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Supermarket "expert" Parkers


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Our white CT has just sustained paint damage for a third time in a supermarket car park.

The damage has always occurred when my wife drives the car. The average cost of the paint repairs is just over £200 a time and we are on first name terms with our local body shop team. ( One stop in St Ives and they do a very reasonable and good quality job too)

I tell my wife to imagine getting a £200 fine every time she decides to park too close to a clot's car.

The way to avoid this is to keep away from 4x4s, children/people carriers and park as far away as possible from the supermarket entrance alongside expensive ,unmarked and quite obviously looked after cars.

If there were to be a change in the hit and run mentality which entailed being able to bring both parties to account instead of the damaged party just paying up for parking next to a disappearing clot there could be some improvement, however, this would involve some of our "model citizens" having to admit their own faults which doesn't seem to be in-keeping with modern goody two shoes values at all.

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We always park in the most deserted spot in a car park, even if it does mean walking from the furthest end to the shop and if there isn't a 'clear' spot we will pick a nice top end car to go next to :)

We even park as far away from our neighbours 'people wagon' as possible - despite having separate drives :rolleyes:

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I endorse your comments. I have just returned from France and picked up a stone dink that looks very like a supermarket wound so could be either - it goes in on 30th and quote is £185 so consistent with this

thread. I do think the ct paint is susceptible to damage I particular suffer from the adverse effects on the paint from seagull guano - I don't know if they think my ultra blue is the sea but it has attracted vile quantities of the stuff and if you don't get it off quick it's eaten into the clear coat

Sent from my Iphone using Lexus OC

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Is it really worth getting it fixed every time? Don't get me wrong if this happened to my new car I would be upset but if it costs £200 each time, presumably not on your insurance, it could get very expensive trying to keep the car in perfect condition.

When the car has been repaired is it as good as new with a perfect colour match? Does it affect the value of the car come trade in time? It's the same with the alloys. Is it worth repairing them every time they get curbed?

My wife's jazz has loads of dings in the door from car parks and the odd scratch from the kids bikes. If I got this repaired every time it would cost a fortune. Will you get the cost of repair back at trade in time?

Just wondering if it's worth the hassle.


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You have a point but - with a car with under 5000 miles and still the new toy and not yet the utility vehicle it feels right to extend the prime looks. I'm sure a more relaxed view will arrive but want to keep it good for as long as possible.

Sent from my Iphone using Lexus OC

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Park in the child bay. No one notices, promise!

i hate people that park in child parking bays without children if i have my way i would wheel clamp all four wheels and have an individual charge to remove each of them or string them up by the bollocks if they couldn't pay.

we have an 8mth old baby and yes we use the bays and only when he is with us in the car, if he isn't i would'nt park in them.

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Tend to agree with 200h - similarly those whose use disabled bays when not so or pick up and set down bays to nip for cash at supermarket, those that hover on double yellows or stop in yellow boxes outside the fire station to answer their phone, It's laziness combined with inconsideration grrrr. Any one else with pet hates?

Sent from my Iphone using Lexus OC

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Park in the child bay. No one notices, promise!

i hate people that park in child parking bays without children if i have my way i would wheel clamp all four wheels and have an individual charge to remove each of them or string them up by the bollocks if they couldn't pay.

we have an 8mth old baby and yes we use the bays and only when he is with us in the car, if he isn't i would'nt park in them.

I have children but i still park in the child bays regardless. Everyone else seems to do it around here, so I will as well. Think about it like this - what is the point being considerate towards other car users when no one is considerate towards you?

Plus, mine is rather large compared to a CT and barely fits in a normal space. If it does, I have trouble getting out anyway so as a large vehicle owner, I think I'm eligible to use the child bays for the sake of being able to get out.

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I can't believe you just wrote what you wrote. People like you should leave your arrogance at home and take the bus. Child and disabled parking bays are there for a reason, and the fact that some people abuse them does not give you the right to do the same.

If your car barely fits parking bays, maybe you should consider parking somewhere else, or buying a different car.

It is people like you who give SUV drivers a bad name. They also attrtact supermarket dings and key sratches.

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Tell your wife to stay at home and let the Supermarket come to her !

Our car is damage free, uses no fuel and our time is our own !

We learnt our lesson years ago, so start thinking outside the box.



Tried that years ago John, didnt like eating stale food.

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Park in the child bay. No one notices, promise!

I did suggest to her to buy a child seat from the nearest car boot sale. Perhaps this is the way to go.

