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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2014 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, let's not get bogged down in this relative trivia .............. . whatever we say or do there's nowt that we individually, nor with our Lexii, are going to significantly do to stop, curtail, improve, lessen or whatever with global warming ... is there .. well. not in our lifetimes nor in those of our nearest and dearest. ........ Lexii are for enjoying and I guess we are the fortunate few who can afford the luxury of running our wonderful cars ....... the little us petrolheads use in our 4+ ltr limos and contaminate is insignificant by the standards of Govt / Council owned diesels that are still chucking out obnoxious black stuff.... that we see every day. If the Govt really wants to stop this pollution it needs to do summat more demanding with it's own influence closer to home........ like using less vehicle movements either on it's own account or through contractors vehicles. Malc Now shoot me down in flames ........... . well, provided they don't add to the global warming that is :outforcount:
    2 points
  2. Its the same with governments and coperate giants all over the world they all spread rumour which has no basis in fact whatsoever and they make fortunes out of it because the large percentage of humans still believe what they are told by these liars. Sure man can make a right pigs ear of living on this planet with all the mess he leaves behind. Everything has a beginning and an end and so it will be with mother earth but it wont be because something man has done it will be from far greater forces than we can begin to understand. What did man have to do with the coming of the last ice age? Nothing, and those liars who try to fill our heads with their nonsense cant explain it either so they just dont talk about it, god forbid anyone who tries to drive a wagon and horses through their rediculous so called facts. A case in point is the birth of windfarms which are now defacing our wondereful countryside. These companies work on a flawed premiss and that is when they tell you how much a certain windmill can produce its worked out on the fact that the wind will blow at a maximum speed 24 hrs a day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year and of course that dosent happen, even those out at sea dont have that luxuray. Most of them dont produce enough power to boil a kettle for a cup of tea, but we are paying the companies vast fortunes out of our fuel bills to subsidise them and we will untill somone has the guts to stand up and say, its all a con it has to stop. I could go on go on forever but thats the end End of todays rant. Mike
    2 points
  3. Hate to spoil anyone's enthusiasm, but not many people now believe Al Gore to be a reliable source of information or insight. His reportage in that film was so selective as to be unbalanced. Climate matters are a good deal more nuanced than he gave the impression. Admittedly mankind is wasteful and we often have a damaging impact - but the factors causing climate change are dominated by the sun and the oceans, not by carbon dioxide. Driving quality cars, as Lexus drivers do, generating most electricity by nuclear reaction, helping poorer nations to develop as we have and spreading health and literacy, will achieve far more than Al Gore's simplistic and mistaken notions ever will. Anthony
    2 points
  4. Just got back from picking up my first ISF off a member(Valkirk), it's a 2011 model with just 17,500 miles on the clock. I just can't help but stop grinning like a kid in a sweet shop! :) Quick photo of this beauty, will get some more once I give her an OCD clean.
    1 point
  5. Yup, wind farms need to be offshore or in areas with no the of mountains etc haha...cancer has been linked to high powered electrical cables etc also....power comes with it's own problems.....sometimes we should remember, power is nothing without control and with great power comes the need for responsibly....
    1 point
  6. Hello and welcome mate. I was in a very similar position to you and spent hours and hours going over this and the American ISF forum. I couldn't believe what I read - people just weren't having any problems with these cars - not even the thousands of owners in the US. It only took two minutes to see that this was certainly not the case with the RS4, M3, C63 etc. I'm the type of person who gets bored easily with cars - even stuff like evos, STIs and an NSX - but the ISF has totally stolen my heart and I still love it a year into ownership. It's difficult to describe but it still makes me turn around when I walk away from it (they look much better in the flesh btw) and the overall driving experience is fantastic (whether driving fast or just pottering). I think these cars will begin to appreciate as they become classics - not least because the F-brand is starting to take off (LFA is among the best cars ever made and the RC-F is looking good too), but mainly because of the exclusivity and reliability. Anyway, if you can find one go and have a drive and good look with your search.
    1 point
  7. It's great to have a jocular debating chamber, after all, the Houses of Parliament do it every day !!! .... unless they're in Recess, when the buggers sod off on their jets and limos to enjoy the fruits of their labours spending their gotten gains on fine wine and dining and gaz guzzlers I'm sure. Ho hum ................ let's enjoy our cars whilst we can, doubtless any Govt will find a way to curtail our limited pleasures soon enuf ! Malc
    1 point
  8. Anthony - agree it is all far more nuanced than I think anyone really understands. I do recall reading somewhere that everyday the sun dumps as much energy per day on the planet than mankind has burnt since we came about. So I would surmise that not allowing heat to escape with the greenhouse effect must have some bearing, but that if the earth moves only a tiny bit away from the sun or a tiny bit nearer the sun, then the effect is more than anything that man can do. These days meat eaters get the blame, because of all the cows breaking wind, rice eaters get the blame because of the gasses given off by growing rice is a problem, and then creating concrete and plasterboard get the blame because of the huge amounts of carbon generated. I would love to think giving up driving my LS, having cold showers and eating recycled newspaper and living in a cardboard box would make the planet a nicer place for my kids, but it only takes a few volcanoes to go bang to cool the planet, and then enough go bang, they heat up the planet so even nature keeps oscillating between hot and cold. But I do take a view that buying a solid second hand motor is greener than having a new one every few years, and would love to think i could bequeath my LS to my kids when my time comes to shuffle off this mortal coil (in a couple of decades or more!!)
    1 point
  9. To be honest, when I read that you drive in London and do short journeys every other day (5-10 miles), I thought to myself - that'll be 25mpg tops, so you're doing about right IMHO. If economy is important then I'd recommend a smaller petrol engine car with manual transmission, unless your budget could stretch to a hybrid. Definitely avoid diesels though.
    1 point
  10. If I ever head up that way I might just have to take you up on that :) No probs, so much paperwork sorting with cars! Amusingly been to McDonalds drive through in the CT and the girl commented on what a nice car I had - felt like saying, you should have seen the previous one ;) Enjoy the car!
    1 point
  11. yeh Ganesh they are meant to be very good handling cars for a front wheel drive not a lot of power but their handling and light weight gives them a lot of advantage.. might get a VVTLi in T sport trim as a second car just to have fun with and maybe do some track days lol.. also do like those Honda S2000's.. might aswell enjoy it for sometime Petay and get back into an IS or GS once you get bored or more so keep both and have the celica as a project track day car lol.. their engines are also meant to take a super charger well as they could be found in the Lotus Exige's .. :winky:
    1 point
  12. Hi Matt You are more than welcome to come for a drive if you ever happen to be up here...HAHA. Btw thanks again for sorting the warranty transfer for me and don't worry I will look after it. :)
    1 point
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