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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2014 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. This has been discussed in another thread - how much success selling on LOC?, but I thought it appropriate to open this out for others, should they wish to comment. In my view, advertising on the forum should be free of charge. There are enough people including main dealers, insurance companies, Ebay, autotrader etc trying to get their hands in our pockets without being charged on our own forum. BMW, Jaguar, Audi forums et al do not charge to advertise, are they looking after their members better? A forum should be run be enthusiasts, for enthusiasts. In practical and economic terms, charging to advertise also makes no sense.How much revenue does it bring in? The last car advertised on LOC was in February of this year. The posts in the for sale section do not even appear as they have all timed out, they are so old. i never even look on there to see what is available. If advertising is free it would result in less moderation as fewer "inferior non Gold members" would have the gall to mention that they have a car for sale in the wrong forum. A lot more ads would definitely appear in the for sale section, for cars and parts, this would stimulate a lot more interest, a lot more traffic from external visitors. It is simple commercial sense, and would provide a useful resource for those who participate in the forum. It would increase the likelihood that cars are passed from one genuine enthusiast to another, would make parts much easier to find, keeping some cars on the road and out of the scrapyard or banger racing track. It would also reduce friction on the forums and the apparent sense of superiority felt by some Gold members (and tempting as it is, that is not a euphemism). For those who want to pay a membership fee, having worked out cost vs benefit, that is fine. I do not use theme parks, and for me, it is not worth it.
    1 point
  3. Regarding the question of how you join the wires! I have seen a number of fastening methods ranging from (3M) Clip locks, mounting blocks and simply twisting wires together (with and without insulation). I don't believe that we are fully understanding about the stresses and strains placed on car wiring harnesses from the extreme temperatures and road buffeting of the car environment. If you look at the Lexus range of connectors, they are all held in place by several securing methods. Almost every connector is locked into place with a moulded clip as well as being fastened to the car body. The "bean counters" would not encourage this added security without sensible concern. So, whilst I'm happy that people get their Po-40 control module working with their selected connection method I maintain that the best of joint is done by removing the insulation, wrapping the wires tightly, soldering and then insulating with either shrink plastic and/or insulation tape. Additionally I encourage you to bundle wires together so that you don't have them floating around behind the door panels. My favourite tool for doing the wiring preparation is readily available and cheap. I'm attaching a data sheet that may interest you. SplicingTool.pdf
    1 point
  4. yes eric there are 3 gaskets , here is the url for the you tube vid on how to change plugs
    1 point
  5. Good shout. I always put in premium. Not sure what the others use. Should be a good crack. We have a good range of cars coming. Looking forward to seeing what figures we pull. Stu
    1 point
  6. i was wondering when you said you were doing the plugs , do you know the inlet manifold has to be removed to access the right hand bank of plugs, quite a lot of stripping off the top of engine.... the left 3 plugs look easy but the ones on the right looks like a 4-5 hour job and you will need new gaskets for the manifold .... have a look on you tube. sorry guys for going off topic Allan
    1 point
  7. Told you all it was easy didn't I !!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  8. Yea i will put some up soon, Im having a front lip fitted and front end resprayed but heres a pictures in Galloway forest a couple weeks ago.
    1 point
  9. Left mine for 6 weeks in Feb and March this year. Handbrake/Footbrake off, in Park and connected to an AA Solar Charger plugged into the OBD11 socket. No problems at all; fired up instantly. Good luck and enjoy your trip. Regards John
    1 point
  10. 1) If members can't make a serious point without being aggressive and antagonistic they're best ignored. That kind of attention-seeking says much more about them than it does about the issue itself. So Suman, good luck with your claim, and ignore members who are unsympathetic and/or downright rude. They're not the reason why the rest of us belong to this Forum. 2) A long time ago I handled third-party motor claims for a big insurer, and although a lot has changed in the car insurance business since then, I imagine that the principles of dealing with claims are similar. Needless to say, my company wanted to minimise their payouts as much as possible, but there was a general sense that they gave people the benefit of the doubt rather than finding any excuse to wriggle out of paying, like some of the old Lloyds companies did in those days. Nevertheless, the basis on which we negotiated claims was that the third party is always under a common law duty to minimise their claim. For example, if someone was having their Escort repaired and hired a Granada to get them around, they'd be paid only the cost of hiring an Escort or smaller car - on the basis that they only needed to get to work (or whatever), not be paid to drive around in more style than they were used to. What's more, a mileage charge would be deducted to cover the wear and tear that their own car wasn't clocking up while it was off the road. The point is that no one is supposed to benefit - make a profit - from claiming. This discourages fraudulent claims. The situation is simpler now that repairers supply loan vehicles, but Suman's claim will still be gone through with a fine toothcomb. I think the minibus insurers will argue that they won't pay for a Lexus loan vehicle if he can get in and out of a cheaper alternative. It's only his basic mobility that they'll be concerned with. Equally, I doubt they'll negotiate much over the value of his car, and probably won't pay for anything else except his injury claim. Insurers are wise to false whiplash claims these days and are very suspicious of rear-end impact histories, but if Suman has records of being taken to hospital he should be okay. In general (I think), they'll only pay for things that can be quantified, which is why they probably won't offer more than a token £50 for distress or anxiety etc. resulting from the accident. And this might be only because he hasn't insisted on claiming for other things. I don't want to sound negative or discouraging, but the fact is that we're not legally entitled to much compensation for the annoyance and inconvenience and distress of being involved in an accident like Suman's. And although the market value of our cars is much less than they're worth to us, insurers will argue that it's the only 'official' guide to what they're legally required to pay out. But maybe there are other members who have more up-to-date experience of how claims are handled?
    1 point
  11. Hi, New to Lexus, new to the club, new to posting, but very old to this world! Just aquired a Lexus ls430, still finding buttons, switches and lights everywhere and trying to work out what they do! Great fun though and haven't enjoyed driving so much since my last 24v Senator left me. I live in deepest Devonshire and don't see many of these cars down here (most people drive tractors!) Anyway, this is a bit of a test run to see if I can do this posting lark - if it works I have a couple of questions to ask more knowledgeable members - if I can find where to ask them, but one step at a time! Richard
    1 point
    1 point
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