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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2014 in all areas

  1. In a previous posting by Tango he said the part numbers were as follows 67910-53070-C0 Lexus Door Sill 67920-53070-C0 Lexus Door Sill The following relates to a rather good write up with pictures from our American side of the Lexus Club. I grabbed a link to this when I found it as you never know when you might need such info. Hope that helps
    2 points
  2. Hi James, welcome to LOC, my advice for buying a is200 take your time and don't let your heart rule your head , there are plenty of nice cars out there so make sure the car you buy is the best that you can get for your money, .....the cam belt change is not only at 60k but also every 5-6 years , so if the car has say 80-90k miles but the belt was changed 6yrs ago it will need doing again, bottom suspension joints wear, brake caliper pins seize, but overall these car are pretty bullett proof if they have been serviced regulary, keep us posted how you get on with your quest, good luck..... Allan
    1 point
  3. Hello James and welcome to the LOC. Yes service history is one of the things to look for, as is low amount of previous owners. Listen for knocks during the test drive indicating worn suspension components and uneven tyre wear which can be a problem if the goemetry is incorrectly set ( easily sorted though by WIM). Brake calipers have a tendency to seize so check carefully. Look for correct panel alignment and paint match incase it has been involved in an undeclared accident. Take your time and you will find a good example. Feel free to post up links of potential candidates and we will provide input good or bad :)
    1 point
  4. All main dealer garages are franchises so Lexus Customer Service are talking rubbish Tell them you want satisfaction and if they won't give it you'll be going to Trading Standards amongst others in the motoring media
    1 point
  5. In the recent hot humid weather this week I have several times told by helpful people in the tourist car parks my car has a water leak, it's the air con condensation not worry about it, it just means your AC is better than theirs! :)
    1 point
  6. Sadly. honesty is a rapidly fading concept and, indeed, the honest person is generally regarded as a "mug" these days. Which (sadly again) means that you have to work on the principle that even the most reasonable seeming person is out to rook you. I don't see why you should be a single penny out of pocket because of his stupidity, so sue the ****** (insert expletive of choice0 for the full amount of the repairs. Sounds like you hold all the aces though; independent witnesses are crucial, so I'm sure you will get the judgement in your favour. Bloody well hope so! As for cyclists generally, well, I drive a van as part of my job, and there's not a single day that I don't see them riding on pavements, going through red lights, weaving in and out of traffic and trying to squeeze through non-existent gaps. And then they have the nerve to claim some sort of moral superiority??....bastards, Anyway, all the best of luck. Don't give up. :luck:
    1 point
  7. It could be from the air con, mine leaves the ocaisional whoopsie on the floor after the car is left, only happens after a decent run though.
    1 point
  8. When I used to work a lot in Holland and Belgium, I was amazed at quality of road surface, though was aware that road tax was higher than in UK. One thing I did learn was the level of engineering that goes into the roads. Dutch motorways are designed to let water seep through, so it means after heavy rain next to no standing water, but what this also means is that with cold weather water is not on the surface or in the cracks waiting to expand and break up the surface. It may have been a Brit (well Scot) who invented Tarmacadam, but it always seems to take a foreign nation to really make a technology work for today. Where I live they resurfaced the local roundabout with a plastic-type tar mix, and after 5 years still as good as the day it was done, but two miles down the road they used the good old fashioned crap method and after two years it is breaking up good and proper. And to finish, years ago one of my clients was a Highway Authority, and it amazed me at the lack of technical thinking going on in the so-called experts heads, and the total lack of business thinking. It seemed like a lot of get it done cheap and quick, and forget about the long term reduced spend by doing a blinking excellent job in the first place. Now driving in USA makes our roads look like heaven, so maybe a capitalist approach is the road to ruin in the long (and short) term, but try telling that to a government so mesmerized by the City.
    1 point
  9. Where these Toyotrek???????
    1 point
  10. Hey guys, I bought a 2000 reg IS200 (SE) about a month ago after a long stint in the classic Mini community. Having now sold the Mini (which was my first car) I have to say, the IS is so refined and comfortable! Being a student, I've spent most of my money on just buying the car, so mods are pretty much out of the question (though someday I'd love to fit some coilovers and 18" Rotas). Anyway, I'm looking forward to being part of the community!
    1 point
  11. Small update: The cyclist sought advice from his friends dad who is a solicitor and looks like he is now trying to find a way out of paying for anything... What a surprise! i am remaining calm and non-threatening which is important and fair in my opinion. I am in two minds as to whether to cancel my claim and to go privately and take him to SCC for the full 1700 though. I am disappointed if i am honest. I am going out of my way to limit the cost to him and he is trying to stuff me over! This is the message oi received from him today: I have spoken to my friends father and he says "there is an argument that says that a driver should need to prove that they were being careful because of the potential destructive disparity between the parties ie a car can do so much more damage to a person than a person can usually do to a car, which is taken into account as an aspect of blameworthiness He is going to look into the matter further and hopefully come back to me soon This is what i sent back: Ok. I find it hard to believe given the circumstances that I won't be able to prove that given what took place. Being blunt here. You were on the wrong side of the road going around a blind corner with headphones on. It makes no difference what cars are parked where. I was stationary at moment of impact as verified by the independent witness. As such being careful is proven and negligence on your part is proven. I am trying to cause you as little financial loss as possible here by not going privately at a cost of 1700 and claiming it back from you. I am not even asking for the full excess I have to pay and it subsequently impacts my policy for future renewals. If I have not heard back from you by Wednesday I will start small claims court proceedings for all costs incurred as i believe I am being more than fair and offering to assist with repairs to the damage I am ultimately not responsible for. Stuart Just wait and see what happens now i guess. I will definately go to SCC if i have to just because i now feel i should. Stuart
    1 point
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