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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2014 in all areas

  1. I have always said I would never buy a Car off ebay and whilst looking to replace my Ls400 mark 1 with a Mark 4 I deliberatly ignored Ebay and trawled the more reliable sites.I could'nt find anything that excited me for months .One day I was looking for a spare part for my Mark 1 on ebay when I spotted a 1998 mark 4 with 18k on the clock ,the rest is history I have owned the car for nearly two years and it is still like the day it left the factory.Lucky Lucky Lucky MEEEEEEEEE.
    2 points
  2. Hi guys, I have just bought a 2003 IS200. It has a sports exhaust system on it with decat which I'm not after, just want standard. If you want it then it is yours for free, all I ask is that you bring me your standard and we swap it over on my car.
    1 point
  3. Well after many hours trawling the web for a late 400 what did I go and buy, yep a 430 advertised on Ebay! I've read all the posts about the probs they suffer with and yet I still bought it, WHY I can hear you all shout. My head said buy a 400 but my heart said 430, I much prefer the interior of the 430 but the exterior of the 400, turmoil. I went to view the 430 on Sat not to far from me and could tell it was genuine, FSH, only 104k, nice colour, clean interior and a totally genuine seller, crawled all over it, test drove it and HPI check revealed no horror stories, front discs were warped, boot Gas struts were weak and a couple of the front parking sensors were goosed. We agreed on a price, transferred the money into his account and I drove home with a HUGE smile on my face, the wife following behind in my 1990 MR2 . It is a fabulous car for not a lot of money, yes I'm aware of the things that might go wrong, but I guess I'm in the lucky position of owning my own garage and MOT test Ctr so can sort any probs myself, I have always known how reliable Toyotas are, I was an AA patrol for 21 years, rarely did they break down, more often than not it was human error, flat battery, flat tyre, keys locked inside etc. I must congratulate you all on such a great site, friendly and informative, I have learnt a lot, helped me no end when looking for mine. Will keep my adventures with the 430 posted, time permitting. Right, off to read the manual, might take me a while. PS. Still can't wipe the grin off my face, wife said I weaved all the way home cos I was playing with all the buttons! Not true of course.
    1 point
  4. was just about to ask this question becuase i was trying to find out how many miles i get with a full tank i approx get 400 miles on a full tank
    1 point
  5. Have a great holiday. Mike
    1 point
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