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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2013 in all areas

  1. That last line seems to prove your inability to be realistic.
    2 points
  2. This little something was a nice Christmas surprise.
    1 point
  3. Replied to other thread.... No need to double post :)
    1 point
  4. Glad it passed Kevin but it isn't because it's a Lexus......It's nothing to do with the marque of the car, more to do with how it is looked after. My wife had a Proton Persona Sri from new in 1996 until it was p/x'ed in 2009 and that had never had so much as an advisory in spite of covering probably 180k. That was 13 years old not 17 but if she still had it I am confident it would have no problem in regard to MOT.
    1 point
  5. Hahaha knobby. Such a silly boy.... Run along and play somewhere else now
    1 point
  6. Had a quick look for you on some jap part web sites and eBay... Looks like a dealer only part or you can't just get the spring. Call Lexus tomorrow, if it is just a spring they'll order it for you and post it to you. Can't imagine a spring to be very expensive.
    1 point
  7. I have always been taught that there is an arse for every seat If I have an old scrap montego but love the car so much I would probably take no less than 10k for it I know I will never get that but if someone wants to offer that then the can tow it away !!! (I don't have one but its an example) The next lesson I was taught is the first offer is usually the best offer. I know this becaus there was one of my dads customers who had a BMW estate and wanted 12K for it. He got offered 9K and refused and he wanted to hold out for the full 12 or at least a bit closer. The longer he held onto the the car the older it got and he ended up taking 8K for it Where this comes into play is if you still want the car offer him 3400 for it which he will obviously refuse and then wait ................ 6 months later (he will still have the car because not many people will be willing to pay 4250 for it) the car will be older and will have been sat for a while and he will want to get rid of it, offer him 2750 as you know this is more than he originally paid for it so he will probably bite your hand off. Play the long game with it. If it works then great. If, in the meantime it has sold, then you still have your money and you have lost nothing.
    1 point
  8. If the guy ever gets back to me I might still buy it. Ive been after one for ages and unfortunately missed out becaue i didnt think it was fair to call the advertiser at 10pm. And when i did it was sold. I still wouldnt pay that much for it though considering he did offer it for 3400. I say fair do's to him he's a business man and if he can get that much for it then why not. He obviously knows / thinks someone will pay it.
    1 point
  9. Where on earth did you pluck these "Gentlemen's Agreements" theories from? So Honda are happy to sell less of their cars in order to make sure that Toyota, Ford etc are not outdone and stay in business? Some of your previous posts have been equally as ridiculous and argumentative so do you deliberately post rubbish to incite argument to maybe "liven up threads"? I notice you now have a Lexus is300.........did you sell your "4 door Supra"?
    1 point
  10. Still not got yourself a girlfriend then Knobby?
    1 point
  11. Do I care to go into detail? No. However, if you think that manufacturers downplay their specs to "fall inline" with their competition, then you are stupider than you sound. First basic rule of retail commerce; have a product that is better specced than the competition. And no, I didn't read the rest of your post past the first, brevity laden line. Now be gone with you, foolish boy
    1 point
  12. I received this from wife and kids...
    1 point
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