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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/2013 in all areas

  1. By hook or by crook. I have only been a member of two other motoring owners club one was Reliant Scimitar owners club, ( that's the Reliant that did have a wheel on each corner) they were OK but I always got the feeling they were running a business rather than a club and the other was Mercedes Owners Club and if you didn't have the latest model they didn't really want to know you. I stress that that is just the feeling I got from them. The one Lexus meet I have made it too at the P&L was a genuine mix of owners with various models and ages and all friendly and only to pleased to help another member with what ever it took to help another member. Carry on The Lexus Owners Club. Mike Well said Mike. It is an Owners Club, simply for owners to enjoy the Lexus brand in all it's models, latest or oldest. Like you i have been a part of owner forums before and found them to be lacking if you don't have the car, latest mods or purchasing power to fit. This entire forum and the owners club behaves more like a motorcycle forum and club where the sharing of knowledge, help and friendliness is just done without issue, nobody is judged. And lets hope it stays this way for many years to come.
    3 points
  2. By hook or by crook. I have only been a member of two other motoring owners club one was Reliant Scimitar owners club, ( that's the Reliant that did have a wheel on each corner) they were OK but I always got the feeling they were running a business rather than a club and the other was Mercedes Owners Club and if you didn't have the latest model they didn't really want to know you. I stress that that is just the feeling I got from them. The one Lexus meet I have made it too at the P&L was a genuine mix of owners with various models and ages and all friendly and only to pleased to help another member with what ever it took to help another member. Carry on The Lexus Owners Club. Mike
    3 points
  3. Guys i have a couple of questions with regards to the sat nav screen 1st is there anyeasier way of disbaling the "i agree" screen every time we start up - i know and have read about the vaistech method - but dont really want to go down that route 2nd question relates to the map screen. 99% of the time the screen i use is the climate control screen but everytime i reverse (the reverse camera comes on) and then the screen goes back the map screen - i then have to press the climate button to get the climate screen back on - the same happens if the front parking sensors are indicated for example if you are waiting in traffic and and somebody corss the road infront of the car the parking sensor will activate - then the screen goes back to the Map screen!!!!! So you get the idea here every journey i have to press "i agree" and climate several times - im finding this annoying any help appreciated Thank You
    2 points
  4. Congrats on passing MOT, i would edit the picture and remove reg number and garage details if i were you. Someone could print that off and use it for something shady.
    2 points
  5. Looked like a good meet. Couldn't make this one (enjoyed the last) but definately up for the next. Again,a big thanks must go to Ian for the organisation.
    2 points
  6. I have got a pair of dummy plates now that have Lexus LS400 on and I just pop them on so as to hide the others. Just need to remember to take them off again for the journey home. Mike
    2 points
  7. On Wednesday 23rd October, at 0:06, my wife gave birth to our daughter. Phoebe Helen Aspey was born, weighing in at 7lbs 3oz. 4 weeks in, we're doing well. She's settling quickly after feeds, which is allowing us to get some decent sleep.
    1 point
  8. hi to every1 on site i just bought my lexus is200 and boy am i glad i chosed lexus instead of bmw it drives superb and looks gawjus it has 97k on the milage i heard thats nothing for a lexus is that correct it drives smooth like its new from showroom :-)
    1 point
  9. At 70 my revs are 2100 in 5th & 2800 in 4th so if its doing 2800 it is in 4th gear.
    1 point
  10. Well done Ian. Surely you are far to young to have seen them let alone know about them. One of the greatest bands ever to come out of not just Scotland but the UK. Streets ahead of everything else around at the time. I had the honour of meeting them all on many occasions. I forgot how many times I saw them live. A few years back they did try and put the band back together and it toured for a couple of years but with no Alex it was never ever going to be the same. Zal sadly has sold all his guitars & amps and turned his back on the music business for good. What a waste of such self taught talent. Anyway Ian well done do you want salt & vinegar on your fish & chips? Mike.
    1 point
  11. Now I feel really old - I remember watching the sensational Alex Harvey band at knebworth..... What I didn't realise is that it was in 1974 - where have those 40 years gone?
    1 point
  12. I hope this helps. The LS I own now is my 2nd. Both were Mark 4's. When I sold the 1st one, (biggest mistake I made) The plan was to bypass the LS430 and go for LS460 or 600. both these cars were beautiful. I looked at two of each. Then found the one I own now. I was very lucky to find this one. I thought nothing could beat the 1st one. How wrong I was. Don't get me wrong, the 460 and 600 were lovely cars. But there is just something about the 400 mark 4. They say Lexus was at its peak with this model.
