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New Strict Meet Rules To Be Set In Place


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It seems that the gaydon meet went well. But it could have been a disaster.

It seems there were alot of cars racing at the gaydon meet ie Toyotas, Hondas and even spotted a couple of Lexi myself.

I am seriously dissapointed in the way some members from all 3 club acted on this fine day.

A child was nearly hit by a speeding car that was heading round the bend. The parents were horrified and reported it to security. What possesses such stupidity from certain members beats me.

The person who is responsible should publicly own up and apologise because I have a list of registration plates and I shall be restricting this person from our meetings and from using our forums unless i hear from this person.


So... as head of committee I have decided to put together some very strict rules in regards to attending our meetings. If no one likes the rules we set then plese do not attend the meet.

Watch this space.

thank you.

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i agree it pisse# me off to see the rsoles roaring off round the museum , but it must be said we were better behaved much better behaved

i agree with steve

i have come to look at cars if i want to see cars going fast ill stay on the motorway

rant rant etc

i would love to hear anyone with the other side to the argument

my son will be coming next time ... :nuke:

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I cannot beleive how people can disrespect the club because a few people are watching them pull away.

I shall be colloring this person .. same goes for TOC.. i will not tolerate it.

Now imagine the scene and horror if that child was hit.

whether it was 1 person out of 250.. it is one person too many. It stops here! :angry:

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but it must be said we were better behaved much better behaved

Percentage wise - that is not actually true. Bit we are not here to point fingers at the Clubs - we are unaminous in our condemnation of the muppets - if they thought anyone looking was impressed - they obviously don't recognise the look of disgust and disbelief.

We (Honda Club) pride ourselves on a very good reputation. After the last meet we had at Gaydon in December - I got a call on the Monday from the Heritage centre to comend us on well behaved and polite members (we only had about 150 cars, 250 people that day - it was cold) ..... so I was VERY disappointed to see some Honda's being driven by idiots. Two of those have already come forward and publicly apologised. We are hunting down the others - however there were a lot of non-members attending yesterday which makes it harder.

As Steve says - 1 out of 250 ..... 1 out of 1,000 is too many. If people cannot behave, they are happily risking the reputation of the Club, and the chance of being able to use the venue (which we like) again. That to me is a big insult when the Club admin work so hard to arrange these meets.

We had a great time - and it was a small minority - we do want to ensure bad behaviour does not happen again, but we shall also not lose sight of the fact that aside from that - the day was a huge sucess!!!

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I thought it was bl**dy disgusting. I hope the idiots responsible (from any of the clubs involved) have the balls to apologise.

It's quite feasible that Gaydon decline any future requests to visit the museum as a club.

Be aware that our image as a club is determined by our collective conduct.

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I agree with the points made - however, I still can't remember people thrashing it round the block..... And I was stood near the entrance for most of the time as that's where I'd parked. I admit to "putting my foot down" a LITTLE on one occasion as I left the car park, but hit no more than 20mph as I got to the top of the hill round the back of Gaydon and slowed down. I also made 101% sure there was NOBODY around - and in anycase, there was a zebra crossing upon exiting the car park which I know I stopped for and I'm sure others did too. So I apologise if I am the one being reffered too.

Although the one car that stands out was the Red S2000 (I was talking to Andy from SumoPower at the time and we were both Gob Smacked) and it's wrong to single people out, however, it's also wrong to tarnish everyone with the same brush. If there were Lexi and Toyota folk who were canning it round, then that's wrong and they should be made aware of this.

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I must admit the red S2000 was one of the cars I saw the most careering around.Not a good image for any of the clubs involved and I wouldn't be surprised if we wasn't allowed back.

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it's also wrong to tarnish everyone with the same brush.

Rightly or wrongly, this is how we are seen by establishments like Gaydon.

It doesn't matter if it was us, TOC or Honda-R - it's one event and that's what the organisers see. They don't give a sh*t what make car it was.

If LOC is whiter than white and none of our members were involved, great. We then take the decision as to whether or not we do combined meets unless there are guarantees that drivers will behave.

My impression from what I saw (and I was in the museum a lot of the time), was that the majority of LOC members behaved fairly responsibly. Any that weren't owe an apology.

I don't want meets to turn into max-power ego races. If that's the way it goes and that's what people want, fine, but I won't be involved.

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i did accelerate up to 3000rpms when i was leaving the meet car park after zee decided to ambush me for photos.

there was a kid in the road but that was before i acclerated when i was stopped and the child was moved by his/her parents before i set off .

i wasnt going fast up the bank but when i got past the zebra crossing i did speed up a little up to bout 30mph as i didnt think it was a place where ppl were and i didnt see any..........

but if it was or anbody thought i drove like a idiot, im sorry and do appologise and if im banned from the main meets i understand.


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I'm not talking about any LOC members in particular...the culprits I saw unfortunately were all Honda's. I was in the museum a lot of the time and can only say what I saw, but apparently there were people from clubs other than Honda that were also driving like idiots.