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Is it really worth getting it fixed every time? Don't get me wrong if this happened to my new car I would be upset but if it costs £200 each time, presumably not on your insurance, it could get very expensive trying to keep the car in perfect condition.

When the car has been repaired is it as good as new with a perfect colour match? Does it affect the value of the car come trade in time? It's the same with the alloys. Is it worth repairing them every time they get curbed?

My wife's jazz has loads of dings in the door from car parks and the odd scratch from the kids bikes. If I got this repaired every time it would cost a fortune. Will you get the cost of repair back at trade in time?

Just wondering if it's worth the hassle.


I spent my youth successfully getting from A to B in a variety of reliable sheds. Sheds are good. Our Lexus wasnt bought as a shed and I dont want to allow it to become one. I am fast coming to the conclusion that it would be more economical to buy a shed specifically as a shopping tool.

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Disabled bays..... Hmmmm.... by rights both myself and my wife are entitled to disabled parking registration. Neither of us use that option because we both consider that these permits are too easy to obtain and in the most part arent needed. Where I work theres a person who drives a manual Mazda MX5 and she has a disabled sticker for no apparent reason since she briskly walks a couple of hundred yards to her place of work in the hospital from her "reserved"spot in the disabled car park.

To my mind disabled parking is widely misused by people with disabled stickers. There are many who give the few a bad name.

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Going on with the lack of care or consideration some people have for anothers property I parked in the car park at the rear of a local pub the other night with no other cars around me.

With it being a warm evening the rear door of the pub was open and I remembered something I had left in the car, exiting the door I was greeted by a couple the male of which was casually perched on the wing of my LS400.

Realising it was my car he suddenly stood up,apologised and said it's OK there are no studs on my jeans.

"Good" I replied "So it just needs re- polishing then,I'll get the Meguires out of the boot for you"

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I can't believe you just wrote what you wrote. People like you should leave your arrogance at home and take the bus. Child and disabled parking bays are there for a reason, and the fact that some people abuse them does not give you the right to do the same.

If your car barely fits parking bays, maybe you should consider parking somewhere else, or buying a different car.

It is people like you who give SUV drivers a bad name. They also attrtact supermarket dings and key sratches.

Frankly, your post makes no difference to me whatsoever. I dont like getting my car dinged every time I visit a supermarket. People who ding cars have courtesy do they? Dont see why I should be paying for parking in a spot perfectly and letting them ding my car so I have no reason to be courteous to others. And yes, EVERYONE dings the car! My previous RX300 was hit with a trolley, keyed on one side, dinged in multiple places. Ever since resorting to child bays - NO scratches!

I think its better I park in the child bays than key someone elses car when I spot dings on mine. I have a short temper and other people's disrespect towards me or my car resorts to me parking in the child bays. Its an eye for an eye you see.

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I hear that the parking bays at Waitrose are wider :P

Anyway, I find that parking bays in the UK are generally narrow, even for my tiny IS200. I have now resorted to Tesco's click and collect to counter shopping trolley dings. Works well so far :)

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I can't believe you just wrote what you wrote. People like you should leave your arrogance at home and take the bus. Child and disabled parking bays are there for a reason, and the fact that some people abuse them does not give you the right to do the same.

If your car barely fits parking bays, maybe you should consider parking somewhere else, or buying a different car.

It is people like you who give SUV drivers a bad name. They also attrtact supermarket dings and key sratches.

Frankly, your post makes no difference to me whatsoever. I dont like getting my car dinged every time I visit a supermarket. People who ding cars have courtesy do they? Dont see why I should be paying for parking in a spot perfectly and letting them ding my car so I have no reason to be courteous to others. And yes, EVERYONE dings the car! My previous RX300 was hit with a trolley, keyed on one side, dinged in multiple places. Ever since resorting to child bays - NO scratches!

I think its better I park in the child bays than key someone elses car when I spot dings on mine. I have a short temper and other people's disrespect towards me or my car resorts to me parking in the child bays. Its an eye for an eye you see.

And there I was, trying to make you feel a tiny weeny bit guilty ! ;-)

I don't disagree with your reasons. But I do disagree with your tit for tat approach. I am not of the "turn the other cheek" brigade, but I think the eye for an eye attitude can only lead to road rage.

And yes, Waitrose spaces are much wider. And they do home deliveries for free.

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I can't believe you just wrote what you wrote. People like you should leave your arrogance at home and take the bus. Child and disabled parking bays are there for a reason, and the fact that some people abuse them does not give you the right to do the same.

If your car barely fits parking bays, maybe you should consider parking somewhere else, or buying a different car.