    1 point
  13. I understand what you saying Chris and its not a special gear but it is an over drive gear it is intended for cruising once speed has been built up. the IS220d has 5 direct gears to assist in acceleration and 1 overdrive(cruising) gear. this is the same principal as the 6 speed you have in the IS200. an overdrive is mainly for cruising and extracting as much mpg out of a vehicle and not intended for accelerating but this is debatable depending on final drive ratio , engine characteristics and power band. this is why Catalin can not accelerate his car instantly in 6th gear until he 'floors' it. though a car can accelerate gradually in an overdrive gear its not intended for flooring but direct gears will.
    1 point
  14. Congratulations to you both. She looks beautiful and all that gorgeous hair. I have no doubt she will break a few hearts. Mike
    1 point
  15. Yawn... another Lexus passes MOT... Just kidding mate, well done and happy days! :P
    1 point
  16. Congratulations to you and the wife Stuart. :hocus-pokus: Say hello to Phoebe for us.... :winky:
    1 point
  17. S reg 1998 then ??? What's Lexus thinking of, such premature bulb failure after only 15 years ..... any normal owner wouldn't expect such a failure so soon Malc
    1 point
  18. Something else to note, in sports mode the box will still make its way up to 8th gear, which in my experience is very different to other Autos/Dual clutches. In my wifes 630i if you click sport then at normal cruising speeds 50-70 the box drops down one from top even though you maybe cruising at that very moment. This is great in the F because you can have it in sport without screaming down the motorway in an unnecessarily low gear, but still have an additional responsiveness when you need it. It is a fantastic gearbox.
    1 point
  19. Think I've said it a few times now mate but congratulations :) :)
    1 point
  20. Just sorry for you that you have to lift it manually, life can be so hard :)
    1 point
  21. Some very nice photos of Sundays meet there,though,for reasons that those who attended will appreciate,there are noticeably,no close-ups of my car (cough,cough) and would also mention-,and I'm sure I'm speaking for many of the other Members,there on Sunday, Bluesman,was conspicuous,by his absence,maybe next time Mike?
    1 point
  22. hi gaz, just a brief update. The car was showing 499.6 with 100 left in the tank this evening. I had to top up with £20.00 as I'm going to Aberfeldy tomorrow afternoon as part of work. I would have had more than enough to cover tomorrow's mileage, but I've run it down to the line on the last two fill ups, so I don't want to keep doing that in case it starts to draw up all the gunk from the bottom of the tank. It'll probably be ok, but I don't want to upset the car! You have my word of honour that the figures i've posted here are the correct figures as per the read outs from the dash. I find it hard to believe that I am getting 600 miles from this last tank, I find it simply incredible. It may be hard to believe, but I have nothing to gain by telling porkies, in fact I am leaving myself open to ridicule posting these figures, but every one is correct. I did put the chip on the car a fortnight ago tonight, but I don't think that's what's doing it as it is much quicker off the mark and the acceleration has improved drastically. Although all cars of the same marque are built to the same standards, no two cars will ever be the same as there is always small variations in components and a car built on a Friday at 4pm may not be as well put together as one built on a Wednesday at 11 am! Some of the cars will just perform better than others and I'm beginning to think that I've just been lucky and got a really good one that runs as sweet as a nut. For anyone reading this, I am open to suggestions as regards explaining why my mpg is so high in comparison with the vast majority of the other contributors. Frankie
    1 point
  23. sorry, forgot to talk about the prefect...oops! Its the noisiest, stinkiest and most uncomfortable car I have ever driven and if you can get it to go from 0-60 in a week, you must've had the sport version... Still, I wouldn't change it for the world. It is a fabulous little car and it was at the start of the period where motoring really became something that was becoming just within the reach of the masses and as such its a piece of history and it was a very advanced car for the time as it actually had indicators and not the ones that popped out from the side and thereby running the risk of decapitating tall cyclists when turning. I won't talk about the anaemic poo coloured paint. Some readers may still be eating! Frankie
    1 point
  24. Can't help you on that one I'm afraid! But welcome anyway, I've just joined too. Everyone on here seems really nice and you will be surprised how quickly you get replys to your questions. What were you doing posting at 4am this morning, couldn't sleep? One thing I can tell about the alarms on IS 200/300 assuming they are the same. Is if you leave a phone/ iPad in the car and it's on your driveway in reach of your house wifi it will set the alarm off if you get any emails etc. It took me about five times in the middle of the night to work out what it was. The neighbours loved it!
    1 point
  25. as confirmed 97K on these Yoda engines is just breaking in period.. bought mine at 105k and currently 125K and still drives smooth, no squeaks and rattles inside the car, and MOT tester still couldn't believe how quiet the Lexus idles in fact he confirmed he thought my engine had cut off when he had it on the ramp lowered the ramp and noticed it was silently ticking over at 750rpm. one can easily loose their license as engine is so smooth 70mph feels like 40mph so check your speed gauge often as you can go over easily without noticing.. Enjoy
    1 point
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