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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2014 in all areas

  1. Quite right. More traffic, more tax, but less spent on roads. It's a quality of life issue and does not factor into politicians' priorities. Their obsessions includes financial growth (which benefits fat cats and not the working classes), savage spending cuts, looking after the bankers and big business interests and destruction of the public sector on ideological grounds. Quality of life for average people is not even an issue. hence the closure of sports facilities, the selling off of school fields, insufficient spending on flood defences, the relaxation of planning laws resulting in the loss of swathes of green belt, which are being lost forever. As this lot have increased the national debt by £800 Billion since they came into power, do not expect it get any better. In fact, as interest rates have been kept unnaturally low for years (how can borrowing money possibly cost .5 of one per cent? it is ridiculous), almost certainly by the government, who can't afford to service their debt, expect it to get worse. In my humble opinion, the recovery is an illusion, the increase in employment is also an illusion, being made up of crappy jobs with zero hour contracts. Everything is aimed at creating an illusion for the next general election. I believe that, within a few years we are likely to see a crash and a squeeze on people's wealth like nothing we have seen to date, perhaps on a par with Greece. The depressing thing is that the "Labour" party have lost any semblance of socialism, which appears to be a dirty word now, and are just as bad. So in five years we will all be looking for cars with suspension that is softer than a Lexus, a Citroen C6 perhaps ? - if we can still afford a car. By, I feel better for that rant.
    4 points
  2. Hi all I should probably apologise in advance for getting on my usual soap box yet again. Just got back from a very pleasant weeks break in Holland. We travel there several times a year as my good lady is dutch and we pick up a hire car at the airport so we can potter about at our leisure This time we were furnished with a new little citroen. Unremarkable in itself you will say and I would agree The reason for the soap box is the quality of dutch roads compared to our own in good old blighty By about the third day after travelling around on motorways and "B" roads I was forced to comment that the smoothness of the ride compared at least favourably with our lexus and quite often was noticeably better In a baby citroen! !!! I can only imagine what the ride would be like in my beloved lexus on these smooth and pot hole free surfaces I'm almost tempted to go by boat next time just to check this out. I know I have said it before but our roads are a national disgrace and it's a source of some shame when they are compared to our near neighbours on the continent Soap box safely stowed again- for the moment
    2 points
  3. So my 186000 miles LS400 MK3 went for mot tother day and failed :-( on ...... One headlight aim :-) a minute to adjust and alls good again.What A CAR :D
    1 point
  4. Sorry I just read my posts back and it seems like I was a bit harsh on BMW and Merc owners Just for the record my car is NOT bulletproof (I needed to wiggle the bulb in the holder for the MOT) I am just as gutted as everyone else at the shock I got when I was told the news my car was terminal !!! So sorry if I offended anyone with a 7 Series with a blown transmission (common fault you can set your watch by) (see link) Or sorry to have offended this man whose S-Class was so nice it has broken down in Zurich (lovely part of the world) I wish my car would brake down there !!!
    1 point
  5. Couldn't agree more, all you need to do is watch a video by Bill Still called the 'Money Masters' it tells you everything you need to know about the banking system. It's not conspiracy, it is historic fact and politicians are just puppets for the bankers and I would be surprised if half of them don't really know what is going on.
    1 point
  6. I forgot to add, if you want a smooth ride, take any road on which the Tour de France is running. We appear to have many millions to make these roads like billiard tables, so priorities have shifted from roads which are full of potholes and potentially dangerous to those on which a sporting event is being held.
    1 point
  7. Checked out this thread with some trepidation for your plight. Just couldn't stop chuckling after reading. Like you say an alarming dip in reliability tho lol Challenge any other owners forum to match those comments
    1 point
    1 point
  9. Have arrived and are in the car, will take a couple of pics tomorrow as mobility seriously impaired at present. Picture of letter that came with them from Lexus. Mike
    1 point
  10. Mine failed too at 187500 miles on........ Headlight and side light bulb and headlight aim! This time of year I rarely drive in the dark, so I should have checked the lights before the test! What a car...... Mark.
    1 point
  11. Heck, look likes these 400's are becoming a bit of a liability, maybe I should part-ex mine for a BMW!!!
    1 point
  12. Mine had MOT on Friday 13th and has got 260,000 on the clock and it failed on ................................................................. A tyre, oh and a bulb. Tyre was my fault, and bulb had a bad contact. What a car !!!!!
    1 point
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