward the ends of a minority of individuals world wide...ask yourself, how many innocent indigenous people the world over, how many innocent men, women and children have died the world over for as long as we care to remember in the name of Judaism, Catholicism, Islam and Protestantism? Historically, an untold amount. I have nothing but respect for our armed services, they do a job I could not and goto fight where they are sent. My problem is with misguided, crooked or sycophantic politicians who bravely take these decisions for them, in Iraq alone there have been over 100,000 civilian casualties from 2002-20013 from the result of 'allied' bombing...yet the situation seems to have, the solution...more bombs...Albert Einstein said his definition of insanity was doing the same thing over an over and expecting a different result....he also said there were only two things he knew to be infinite, the universe and mans stupidity...he then added, but I'm not sure about the universe....I think the application of his first definition gives truth to his second, don't you? I do not consider myself to be someone who is cleverer, more morally correct, than anyone else...I would never shove my views down anyone's throat...people may have different opinions to me and that's cool, but I'm pretty sure we could sort our differences without it coming to doesn't seem to work that way in the global scale sadly..
    1 point
  15. Hav'nt seen what was said but the climate change fanatics should be spouting in China or India. None of them seems have seen a map of the UK, to compare the size of us to the mega polluters.
    1 point
  16. Got the heated and ventilated seats on mine and it's either Chilly Willy or a Hot Botty !!
    1 point
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