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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2014 in all areas

  1. Hi Jeremy,unfortunately,it looks like a trawl through different insurance company websites,is on the cards for you-where one might give me a good deal,wouldn't do the same for you,and visa -versa,it's an insurance-lottery out there,if it's any help to you,I get the cheapest deal I can,as it's only a legal requirement to have your car insured,therefore,I don't believe in lining their pockets.-but then,I'm a crotchety,old fart these days,and can't be bothered with all these con-merchants out there any more.
    2 points
  2. Ah,the ubiquitous Audi Quattro,a much maligned car,ahead of it's time I think,I got the use of a friends one,back in the early 80's, -he went to Saudi to work for six months,and left me his Quattro,to look after,he had to prise the keys out of my hands,when he arrived back in Blighty,I didn't want to give it back......(sorry for going a bit off-topic here)
    1 point
  3. I hate this too. However if i dont have my housr keys on there ill only lock myself out lol
    1 point
  4. Easiest method is to place 2 suction cups on both sides of the hazard button and then carefully pull.... be careful not to yank it out as there wires behind it
    1 point
  5. Dude just buy the OEM darker tail lights used and sell yours. Or shrink wrap if it does the job
    1 point
  6. Azeem, I went with a good independant who was ex- Lexus. He recommended using the full kit; i.e. tensioner, idler, etc. for peace of mind. The belt was Lexus, the tensioner, idler, etc., was Blueprint oem quality. The waterpump was Aisin oem. All done for £625. Lexus quoted me £1135. After the job he showed me the parts he took off. The old tensioner pulley had noticeable 'play' in it so that you could rattle it. The old idler was slightly stiffer to turn than a new one, so I was glad I replaced all the parts. Probably the only part you could leave out would be the hydraulic tensioner, (which is different to the tensioner pulley). You could safely re-use the old hydraulic tensioner, once re-primed.
    1 point
  7. Lol ya tw@t hahaha... Started reading your post but not the bit at bottom and was going to tell you noooooo as I had a x type jag a while ago and there crap.... Clicked on link then burst out laughing and re-read your post ALL the way to bottom ...... Worst is a garage took it as a px
    1 point
  8. Hi, Just to let you know that club members can still receive a discount of up to 15% off their car insurance with the majority of our unique schemes however occasionally there maybe a product that offers the most competitive premium but doesn't have any owners club discount facility. We would of course always look to offer you this option. Regards, Dan.
    1 point
  9. This topic got me thinking when I was at school I had to get a weekend job to help out to buy food and pay bills etc as we never had much but we were happy. and when I was 16 i got a job and all I ever dreamt of was getting my own house, married with 3 nice children and so I started working 7 days a week doing stupid hours working away from home two to three weeks at the time and yes earning plenty of money which I saved and invested in properties . Forward to present date and I celebrated my 49th birthday last week with my wife and three kids. I still work 7 days a week do I need too no, do I work 7 days for the money no, friends ask my why I do it when I don't need to and all I can say its all I am used too. and when I do think of slowing down I have this little person on my shoulder saying peter what will happen if this happens or that happens so I push on is there a down side yes I missed my two girls growing up and regret that and never made the same mistake with my youngest would I give it all up to get those years back with my girls yes without a doubt so my advice earn as much as you can when you can but don't make the same mistake as me thinking you need more you don't. and don't forget why your doing it and miss your children growing up as you will not get a chance to go back LIVE FOR TODAY AS YOU DONT KNOW WHATS ROUND THE CORNER wish I had learnt this lesson a lot earlier.
    1 point
  10. I have very quickly realise money does not = happiness but it does give you options and it does reduce stress of not counting the pennies. I would never treasure material items over my family. They are my whole world and my reason for being. Stu
    1 point
  11. Agreed, it's normal to want more, particularly when you are young. I would caution though not to put material possessions above relationships and spending quality time together with your wife and child. I've had the money and the cars, and to be honest it didn't actually make me happy. Then I lost it all, and had to climb back up the ladder from nothing (bankrupt, divorced and unemployed all at once). Now I realise that I don't need anything beyond the basics and making sure that my children have enough to cover anything they need. My new Lexus is an indulgence, but I could easily have done without it.
    1 point
  12. It's normal to always want more. Myself and my wife have taken a new look on life in the last couple of years. Before we were obsessed with money, we bought a house and saved like crazy. But we were not happy. So we sold the house, I became self employed so I could work as little or as much as I like. My wife is still in her job as she likes it. I got rid of my new car (08 plate honda at the time) and bought a 10 year old IS200 to free up more funds. So we now enjoy life, we take 6-8 holidays abroad per year, I bought an IS300 as I'd always wanted one lol, she buys shoes, handbags etc and we live with the philosophy that as long as we have a roof over our head and food in our cupboards/fridge then we are blessed and life is good :)
    1 point
  13. No i don't think you ever get to the stage where you have everything. You always find something else you "NEED" but if you can afford it go for it. We only come this way once so enjoy yourself, you never know what's round the corner. I managed to work my way up from manual labour in warehousing to assistant manager, Put things off "while i get a bit further" and "more money in bank" Then all of a sudden through health reasons physical and mental, had to come out of work. So my advise is do or buy anything that makes you and your family happy.
    1 point
  14. If you do them Chris, the best way is cut on the clear side as close to grey plastic as possible, then when you reassemble using silicone, holds together easier while drying. That would be quicker and less likely to go wrong LOL, Although it isn't as bad as it sounds.
    1 point
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