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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2014 in all areas

  1. Malc, you're so right. I have the ''elixer'' of youth and a Lexus LS600hl. What could possibly go wrong. Why's the sage coming out? Chicken for Sunday lunch was it.
    2 points
  2. Have been offline for a couple of weeks, while I took the LS400 (or rather it took me) on the biggest road trip I've ever done: France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland, and then back. I'd bought this LS400 specifically to do the trip. Sceptical family/friends said I was mad to do it in a new-old car - one that I didn't already know and trust. After 2600 miles we're now home with all sorts of bounty: wine, cheese, truffley stuff, best salami I've ever had, olive oil, etc. And... the LS400 was flawless. Not a surprise to many of you, I'm sure. :) It dealt with the usual German high-speed Autobahn cruising as well as unmade roads to Croatian villages perched on proper mountains. Plus the urban perils of Ljubljana, Milan, Verona, Padua, etc. I only needed the Other Half to help me park it a couple of times! ;) And it also made easy work of the Spugel Pass between Italy and Switzerland. We paused a little way up for breath - it's one of those multiple hairpin turn roads, a bit of a white-knuckle ride. Worse fuel economy on the VERY hilly parts was 21mpg and the best was 35mpg on the flatter section through Belgium/France - both a pleasant surprise. This was on 95-ron petrol and with proper brim-to-brim measurements - the on-board computer is definitely a few mpg optimistic. I presume that Lexus is not as successful in the rest of Europe as the UK? I saw not a single LS in the whole trip. Just a few RXs. A great trip - can't wait for the next one.
    1 point
  3. Just noticed yesterday two bubbles coming out on my driver door just above chrome trim, not happy at all. Rust is my biggest nightmare its like a fobia to me. Ive seen this on lots of 430's seems to be in the same spot on all of them, so i presume it is a manufacturing fault??? Anybody know why this happens.
    1 point
  4. Due to no attendance this is cancelled will plan one in October :) Hello Guys, Following the success of the August meeting, Trying to organise a September meeting. 20th of September Bluewater or nearby pub? For a chat, catch up, coffee and donoughts ? :) Weather hopefully should be nice. Cheers Vasilis. Due to no attendance this is cancelled will plan one in October :)
    1 point
  5. Welcome back. My first ever Lexus, a Mk3, great car, got me hooked. Enjoy.
    1 point
  6. Quoting Phil ''I hope you live to tell the story many times having brought back all that artery thickening bounty! '' If you read the post very carefully you will see he bought back a bottle of Olive Oil, so he'll be OK.
    1 point
  7. I was upright, the room was drunk as well as the good lady taking the photo
    1 point
  8. Well done. As you know, nothing drives quite like an LS.
    1 point
  9. Nice to see you back. I'll keep an eye out for a silver/grey P-reg in Sussex. (East Sussex or West Sussex?)
    1 point
  10. Well done, yet another one in Sussex, we'll soon have the monopoly! And let's have a photo so I can know it's you I've spotted.
    1 point
  11. 10hp isnt that much of a varience. Could has been the rollers. Car may be due a service. Climate control may have been on. Not high enough Ron fuel used. If it was 15hp or upwards id be looking for issues. If you get all the above done and do on a cool day it may get closer to stock figures.
    1 point
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