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Rory last won the day on September 12 2013

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  1. I put mine up in Feb, it attracted dreamers initially as (in my opinon) it was the best on auto trader at the time I advertised it £8k, I just ignored the low-ballers or took their "offers" as offers to pay a deposit (knowing what they were offering was what they obviuosly couldn't afford) and asked when they were coming to view and settle the balance. Within a month someone advertised one almost as nice as mine for a couple of grand less (way below it should have been) based on others that were also listed, it sold very very quickly a month or so later a dealer put one identical to mine on, with 10k less miles on, but not looking any nicer, for £12k, and it disappeared within a week, I don't know whether it sold, but dealers obviously get more generally as customer's have 6 months to iron out any issues, but £12k?! after that mine remained the most expensive and (I think still, the nicest) and it sold at the beginning of July to a chap who only started looking in July If you want to sell it, leave it advertised, it just needs the right person to have a look
  2. That process is taking a little longer, however i'll be back over in August and again for Christmas, watch this space... Maybe add a second location to my current one as i'm racking up some serious air miles at the moment
  3. After a few months, several dreamers and a small number of idiots trying to use webuyanycar's valuation as a justification for lowballing me without even viewing, someone came to view the car last week, test drove it, and bought it there and then. I'm sure I'll have another in future but now isn't the right time with the other stuff I have going on
  4. I just made it neater, in line with current offerings, anyone I've discussed the price with knows my bottom line, any new interest can negotiate from the current price 👍
  5. It is that one, I have seen that video, when I looked into it there was conflicting info regarding valve 3 being the same as solenoid c when I looked at actual part numbers, I'll revisit the problem when the LS has gone
  6. I should add that it has oil and filters in June '22 prior to my purchasing, and I have the receipts for those, they just didn't get the book stamped
  7. I am the owner of this car, in the interest of clarity, the chap who wants to view it is yet to confirm a date, which is difficult as I do 12 hour night shifts so my availability is also limited, and i've been kept waiting for over 2 weeks despite still messaging both ways discussing details of the car, a little frustrating, as i've asked multiple times for him to just come see it at least, so its still very much first come first serve, however, from the 2nd April to 23rd April I am away in Alaska, now, The MOT is due June 10th and obviously can be done the second week in May to give it the max 13 months, so if it is still advertised at 2nd April, i'm gonna hang onto it into May and put the full mot on for the new owner, it seems silly not to at that point. A potential viewer also wanted to agree a price pending viewing but his offer was too low, however he gave me feedback on the others that are at Elite motors which is the reason i've kept my price as it is, I'm happy to disclose my bottom line is £8k and i'm standing firm on that and for those who will no doubt realise I only bought the car last spring may ask why i'm selling, I met a lovely lady about a month before buying the car, and she lives in Alaska, I had no idea how well things would go, but i've been back and forth since september and hope that by summer the flight will be one way, so i'm now renovating the house to put it up for rent, I still have my IS300 (avatar pic) which I haven't decided yet what to do with, as I will still spend some time back and forth, watch this space...
  8. I'm hoping it all works in my LS, I tried the radio, but I don't know what a cassette is, lol I'm joking, but I do my music the modern way, I do have the option of making some CDs though
  9. Just had a quick look around the forum but no relevent topics have recent replies... My is300 still has the original sound system which is fully operational, however I did add a usb/SD/aux into the minidisk input on the head unit, I'm assuming it isn't compatible with the LS unit as it was only compatible with certain IS200/300 units, does anyone have a similar kit on their LS that doesn't do away with their factory unit?
  10. If I'd waited a few days 🤣 Although the only colour I wanted more than the gold is blue rather than black, the interior of this one isn't as well looked after as mine and mine is a chunk less miles, but for the money I reckon it'll go fairly quickly too
  11. Yeh I'll 6'3 so the first thing I have to do is move the wheel away from my thighs, all good, checked the sound system, the double glazing, I was very thorough
  12. I haven't even checked that, most places where I live offer E5 so I've no issues if that's what's recommended, I've been putting that in the IS300 since I got it running again anyway
  13. I did, I'm on call today so I found a window to drive up, all in all cosmetically there's a few touched up stone chips and the footrest next to the pedals is grubby, it may have had a touch up on the rear bumper so I'll have a closer look, if it has I'm certain it's only been to cover a scrape and not a dent, it's a very straight looking car, I want a new set of front mats for it to make it as close to perfect, the fella Alex took me along a decent route to give it a nice test drive, it felt great, no pulling in odd directions under acceleration or braking, went down a carriage way to give it a little push and it pulls nicely, a couple of tight turns and I didn't hear any full lock noises to cause concern, that's just off the top of my head when I was checking stuff out, I'm picking it up on Wednesday as I'm finally due a day off, needless to say I'll end up putting 3 figures in the tank and taking it for a nice drive
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