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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2014 in all areas

  1. You are disabled, this is not a problem at all, but you say that without a car you are stuck because you are disabled. For years disabled people have been fighting for rights to be considered the same as able bodied people and they now have got them rights, most buses and trains and taxis now have wheelchair access. This would mean that you would be no more inconvenienced than an able bodied person in the same position as you. You are way off track with your statement above. I have been disabled since the age of 9 and I am now into my 60's so I have seen the changes. It is true that disabled people have fought for years to get rights but those rights we have go towards helping how we can get around but still fall a long way short to bring us up to anywhere near the ease of getting around you as an able bodied human enjoy. When you go out to anywhere you can go by anyway you chose without any thought as to what type transport you will go by and not have to worry about if you can get out the other end or how are you going to get out the other end as explained by Suman above. Perhaps ringing the train stations and bus stations are worth spending an hour or so to find out what is available in the way of help? Great news at the station I need to start my journey has a dedicated person that deals with wheelchair access, just find his office which is on platform 3 and away you go. Trouble is what they haven't told you is that this office is only accessed by climbing and descending half a dozen sets of stairs that link all the platforms together. I think you are getting the picture. So please don't run away with the idea that life is a bed of roses for disabled people because although there are many laws which cover disability there is no law that covers the pain that I and other disabled people suffer each day. Mike
    3 points
  2. Just enjoyed the first few days of my first holiday in the 400. I travel to South West Wales from Yorkshire once or twice a year. This trip actually took longer than usual, as we stopped at Aberfan Cemetery to pay our respects, something I've been meaning to do for years as I was the same age as those children who lost their lives and remember it happening clearly at the age of 11. One girl victim actually shared my birth date and it was quite moving. Not a jolly start to a holiday but something I felt I should do. After arriving at my family's place in Wales after six hours I have never before felt so relaxed after that trip (and I have had some good cars). . I was not as tired as usual and could quite easily have made the return trip the same day. The car is so comfortable, quiet and responsive I can only think that it is noise, vibration and lack of refinement that cause tiredness. Now driving around Pembrokeshire, the aircon working well in the 22 degree heat, this is exactly what the 400 is all about and why I bought it. I do not dread going out and driving after the long trip down, the narrow lanes are not a problem, as I just take my time. I have been up some very steep hills and put my foot down just to see how the car would respond. It is as if there is no hill, the power is phenomenal. The dog is happy, because the cold air routed to the back seats seem to be more effective than previous cars I have had. All very relaxing and not the usual experience in modern traffic. This car really is something else. The attention to detail is incredible and falls down in only one area. Given the obsessive attention given the car during development, it is surprising that this was overlooked. It is not a major issue, but the outside door handles get hot in the sun. My daughter complains, but it is not really a big deal, if a bit surprising it was not picked up during the development stage. My wife did not want to bring the lexus. She distrusts it because it is fifteen years old. I think she is now glad that I did not bring the Octavia.
    1 point
  3. Come along boys, this gets us no where. We have in the past had people who will sue the backside of the 3rd party down to the last paper clip but of course this never actualy happens because the court costs involved in any sort of litigation are enourmous. You are entiltlled to get your Lexus repaired to the condition it was in before White Mini Van hit you up the rear. There is actualy no argument in your case as to who is to blame as he rear ended you and that makes it automaticly his fault. Getting this done alone will ocupy all your time trying to start ltligation over other things will involve you having to pay a large sum of money into court, this is incase you lose, and that enables that the legal eagles will get their monies. You are also entittled to a rental car if you are insured for but dont expect to get a real like for like car, when my Jeep was written off in a not at fault accident the only likeness there was was the size if the engine 4 litres I got a 4 litre deisel Alfa Romeo which was completely useless for me, as I had other cars I could use I sent it back. Good luck with your claim, I look forward to a happy outcome for you and the car. Mike
    1 point
  4. Thanks for your good luck wishes, Melanie. I do hope to get only what's fair - being my car repaired properly and compensation for my actual injuries. We'll see what the final figure comes to. I'm mostly concerned with my car being properly repaired. If you are having trouble affording your insurance, I can assure you it has nothing to do with me personally as prior to this incident, I have not had an injury caused by an accident, let alone one in which I was the innocent party. Oh, and it's not people like me who cause insurance prices to rise, it's the idiots who cause the accidents. I suspect you've been stung by high insurance costs after causing an accident or two? Or maybe you're running around without insurance? Either way, I have one piece of advice for you - GET A JOB.
    1 point
  5. Just got back from the MOT with my 20year old 165,000 mile beater ,passed ok with a bit of exhaust paste and a headlight bulb . I have to agree with previous posters ,it is so pleasing to know you have another year of joyous motoring to look forward to . The headlight bulb failure after only 20 years is a worry though.
    1 point
  6. Agree entirely with previous advice: get the battery checked out first. I did have to have my starter replaced but my battery was new and everything else worked. By the by the battery can be purchased for the best price from Lexus however if you have them fit they are likely to charge an installation fee (if you don't you risk a problem with your electrics; I paid about £20 and the battery was about £80). The starter is a major repair: the RAC guy who came to tow my car spent about 30 minutes trying to find it and then gave up. It cost about £600 for Lexus to fix it.
    1 point
  7. The starter motor contacts can wear down so that you get a click rather than the starter turning, but you want to sort the battery out first, the starter is hard to get at
    1 point
  8. Must have changed spec mines a 2012 SEL_Premier and i can open the tailgate first with smart entry
    1 point
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