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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2014 in all areas

  1. Yes I was, but I normally go for blonds, but at my age I cant afford to be fussy
    2 points
  2. An interesting short video for those that haven't seen it.
    1 point
  3. same here - i wait untill its full retracted befre starting the car - and make sure i dont put any force on it when switching off and coming out
    1 point
  4. Perhaps we have no need for oranges or weapons of war....?....cynical, perhaps...but when you look at the conflicts we have intervened in they seem to have been underpinned by natural resources and political popularity...the west sat by for Rwanda....and Mugabe and his hatchet men...and now point is regardless of blame, regardless of who threw the first rock....this is wholesale slaughter from a civilised country to another and one which should not be tolerated. One cannot and should not generalise but ****, this is murder of women and children, the targeting of hospitals and schools, civilian the fourth biggest army in the world, by a country that spends more per capita on 'defence' than any other...the minority extremists who mistakenly or otherwise fight these people with rocks don't sound like extremists so much as optimists.... This constant bombarding and brutal killing of a civilian people because of cultural and religious differences should have a resonance with the Jewish people and I hope and pray common sense intercedes before this escalates and we have a middle eastern genocide.
    1 point
  5. I am maybe being too cautious, but I don't start the car until the wheel stops moving, as the starter motor load drops the voltage, and I don't like the idea of running the motors on a lower voltage
    1 point
  6. Being a privileged educated westerner is the beginning of the problem as far as our opinions go. If we were middle easterners, with a knowledge of our history we would be in a position to comment with more accuracy, as westerners we can only comment on what we hear and see through the media, and what our thoughts about human compassion tell us. It's a sad world we live in sometimes, In the entire history of the world as we know it, there has only been 250 years of peace!
    1 point
  7. Death toll now about 1600 plus inc 300 children to around 50....almost universal apathy towards this due to the political and historical sensitivities involved. This is a horrendous, embarrassing indictment towards our 'civilised' United Nations and a flagrant flaunting of human rights REGARDLESS who is too blame....I feel great shame to be a priveledge, educated westerner...
    1 point
  8. Got a reply re the 2000 on ebay. Question was "I notice the car has FLSH up to 89,000 miles what about the time from there to present?" Answer "Yes that's right" Question "Is there any confirmation of the cambelt replacement?" Answer "No" Ok I've lost interest now :)
    1 point
  9. Cars looking real sweet mate! It's makeing me temted more. Thank you very much for your help
    1 point
  10. Having a democratically elected government is pretty meaningless, even for us. We have a democratically elected government, the Tories having received 36%of the vote. This has resulted in the deliberate, ideological destruction of the public sector, deliberate suppression of the working classes (and middle classes) with continual reduction of earnings (whilst the rich get richer), savage attacks on the vulnerable in our society, blatant pandering to big businesses, ,the financial institutions and bankers, accelerated selling off of OUR assets, unhealthy close relationships with the press and some extremely dodgy party donors, cash for honours, cash for lobbying and in my opinion,rampant corruption between politicians and businesses etc behind the scenes, on a par with many third world countries . Isn't democracy wonderful? A democratically elected government also took us into illegal wars, wasted hundreds of military lives on campaigns in Afghanistan etc. What thanks did our lads and lasses get? largely, redundancy.The " Man on the Clapham Omnibus "could have told you that as soon as we went in, terrorist training would be moved elsewhere, and that as soon as we left, the Taliban would move back in. We have left a trail of death and destruction across the middle east because our democratically elected government (of all stripes) have their own agendas and lack the foresight or the intellect to realise the consequences of their actions. We are still complicit in the cowardly practice of air strikes from drones, in which thousands of civilians have been, and are still being killed. They are allowed to fire their missiles based on "profiles" of individuals or groups they are watching from thousands of feet up. So a community meeting is assumed to be a terrorist meeting and they are blown to pieces. It is criminal and no wonder the West is universally hated in many regions. How many of the people affected by this slaughter will turn to terrorism? The only people to benefit from our democratically elected government are themselves, the rich, bankers, the arms manufacturers and makers of prosthetic limbs. So what is democracy and what is a terrorist? When Russia invaded Afghanistan, the Taliban were freedom fighters, supported and armed by the CIA, now they are terrorists. In the 1970's Sinn Fein were terrorists, now they are politicians.To call this a struggle between a democracy and terrorists is too simplistic and is also pointless. I feel for both sides and cannot imagine what their lives must be like.
    1 point
  11. Am having same problem...I always buy something unusual during summer time but now am going back to university, I really don't NEED my ls...common sense says sell it...but...but...iv owned it briefly but I LOVE it....what would I replace it with....anything comparable is incomparable if you see what I mean and anything else isn't at the races...I may decode to bite the thirst bullet and just keep it as a weekend toy...these cars really get under your skin...
    1 point
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