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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2014 in all areas

  1. Any one who cared to view my profile would see my Birthday is the 27th May I will be 70 years old, So here is my present to me Time to stop. I do not want to be the reason you are no longer active on this forum, which you have obviously enjoyed over the years. So please Ambermarine come back. I am sorry I likened you to Victor Meldrew. (I am actually quite fond of old Victor, I find him refreshingly honest) I most definitely regret saying you are as daft as a brush I apologize I accept that my comments caused you distress I regret making them. There, now there is no reason why you should not continue to participate in the forum, you can if you wish ignore me, but I hope not. William
    3 points
  2. Cleaned my car and my bike and thought id take a few pics :0) Stu
    1 point
  3. Sorry to hear this Graham, My advice is, first take the offered £460. it makes no difference what you do after that, except do not ever do business with the this dealer again. This forum will be aware of the lack of commitment to the customer from this dealership. When you have the £460 in your account and not before, I think you should show the dealership this thread, maybe (hopefully) it will rethink its policies. William
    1 point
  4. Graham please, think about this,for a moment, do you really want to risk damaging your sons future mental health, do you want him to believe his dad only loved him to age 9? Make up your mind now, it will impact on how he treats you when you are in the nursing home.William
    1 point
  5. ''Sorry Scott, your car is grey, we at Lexus Owners Club do not do grey, even if they do have top of the range continental sport contacts, Ignore Graham he's colour blind''. William, have you been on the sauce???
    1 point
  6. Hi Scott, welcome to the LOC. Your first impressions (boy, what a car) (wow) are the same as all who drive a Lexus for the first time. Enjoy. Graham.
    1 point
  7. Well done Graham, got mine last month but I went from a light car with black leather to a deep blue with ivory leather. Enjoy. I'm sure you will. From one Graham to another.
    1 point
  8. A beautiful car, I was admiring one in London recently. Enjoy (as if you wouldn't!)
    1 point
  9. ive just seen it on the website - car looks as good as new! - maybe one I will be able to afford one all the best - and I hope you sleep well because I didn't sleep a wink the night before I went to buy my 430!
    1 point
  10. That would be immense!
    1 point
  11. I agree with all the other guys who have asked you to stay a member on the forum Abermarine . As William has offered the olive branch ,it would be nice if you could pick it up and we could move on from this back to what is important ,the LS series of cars .
    1 point
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