As I said, at the end of the day, we're judged as a collective group - no matter what make of car was involved.

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I too remember distinctly seeing the red S2000 acting like a Tw*T and another silver one doing donuts over the other side of the car park.

By the way my 9 year old son took a photo of the Red S2000 as the guys rounded the corner after their drag racing stint. I was a little corcerned about him with all the kn*bs thrashing their cars about with no thought for others!

The whole time I was at the meet I didn't see one Lexus driver misbehaving and I was there from 10 until about 2.30.

Do we know what colour the offending Lexus was????

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Agree with main comments, if people want to drive like that they should go to Track Days.

I have been to meets at Gaydon with other Car Clubs and sad to say it happens at most of them. Perhaps gaydon need to sign / police it a bit better. Not an excuse for these idiots but may help. If that black freelander drving round put on the disco lights & sirens i am sure everbody would have noticed !

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My wife and I got to the meet quite early,and there was a security man at the bottom of the slope directing cars into then right parking areas. As more cars arrived the man dissapeared and thats when we noticed the IQzeros' using the approach road as a test track. You could here them coming over the brow of the hill and launching into the area. It wasnt only Hondas but many of the VW cars on the other side.

It unfortunatley went on all day, with cars using the exit road up past the museum for some kind of ego trip. Unfortunatley when you get high performance cars and low intelligance people together, its bound to happen.

I would like to see all of the clubs i.e Honda, LOC and TOC making a stand now BEFORE someone gets hurt. How about marshall from each club with the power to evict the trouble makers?

If you dont send the word out now,we will have the same problems at JAE.

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I was surprised at the antics of some of the Hondas & a Corrado....

I hit a pedestrian once on the road proper.... in my Saab 99 Turbo flipped her onto the bonnet into w/screen and into the road...(she was 11 on a bike who came off a side road across my path i was doing 40 ish)....Twas acountry road and I had to do the first aid as well 2 broken legs 1 broken arm....

Moral of story ? When you see 1st hand what a car does to a human body you take a bit of care !!

When I left on Sunday I crawled out due to all the people bobbing about......

On the way up the M40 twas a bit dfferent :whistling:

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i agree with all that's been said,a suggestion maybe to

issue stickers for each meet on entry, that way we'll

know whos up to what.Anyone found not displaying

sticker misses out on a couple of meets at the discretion

of the L.O.C management.We are not at meets to tear-*****

around,behaving like boyracers?

Pete :sad:

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I know I didn't cause my car didn't move from the car park all day and when I left I made sure I took it easy.Not only does hitting a person wreck lives it also makes one hell of a mess to our prized motors

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no the easyest way to police this type of event is just to do it ourselves i wouldnt mind being a marshal stickers wouldnt work imo walking over to the pillock and asking him/her to stop would

i am as guilty as the rest of you for not stopping the responsable partyies

i even overherd someone say

"he'll never donut if he leaves the traction control on"

it is a shame that the folks raced about (i thought it was the hondas too)

but come on folks we must police ourselves

and not drive like prats

monkey see monkey do doesnt cut the ice if someone else does it we dont have to

love you all


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Chris - we know the VDubs were doing it too - but TBH, they are not our concern.

I have already had the Red S2000 Owner (I know his name) make a public apology on our board. He has been the one that stood out above all others as it wasn't a one-off indiscretion - he repeated it. Had I been able to get away from the Club stand and go speak to him - trust me..... it would have stopped right away!

The Silver S2000 (Donuts :( ) has also done the same.

Another Blue S2000 has not seen the error of his ways and will not be attending meets in future. The jury is out on a Blue Civic owner who has sort of apologised, but not sure that he really understands why this is serious.

(What is it with the S2ks???? We know their cars are fast - no need to demonstrate it! :( )

I saw incidents from all the Clubs. There were more Hondas...... but I guess that may have something to do with the fact that we had over 250 cars in attendance. However that is not an excuse - there is no excuse. We do not tolerate it and I seriously view anyone who disobeys the Club and Venue rules when we work hard to organise these things, is in effect sticking two fingers up at those that give their spare time to make these meets happen.

BTW Wilderness - whoever made the TC comment - shame you couldn't have laughed at his lack of knowledge...... S2000s are a hairy chested sportscar .... they don't have Traction Control! :P

Lets not forget though - this was a VERY small minority - aside from those muppets - fantastic day! I spoke with the centre Monday morning, and passed on the Club apologies and assured them that we take this seriously and will be taking action.

I suspect one chap (I won't name and shame) touched 70mph in the grounds!!! That is disgusting. Mind you - I also think 30mpg is disgusting in a public family attraction.

I guess the event was so good, the weather was great, hundreds of nice cars, hundreds of friendly enthusiasts - excitement was high and some got carried away. If they realise that what they did was wrong and genuinly won't repeat - then I am prepared to take them on trust. Those that don't feel they did anything wrong are the ones that will get a beating!

I am glad that over here you have the same feeling as the vast majority over on our forum - that the mindless few were muppets and either behave or don't come back.

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