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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2014 in all areas

  1. ...........they are all seeking that aerodynamically perfect style .................That's one of the reasons I so so like the Ls400 Mk1, 2, 3 and 4 ........ just so distinctive from the crowd .......... and special Malc
    2 points
  2. Ouch. Sorry to hear that. Time to invest in a motion detection camera! After the horse has bolted I know!
    1 point
  3. Haha, my Grease Monkey days are done, too old, too fat and dodgy knees, Putting petrol in is as much as my aged and knackered limbs can cope with lol
    1 point
  4. Most likely, someone in the UK must have checked the VIN for registering the car with the DVLA. Just don't ask me where in the UK it might be! :)
    1 point
  5. Hi Hi Hi Very droll but still of no relative interest its not a Lexus and at the end of the day we are here to discuss Lexus cars not every other make thats comes up for someones fancy otherwise the essence of the site gets diluted by mundane claptrap on any subject under the sun and by the way some of us have been around from the inception of this Forum to gain from and contribute serious material content to this site.
    1 point
    1 point
  7. There's a facebook page for these guys, called - justCONNECT DAB for cars - they add dab in almost every car. Ask them, I'm sure they can help you out
    1 point
  8. This may be long so if you are bored feel free to read on! Firstly, I’d like to say there is never an excuse for speeding and i accept that and any consequences that follow as a result. As some of you know, the day I collected my ISF (last November) I managed to also collect 2 speeding tickets while driving home from Suffolk to Chelmsford. The last (and only time) i had a ticked was for doing 34 in a 30 when i was 18 so 12 years ago! Speeding fine 1: Anywho, when on the way home as soon as i hit the motorway i decided to see what power the car had and was clocked by a mobile police officer doing 104MPH in a 70 on a dual carriage way. I can honestly say i was doing no/little more than that during this ‘test’ and either way i was still speeding. My thought process was; - It’s a dry sunny day - There is little/no traffic on the dual carrige way - I have just bought a power wagon - Let’s see how it flys! - Accept any consequences The consequence of this action could have been VERY severe. Unspecified fine (means tested), points and potential loss of my licence for up to 56 days (i believe that is the number of days). Any offence over 100MPH means a court appearance. I investigated using a lawyer and established i was looking at £1000-£1500 fee for a lawyer. After much research/advice i determined that given my circumstances it would be best to plead guilty by post. I had a clean licence, it was a clear and dry day, no/little traffic, dual carrige way (not near school etc) and i was in a newer, quieter more powerful car. This all worked in my favour. I ended up with a 14 day ban and £630 fine. I count myself VERY luck to receive these penalties, It will only impact my insurance premiums when i renew and i maintain a clean licence points wise. Speeding fine 2: On the same day and slightly earlier i was clocked by a static camera doing 50MPH in a 40MPH zone. I actually had time to slam on the brakes but was not sure who was behind me so instead of potentially causing an accident i accepted my fate! I was offered the speed awareness course and took it. The price was £91 and no points on my licence. Overall i am VERY lucky to have a licence with no points on it and maybe even to have a licence at all. The speed awareness course did refresh my memory in some areas and teach me some things as well. The braking time from 30MPH to 40MPH is the difference in missing a pedestrian and killing them! At 35MPG you would most likely hit them and potentially cripple them!!! What’s the point of this post??? If you like to speed then do so BUT be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions and consider the impact on others. Just wanted to share my last 6 months with you folk. Stu
    1 point
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