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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2014 in all areas

  1. I can't help wondering why our politicians are tiptoeing around Israel. Even taking into account the spineless, unprincipled, self serving, greedy, fat, useless nature of our current crop of "leaders", they have been remarkably quiet over the daily slaughter of innocents. Haven't similar acts in Bosnia etc. resulted in charges of war crimes? Israel do not produce oil as far as I know, or much else except oranges ( and I will never knowingly buy an Israeli product ever again). Nick Clegg has spoken up, but who the hell listens to him any more? He jumps on any bandwagon to try and save his dying career (he'll probably end up buried in a well paid job in Europe) I was wondering if perhaps it's the perception of Israel as strategically important in the middle east (dubious), or perhaps their importance as customers for our arms exports. Either way, we are now forever associated with them and aside from the shame in this, it must increase the likelihood of our being targets for terrorists. Who can blame them? Strange how these arms exports are suddenly under review by our Government, but only after they were exposed by a journalist, the hypocritical, two faced bastards. I hope they enjoy their long holidays Imagine a terrorist blowing up one of our schools. What would the reaction be? Even the IRA never stooped that low, although, ironically, I believe the Nazis did. Perhaps the Israelis believe the Palestinians are Untermenschen? Sorry about the rant, but it sickens me.
    2 points
  2. Welcome to the club Sam.
    1 point
  3. A voice from history... First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. Pastor niermoller, former anti communist, Protestant, supporter of hitler, reformer who realised his mistakes, stood up for his beliefs and mistakes, survivor of concentration camps where he was put by the very regime he initialy supported. An inspirational quote with huge resonance. Gbn
    1 point
  4. Welcome to the club Sam, very nice IS200...the wheels on the ford were awesome, always liked that style.
    1 point
  5. Welcome to club mate nice to see another north east member
    1 point
  6. Hope this helps. Doesn't look too complicated really.
    1 point
  7. 1770 and rising...after another attack on a UN run school kills and injures more civilians...and this after the Israelis have been briefed as to where UN run schools and hospitals are...and the soldier allegedly kidnapped has been accounted for...died in combat, not kidnapped. This is mechanised murder and against the morality of any modern society. I thank the contributors, for and against on this thread, for their views. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and I fear never the twain etc..I think that this is part of the problem. We live in a blame culture. Someone, or something, has to be apportioned blame before 'we' take sides. Who is to blame, historically, culturally, religiously does not matter here. What is happening right here, right now IS WRONG. Where are our pious politicians, where are the stars who stand up for UNICEF, and famine, and land mine charities? Where are the good people of Palestine, the good Jewish people,the good people of the world who must collectively stand up and tell, not ask, tell their leaders ENOUGH. There are no evil 'races', just evil individuals. One of the most iconic images of the twentieth century for me was the lone student in tianemen square standing up to the red army tanks. Edmund Burke said all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do nothing. All it sometimes takes is one good man. Please let that good man appear soon. I feel dejected and sad that this, and other atrocities the world over are allowed. The hypocrisy of power changes Osama bin laden from a CIA funded freedom fighter in Afghanistan fighting the Russians to the most wanted man in the world when America invade the same country. Politics is mot my thing and i would be out of y depth discussing these situations on anything other than moral grounds. I ave said all I wish to on this topic, but like others on this thread, wish to applaud the mature and educated posting on this volatile issue. Peace, gbn
    1 point
  8. Do you know why Nissan call their electric plug in car the "Leaf"? You plug it in in March and by autumn it may be fully charged :)
    1 point
  9. I think I read somewhere if it's the 60k 6 years cycle, then the water pump is changed every 2nd cycle. For 10 years, 100k, its every time. The only failure I ever read about was supposedly a seized pump that destroyed the belt. My belt looked like a dirty new belt when I had it changed, perfect condition
    1 point
  10. An interesting short video for those that haven't seen it.
    1 point
  11. I think John Snow sums it up a treat. Mike
    1 point
  12. at 80k miles plus you have shocks, bushes, engine mounts all wearing. All will probably keep going for years but it just won't be a tight as a newer vehicle with less miles. I always smile when somebody states their 150k miles vehicle drives as well as the day it was new - chances are they never drove a new one or it was such a long time ago that you would never remember.
    1 point
  13. Yea i will put some up soon, Im having a front lip fitted and front end resprayed but heres a pictures in Galloway forest a couple weeks ago.
    1 point
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