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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2014 in all areas

  1. Thanks to Steve (Steve2006) and Robert (Robert Dubreaux) who advised against jump starting the car. Thanks to Brian (Tulpen) and Jose (PEPE) for link 'Help Please! My Mk4 Thinks I'm A Car Thief' good sense and attempts at peace making. Thanks to Mike (Bluesman) Ian (IHgs300) and janey for attempts at peacemaking Thanks to cleverdick for his good sense and intentions Thanks to Mark (lexusdaduk) for information on the keyless start buttons Thanks to Phil (The Acre) Rudy (Ruud) and Colin (Colin M) for their opinion It was never my intention to annoy anyone. When Ambermarine complained about my “Help I am thinking about buying this” thread claiming it was not Lexus related, When in fact it was. I owned two Lexus one an Ls 430 and one Ls 400 which I sold to a forum member. I apologized in general hoping to maintain harmony This in spite of not doing anything wrong, the thread was of interest to members as is evidenced by the number of replies. I posted Dead as a Dodo in good faith. Steve answered in good faith. Ambermarine was insulting. Also he was wrong, the information I later received from Brian, Jose, and Mark was very helpful. I have no control over what others perceive as truth, I do know, I had, have. no ill feeling towards anyone on this forum, and that includes Ambermarine. To close this post, I want to say, today I fitted a new battery and following advice from here, turned on Ignition for six minutes then off and started car as normal. Everything works as it should except the keyless start. Which I will return to later. I leave you with this. We do not see the world as it is. We see the world as We are. William
    2 points
  2. ............... and maybe as your Ls600 gets elderly .................. trade " up " to a Ls400 only joking ! ( or am I ) Malc
    2 points
  3. On my way to Southampton for the overnight ferry to Caen, and from there to Southern Spain. Just short of the ferry port an orange engine warning light came on. No manual with me so carried on and tried to access this site from the docks with an iPhone to ask what the warning was. No luck, I could access the website but could not post. The satnav has all Lexus dealers pre programmed in and a search revealed one in Caen. Result. After a worrying night onboard I was outside the dealers at 0745 waiting for them to open at 0900. When they opened I explained the problem by pointing and showing the warning light. He took the car and parked it in a service bay and sat us in the showroom with coffee. Half an hour later he came back with the keys and said "all OK." I couldn't make out what he said about the problem, the only word I understood was 'computer,' I then asked how much I owed, (Thinking this is gonna take a chunk out of my Benidorm beer money). He replied "nothing." Now that is service and it has restored my faith in Lexus. The rest of the trip, there and back was completed with no further mechanical problems. Satnav problems were another matter. The first problem was my own fault, I disconnected the 12 volt battery before the trip to fit a CTEK battery charger comfort connector to keep the battery topped up as the car is not used all the time. (recommended piece of kit). After four hours driving I realised I had not driven on a motorway yet and it suddenly struck me that the satnav options must have reset to default values. Sure enough it was set to avoid toll roads. An 8 hour journey to the Spanish border for my overnight stop took 13 hours. My fault, no complaints. Thinking about it, The mechanic in Caen could have reset it when he fixed the warning lamp. There were more serious issues with the satnav that I'll start a new tread for after further investigation. Checking the manual on return showed this: Malfunction Indicator Lamp Indicates a malfunction in: The hybrid system The electronic engine control system The electronic throttle control system, or The electronic transmission control system... <Gulp>
    1 point
  4. Just maybe, we do see the world as it is, which is why we see it as we are, it's not always a pleasant place. Humility is a hard thing, but it ends conflicts. An unconditional apology from both parties (even if it's undeserved) puts an end to it, otherwise it festers, and eventually goes bad.
    1 point
  5. Was that the Texaco garage on the motorway !!!! They want you to estimate how much fuel you need and pre-pay first. I come straight off the boat at Dunkerque and put my foot down, about 10 miles down the road the LPG bleeped and I ended up driving the rest of the journey to that fuel station on petrol fumes left over from England. That is the most economically I have ever driven. Literally, wipers on slow, cruise control set at 50mph, no radio, no heaters. It was like the Apollo 13 mission
    1 point
  6. Andy, not sure I understand what you are referring to. What do you mean by SatNav over-ride and over-ride button? I thought you were referring to the ability to program the SatNav on the move, which only newer map/software versions will allow you to do, but now I'm not so sure...
    1 point
  7. Look at the leather seats they seem well polished by backsides going in and out Yes Jon, that coupled with failure to answer JPs simple questions, leads me to agree with you. The people I got the Nissan from, could not do enough for me. I always pay as much attention to who the seller is, as to the car itself.William
    1 point
  8. Look at the leather seats they seem well polished by backsides going in and out
    1 point
  9. Ambermarine, For what it's worth, I read your original reply the same way as William did. In my job I have to write lots of reports on the abilities of various people and I know (through painful experience) how easy it is to write something which does not convey what you mean. BUT........ I have an LS460, you have an LS400: does this mean that my opinion carries more authority than yours?.........No. I have owned LS's continually since 1997: does this mean that my opinion carries more authority than yours?........No. You have been a member of this forum much longer than I have: does this mean your opinion carries more authority than mine?........No. This is a wonderfully friendly forum. All of us (apart from the Mods) are equal and our opinions carry equal authority. I agree with Bluesman. Let's have a big Lexus hug............
    1 point
  10. I had the same sort of problem with a 1994 Mk3. I had to leave the car parked for quite long periods of time in the staff car park at the airport. Everything was fine till they moved the car park to the end of the runway. People started to report that their car alarms were activated by the power vibrations from departing aircraft or the high energy radar emissions from landing aircraft. I came back from a trip to find that the key fob wouldn't unlock the door. I used the actual key to open the door, found that the battery was flat then, when I tried to get a jump start, found that the car considered me to be a thief. It took a lot of hassle and visits from the RAC to get it started. After it happened a second time, I decided to try and devise a way round the 'thief' problem. This is what I came up with: I made up two electrical leads, one black and one red, 3 metres long and with crocodile clips on each end of the leads. The leads were very light gauge, about 3mm copper. Next time that I had a flat battery, I used the key to open the door then popped the bonnet. I connected the leads to the battery terminals then, because they were so thin, I was able to completely close the bonnet on them. I made sure that all the doors and boot were closed. I then connected the leads to a good battery (AA, RAC, friend, passing motorist, etc) Now there was enough power to operate the door locks so, using the fob, I LOCKED the doors. Electronically, the car was now back where it started. I UNLOCKED the doors using the fob and raised the bonnet. I now disconnected the small leads and used standard jump leads to start the car without any problems. I used this method about 5 times in the life of the car. It took me a while to discover that, unlike other cars, the Lexus wasn't really bothered by aircraft landing and taking off...........the real problem was an intermittent boot light switch. Every time I tested it, it was OK........but, every now and then, the light stayed on and drained the battery. Overnight was no problem but, up to a week in a car park, drained the battery completely. The fact that the car park was moved was just a coincidence.
    1 point
  11. Try to keep the revs around 1500 rpm when pulling away, the dual mass flywheel is the culprit, read someone welded the two parts together when they had a new clutch fitted which fixed the problem. Or buy a new one from lexus!!! I dare you to ring and get a price lol...
    1 point
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