It is people like you who give SUV drivers a bad name. They also attrtact supermarket dings and key sratches.

Frankly, your post makes no difference to me whatsoever. I dont like getting my car dinged every time I visit a supermarket. People who ding cars have courtesy do they? Dont see why I should be paying for parking in a spot perfectly and letting them ding my car so I have no reason to be courteous to others. And yes, EVERYONE dings the car! My previous RX300 was hit with a trolley, keyed on one side, dinged in multiple places. Ever since resorting to child bays - NO scratches!

I think its better I park in the child bays than key someone elses car when I spot dings on mine. I have a short temper and other people's disrespect towards me or my car resorts to me parking in the child bays. Its an eye for an eye you see.

And there I was, trying to make you feel a tiny weeny bit guilty ! ;-)

I don't disagree with your reasons. But I do disagree with your tit for tat approach. I am not of the "turn the other cheek" brigade, but I think the eye for an eye attitude can only lead to road rage.

And yes, Waitrose spaces are much wider. And they do home deliveries for free.

No harm done dont worry. Although still dont see where the road rage bit comes from? I am a very calm driver, hybrid technology makes me calmer still. Parking on the other hand, drives me crazy! OMG do I have to be the only one where the nearest waitrose is 10 miles away?

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Road rage...

... because parking in bays you are not strictly entitled to park is likely to cause resentment from other drivers, and this resentment may be aggravated by the fact that you drive a top of the range SUV, which a lot of ill informed people regard as devil's spawn.

This resentment, compounded with the tired frustration of a new parent who has not slept for weeks, who is forced to drive an under powered and low rent people carrier that has not been cleaned - inside or out - for weeks through lack of time, that smells of dirty nappies and has windows smeared in chocolate, may trigger an unrelenting torrent of abuse projected squarely in your direction, and may escalate into a full blown and very public argument.

I have seen it happen.


But not in a Waitrose car park, you'll understand.

; )

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Road rage...

... because parking in bays you are not strictly entitled to park is likely to cause resentment from other drivers, and this resentment may be aggravated by the fact that you drive a top of the range SUV, which a lot of ill informed people regard as devil's spawn.

This resentment, compounded with the tired frustration of a new parent who has not slept for weeks, who is forced to drive an under powered and low rent people carrier that has not been cleaned - inside or out - for weeks through lack of time, that smells of dirty nappies and has windows smeared in chocolate, may trigger an unrelenting torrent of abuse projected squarely in your direction, and may escalate into a full blown and very public argument.

I have seen it happen.


But not in a Waitrose car park, you'll understand.

; )

of course not,waitrose shoppers would sit down have a cuppa and talk it over and arrange a time they could meet again.

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Road rage...

... because parking in bays you are not strictly entitled to park is likely to cause resentment from other drivers, and this resentment may be aggravated by the fact that you drive a top of the range SUV, which a lot of ill informed people regard as devil's spawn.

This resentment, compounded with the tired frustration of a new parent who has not slept for weeks, who is forced to drive an under powered and low rent people carrier that has not been cleaned - inside or out - for weeks through lack of time, that smells of dirty nappies and has windows smeared in chocolate, may trigger an unrelenting torrent of abuse projected squarely in your direction, and may escalate into a full blown and very public argument.

I have seen it happen.


But not in a Waitrose car park, you'll understand.

; )

of course not,waitrose shoppers would sit down have a cuppa and talk it over and arrange a time they could meet again.

That was quite an entertaining read to be honest!

If someone decides to argue, ill just point to the hybrid badge and see what happens! Besides, most people wont bother, ive been told im rather intimidating at work.

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Is it really worth getting it fixed every time? Don't get me wrong if this happened to my new car I would be upset but if it costs £200 each time, presumably not on your insurance, it could get very expensive trying to keep the car in perfect condition.

When the car has been repaired is it as good as new with a perfect colour match? Does it affect the value of the car come trade in time? It's the same with the alloys. Is it worth repairing them every time they get curbed?

My wife's jazz has loads of dings in the door from car parks and the odd scratch from the kids bikes. If I got this repaired every time it would cost a fortune. Will you get the cost of repair back at trade in time?

Just wondering if it's worth the hassle.


I spent my youth successfully getting from A to B in a variety of reliable sheds. Sheds are good. Our Lexus wasnt bought as a shed and I dont want to allow it to become one. I am fast coming to the conclusion that it would be more economical to buy a shed specifically as a shopping tool.

Exactly what we did.....

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