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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2013 in all areas

  1. I am not disabled and am very thankful for that having just nursed my wife through an hip replacement and see how she coped for 12 week not mentioning once the pain she was in post op.I have been a professional driver all my working days and have driven all over the world .I can honestly say I have never parked in a disabled bay and even to the extent of not being able to park at all and having to move on. There is a resentment in some people against special treatment being awarded to others whatever the circumstances and it would be better dealt with if they could just think for a minute what that means to the affected person. Rememberence Sunday as just passed and it remembers those who died for us so we could live free speak free and consider those who need consideration most.
    3 points
  2. Why does it cause so much heated argument? The law of this land is that on the highways of this country to use a disabled bay you need a Blue Badge. This is not true on private land such as supermarkets or public car parks. Anyone can use these disabled bays even if you are not disabled, you may get given a ticket (invoice) from the company that owns or runs that car park for failing to display a blue badge but this is very rare. Stealing, Fraud, Robbery, is not only criminal but anti social most people would agree. If you use the disabled bays without a blue badge or using a blue badge wrongly you are committing all the above but somehow feel that's OK as you are only going to be 5 mins to drop some things off at the charity shop and because of your good deed the disabled person can either wait while you go about your charitable duties or bugger off and find somewhere else to park. I think you get the picture by now. Using a disabled bay is as anti social as drink driving. theft, fraud & robbery. We are given a blue badge as many of us would just not go out. I got to that stage before my wife made me get one and when it arrived I felt as though I had been given back my freedom, so when you next go to use one of these bays wrongly please just remember you are no better that the rest of the fraudsters, thieves, robbers & drink drivers that infest our society. PS please feel free to say whatever you feel when you see this sort antisocial/criminal act going on by these antisocial people.
    3 points
  3. . Glad to be of assistance ... I am sure you will find some blue tablets on the net that should fix your other problem. ! Cheers Kevin
    1 point
  4. Probably better to decline the offer and tell them to get in touch with me instead
    1 point
  5. I think the sound quality is good if not better. The standard Lexus unit must be a 15-20 year old design now - I would imagine anything recent would be better. I get FM/AM from standard aerial and also DAB (digital) from an extra antenna that I mounted on the rear screen. I'd say that the IS200 is also the easiest car I've ever installed audio in - the head unit comes out very easily - there's no stuffing wires into a single DIN slot and then forcing the head unit in. The only difficult part is the the amp bypass cable, but there are ways of doing that too...
    1 point
  6. Having re-read all posts on this thread I don't see anyone "slagging off" people who have personalised registrations for their vehicles. Everyone has a right to their opinion on things and to voice those opinions in discussions on forums such as this which is something which you need to live with.
    1 point
  7. Not sure I can really answer your questions, but I have a Pioneer DEH-X6500-DAB in mine. I used a single DIN adaptor kit (which are not the best quality) but just about do the job - if you want one I have a spare. If you remove your glovebox, the amplifier will be behind it to the left, if you have one. Mine is just by-passed - the head unit has enough power not to need it. This set up was the least effort (apart from attaching the amp bypass cable to the back of the amp, which I still have scars on the back of my hand from!). The head unit plays mp3s from CD or from a USB stick slot on the front - I bought a tiny 8GB stick for peanuts off ebuyer, which gives me stacks of space, but is also extremely convenient for taking indoors and putting new stuff on it. The head unit even remembers what it was playing when you put it back in which is cool.
    1 point
  8. Corr we have gone a bit scary with that clown. Mike
    1 point
  9. Are you trying to say her backside looks big in the car park?
    1 point
  10. Mine's going in to Hurst for a power steering recall this week. Only notified about it a few weeks ago so it remains to be seen if there's any problem. Same age of car & model etc. I'll keep you posted.
    1 point
  11. Yes, that's normal if you have the 17" wheels.
    1 point
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