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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2013 in all areas

  1. 477 miles / 65.10 litres = 7.33 miles per litre x £10 (£10 / £1.329 = 7.52 litres ((7.33 MPL x 7.52 litres)) = 55.12 miles. In theory, if you can drive like me, then £10 should be able to get you 50 miles down the road . . . . . . . Or, splash out, put £20 in, and you'll be able to get back again
    3 points
  2. Yes just keep going J, when you get to that point where you can see that everything is looking and feeling good you won't regret it and you will want to drive all the time. I forgot to mention I changed to flat blade wipers also, and little things like painted the calipers and a screw type tax disc holder and found some lexus mats at a yard. Oohhh and the armrest! Ok will have to update this again.
    2 points
  3. Ok I am just starting this thread to show the life of 'Creeper' my cars name (yeh i'm a bit sad but who cares lol). I have no pictures of the way I bought it, but lets just say it seemed someone had been using it for banga racing. The smell inside wasn't great either. I didn't have a windscreen so i took the opportunity to change the colour of the centre console from black to silver, just wanted it to look like it had more life and it fitted in line with the grey piping on the seats. To I chopped off the old handbrake for a Momo one To.. and as you can see I changed the gear Knob to something a bit more classy in my opinion. I got addicted to spraying things so I darkened the fog lights, and headlights, and also bought some darker tail lights from a member on here I believe. For the tail lights i used tint spray, you can buy different colours, blue, smoke, red and green (e-tech range) To
    1 point
  4. what do you use on plastics? Trim gel? No it's some special stuff a mate gets me used on commercial airliner seats, it comes in a 1ltr bottle and is a thick white gloopy liquid,lasts for years.
    1 point
  5. ^^ New S40's are very nice indeed but pricey. Just looking round steadily for a Gen2 9-3 Vert preface atm.
    1 point
  6. If it's not the flasher unit it can be the hazard warning switch as the indicator circuit is integrated into this and yes I may have one if you need it.
    1 point
  7. If anyone on here is anywhere near you I'm sure they won't mind you having a look. They are a very rare car with only just over 200 sold in the uk and only about 10 for sale at any one time. I waited for 4 months till I found mine.
    1 point
  8. i'm not rushing to move on either yet, its due a 70k service so thats getting booked in in the coming weeks, anything to help with the sale when I do advertise it, started stickin spares on the bay so claw back any extra cash to go towards the replacement the thing thats taking time is people keep throwing other car options at me I still sway back to Saab 9-3 as I think they are dead nice inside and out for the top spec facelifted model but i've looked at an Audi A6, a Volvo S40 New shape, and an Alfa GT (all diesels)
    1 point
  9. just a quick update, I got the bonnet back off the buyer today, I did feel he was genuine with his complaint, simply with the tone of the messages, he never accused me of trying to rip him off or anything like that, and so I tried to help as best I could now as i'd opened a case to the seller I originally got the bonnet off they simply asked for me to show images of the defects, they will claim a refund for me in the next coming week and will only ask for the bonnet back if they really have to, so... I put the bonnet on my own car and took a couple of photos... you can see how the panel gap is pretty much parallel until it reaches the headlamp, then curves away from the wing Then took a couple of photos of imperfections in the carbon weave, they had started to go white in places: The bolt holes are too small for the original bolts, the supplied bolt's heads are small enough to go completely through the bonnet hinges, so would need some good washers/collars on for them to fit and stay still, all in all a bad experience, just hoping the seller offers me a refund, as I still need to refund my buyer for his return postage all in all, lesson learned, the panel gaps wouldn't be half as noticeable on a dark car though so if the original seller does not want it back i'm gonna put it on a no reserve back on ebay, but showing all defects, someone may make use of it
    1 point
  10. I dont see the point of doing it if your car is set up correct they should last quite a while
    1 point
  11. Hello and welcome to the LOC. Sound like you have some problems there especially if you are loosing parts. TBH from a safety point of view if you lack the knowledge and confidence to work on a cars braking system I would entrust the work to a professional mechanic, you can't afford to take chances with a cars brking system. There are only 2 14mm bolts holding the caliper to the carrier bracket and by removing just the top one you should be able to lift the caliper down allowing you to remove the pads and replace them but you will also need to push the pistons back to accomodate the new thicker pads, if the 4 you mention are torx type these actually hold the 2 halves of the caliper together and should not be removed. The tutorial below is actually for the LS400 but the brake setup is similar so should provide a guide to yours, however as I have said if you ain't sure get a pro to do the job :D The second picture down shows I think the V springs you need to refit if you can find them, if not the fitting kit is only available from Lexus dealers part number 04947-30120 priced at £70.00.
    1 point
  12. Well I would like to be in a room with you lot there would be no need for central heating. Couple of points, Mention Law to me and you are talking money and aggro, do we really need that at our time in life.The other point is this When I bought my wonderful Ls400 off ebay last year I did extensive research before I stepped out of the door on the 400 mile journey to BUY it yes I say buy it because the research and subsequent conversations with the owner convinced me this car was spot on . It was a private sale but it was originally presented on Ebay by the owners son in law who was at first conversation obviously a salesman but that was his profession in another industry away from the motor trade. Having been in Sales most of my working life you read the signals from what people are saying so I soon realized I was on to a good thing.Eventually spoke to the owner who was a real Gem and decision made. To summarise there are lots of Motors out there that are genuine and there are a few nasty people you don't need to know so do your homework ,if it looks iffy just walk away put your efforts and hard earned cash into something genuine.
    1 point
  13. I agree. My brother bought a VW Phaeton a few months ago. A nice car but definitely not in the Lexus class. I told him to spend his £5k on a decent LS but he didn't listen!
    1 point
  14. <Your only in Durham which ain't far from me :p I can come round for a spin> Better still. Go and see it and test drive it this weekend yourself at Alexanders, Boroughbridge! <As said tho double check the brake pads and discs as these are expensive items .. > Yes. To be fair they said that they would service it before anyone took delivery. As they deal mainly with high-end cars like Porsche, Ferrari, Audi and Beemers, I hope that they would spot potential trouble in that area. Argento
    1 point
  15. Just had a flick thru this... There are some really great looking cars on this site! Owners should be proud!
    1 point
  16. man if you just focus on the reflection of fence on the door, it appears like as if your car is plated in gold!
    1 point
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