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  1. You should enter the hidden menu (info button +3 times lights switch simultaneously) and there you can calibrate the system (Incl. far left and right rotation of the steering wheel). Press MENU in the upper right corner and you'll see this: Press "Camera check" and you'll enter this: Then you just follow the onscreen instructions, but on your own risk - you can do some damage... DO NOT PRESS AND CHANGE THE SETTINGS IN THE OTHER MENUS!
    2 points
  2. I have posted this potential defect description on the "rattles" topic, but I think it's a good idea to start a new topic. The problem is as follows: Just a few days after I've changed my tires for winter ones, I found strange sound and intensive vibration when I'm cruising with a constant speed, about 90 kmph and when an engine is running low, on about 1200-1400 rmps. I don't know, why this effect wasn't appearing on the summer tires. Before changing tires, I met some guy with his IS300h, and he was telling me, that car is great, but when he changed tires to winter ones, the car drives completely different, that he feels like riding on a bad made tarmac. When I meet him, I was on summer tires, so it was clear to me that he has got bad tires, but I have now different tires than he had, and I have the same vibration. Update: On this Saturday I was in the Lexus Service and the service mechanic heard and feels this sound and vibration from the first seconds. Then we checked other IS 300h ("demo car") from the salon on another winter tires. Definitely,the same vibrations and sound are present, happens on the same speed and rpms. My service center wants to check if there are any other records of this issue on Toyota. I'll inform you about any update. Dominik.
    1 point
  3. *waits in anticipation
    1 point
  4. You must be mega excited Stu! ;) Doubt you'll sleep much tonight mate! Lol. Look forward to seeing some pics, and a sound clip or two. Hope you're pleased with it. Cheers. Pete :)
    1 point
  5. A hundred years ago,when I was on a Kibbutz in Southern Israel,we were given ( foolishly) the use of a Toyota Land Cruiser, when the Israelis,running the Kibbutz weren't driving us,like slaves,working in the fields,in our spare time,us volunteers,used it,to go off-roading in it,the Negev Desert,being our backyard,as it were,about eight of us,would hitch a trailer,to it,load it up with booze,food,sleeping bags,and any girls who were daft enough to come along for the ride,( chortle,chortle) we gave that wagon hell,driving it through dried-out river-beds,at breakneck speeds,over rocks,bottoming -out going over sand-dunes,in fact,doing just about everything that those morons on Top Gear would do to a vehicle-except we got paid in Shekels,while Clarkson and co,get vast salaries,this Toyota got the living day lights thrashed out of her,and it never,ever broke down,the Israelis drive vehicles like idiots,this Toyota was no exception,it was as tough as a Sherman Tank,given the wide choice of 4x 4's these days,for durability,and sheer brute toughness,the Land Cruiser can not be beaten,that's why you see the UN using them,no other vehicle can take the abuse meted out to them in War Zones. So,yes,I would recommend buying one,sod the fuel consumption,sod the somehow,old -fashioned style of the body,sod what people might say about Land Cruisers being considered a bit ' passé ' I'd have one in a blink of an eye,tough as old boots.
    1 point
  6. Driving around my area earlier today,in the space of three miles,I must have spotted five late model IS 200's, later,around lunchtime,I spotted seven more IS200's, and IS250's, I never spotted one twice,as I took a mental note of the numbers,and colour of each one, such an unusual occurrence,certainly around the area,in which I live,to see so many Lexus cars, maybe there was a covert meet going on-or maybe I was just hallucinating.........I did take some bad acid once............
    1 point
  7. Thanks John, Also I'm less worried now, when I know that I'm not alone. And I hope Toyota is listening :-) If not, maybe it is a good idea to write an official letter from our Club?
    1 point
  8. That's the very same problem that some of our members have reported, it occurs when cruising at 85/90 km/h, engine revving at about 1300 rpm. One of our member told us that the same problem had been reported on Prius II.
    1 point
  9. I think everyone here, has more or less put their ten-cents worth into the debate,regarding just how much of a racket,the insurance game is,-a licence to print money,( my opinion),it's a subject,which I think has come-up on more than one occassion,and promotes lively debate,my final comment on this matter,for what it's worth,is that we,in Britain,are enduring one of the worst financial recessions,in living memory,with no relief in sight,being royally mismanaged,by the current crop of incompitents,who would make Richard Nixon look honest,with swingeing financial -cuts being implemented right across the board,vital public services budgets paired to the bone,-all to save a few hundred,or thousand quid-while these maggots award themselves pay-increases,while all the time,telling us 'were all in it together' -my hairy arse,we are,and that is why loyalty to insurance companies,is a hiding to nothing,and shopping around,is the order of the day,( as Bluesman rightly mentioned,the internet makes it much easier to shop around,and get good deals) anyone reading this diatribe,will surely agree,that given the financial climate,prices of everything,are rising at an alarming rate,-and people are losing their jobs as fast,I for one,wonder where this is all going to lead to,-it ain't gonna get any better soon,-though,if you listen to Cameron,and his mouthpiece,the BBC,you'd think we'll all be in clover this time next year,-dream on, I apoligise for chuntering -on so,but I am fed up to the back teeth,with what's going-on in this once great country of ours,and feel so impotent to do anything about it,and sorry to Jeremy,for hijacking your thread,...signed:-******-off,from Milton Keynes.
    1 point
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