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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2013 in all areas

  1. I was 2 notches before empty and had covered 355 miles. so i reckon i could hit 400, and mines a auto :o. Ive had a week off work tho, done alot of trekking on the motorway....
    1 point
  2. I love the train horn - I'm not sure about the exhaust (it's a bit loud and farty) and I'll bet the neighbours just love you. A great video - I'm still smiling :). Hehe glad the horn is liked :P computer speakers really do them no justice... They can be heard for miles and the ground literraly shakes if you stand near the car! As for the exhaust, aftermarket pipes arnt everyones taste and i understand that, however again speakers dont help show the lovely V8 rumble when its not being booted right up the revs! I wouldnt say its tinny at all, even up in the revs, as its only a cat-back system. All fun and games anyhow :D A lot of us who drive a Lexus spend our lives complaining about road noise so we would be rude about the exhausts - the horn made me crap myself when I heard it on the PC so live it must be something else :) You car looks immaculate- better than my 204K miles motorway pounder. Bren
    1 point
  3. That would be great Tom. Do you still have my number? As for all the gleaming cars, good work chaps! I'm interested to try out the clay bar approach. I think I lack a bit of confidence but having seen what it can do on some of the cars here I think i will give it a go. Not for a week or two though. I will enjoy her as she is for a bit.
    1 point
  4. Can I play too? I gave both my puppies a wash yesterday, and just managed to upload some pics: I started washing them at noon, and it was almost sunset (and cold!) by the time I was done, but it was so worth it B)
    1 point
  5. Seems like a drastic course of action given that you are not sure where the noise is coming from. You may find that the rattle does not come from there, AND that you will have introduced a new one when putting the console back! Any chance you could get someone else to drive the car while you move around from one seat to another trying to find the definitive source of the noise? I have an annoying rattle in mine which I thought came from a front speaker, or an air vent. Took me days to work out that it came from the cowling over the rev counter (still not fixed... not sure what to do). With regards to your comments, it may not have anything to do with the hearing duct, but more with the noise frequency/vibration that changes as the engine warms up. Have you checked: - the cup holders compartment (cup holders themselves and the compartment lid). Does it make any difference if the compartment is closed or open? - the console lid and its open/close switches? Does it make any difference whether the console is closed or open? - there should be a removable plastic insert within the console. Have you checked that there is nothing wedged underneath it like a coin? Have you tried taking it out (it just pulls out) - Is the lighting within the console working (I think there is an orange lilght within the console and a blue one within the cup holders). If it is not, maybe one of the little bulbs has worked itself loose - Have you tried sliding the console back and forth to check that nothing is wedged underneath? Does the rattle increase/decrease depending on the position of the console? CAn't think of anything else...
    1 point
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