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Pc Problems


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help me someone.

when i start the pc up and login to my username i get an error message saying that a file is missing from kazaa so i have to re-install it, tried it and it wont run.

then i had norton anti virus 2003 installed and it says a file is missing from that so need to re-install norton but i did and it wont run. last time i had a virus and i bought norton it wouldnt run until i had got rid of the virus/worm i already had so im guessing pc has a virus.

i went to the symantec website to do a system and virus scan but it wont allow me to do a systemvirus check because it says my browser wont allow activeX scripting or something. so i changed all my browser settings like it told me to on the website and still no luck. unless i do this system check i cant find wots wrong and repair it.

i cant log into msn account and i think its because of this.!!

can anyone help me please.

dnt understand how a virus trojan horse got past norton.......................?????????????????? :sad::sad::crybaby::blink:

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dnt understand how a virus trojan horse got past norton.......................?????????????????? :sad::sad::crybaby::blink:

Because they cannot filter everything, there are new viruses coming out all the time, even if you update Norton regularly something could get through. Doesn't say that on the box though.

Some viruses stop you from running Anti-virus software too. Don't really know the answer, last year I had to do the dreaded hard drive wipe and full software reload.

There are plenty of computer minded people on the forums though, I'm sure they will sort you out.

Good Luck ........... bs :ph34r:

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Which OS are you running? Also, do you remember the name of the file Kazaa is looking for and what error is it that Norton gives you?

I may sound pedantic here but there are a couple of trojans/virus that get past Norton and disable it.

If you want to PM me with the programs that are starting up in your registry this may give me a clue.

Start REGEDIT and go to :


and make a note of the programs in the right pane and send them to me. (Just give me the title under its name - you don't need to copy the full path and everything). This way I can hopefully find if you are infected and what it normally does so we can repair it and the programs it has affected.

If you can give me this info and the exact errors, hopefully I'll be able to help.

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Did you have mail script protection enabled in Norton AV? - if not, that's why you got hit mate.

Also, never never never open an attachment on email from someone that you don't know.

Try booting your PC from the Norton AV CD or the "emergency disk" (you DID make an emergency disk, didn't you mate?). You may need to go into your PC's BIOS to enable boot from CD - try it first though - just put the CD in the drive and reboot the machine - watch the screen, you may see "hit any key to boot from CD".

Yell if it doesn't boot, I or someone else will give you instructions about how to get into the BIOS.


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as you can see bud - there are a few people here who could help you.

But first - you need to help us. ;)

Start up your machine, and write the messages down - the full monty.

Do this for each problem you mention - give us the exact message.

What you have posted so far is sort of equivalent to putting a post in the IS forum saying

"My car doesn't seem to run properly - I have checked the rear view mirror and it seems fine"

give us the full info mate and I'm sure we'll be able to help you out

;) :lol:

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ok i un-installed norton coz it wouldnt run at all and cant remeber the exact error message but it did say something about a file missing and needs to be reinstalled.

the exact message i get when i start up and log in for the kazaa media desktop is;

"you have uninstalled a part of kazaa media desktop that is needed to run. kazaa media desktop will now quit so you can re-install it.

error: 1031

when i go to to do the virus security check it gives me the following erro message;

"your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page. as a result the page may not display correctly."

then it redirects me to an error/help page and it says;

activeX and/or Scripting is not supported or is not enabled.

i do what it says under the above message about my browser internet options but still no luck.

rodders; no-one has my email address that i dnt know and the only other mail i get is from LOC. my bro and sis have accounts on the pc 2 so it could of been them.

also i never did a emergency disk. and dnt know what a norton AV CD is???

stupid move not doing a emergency disk but what can i say.

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geoffers- ok i went into the REGEDIT files


2- it gave me the option software then underneath that it said system, clicked on software, then it said fonts or microsoft, clicked microsoft, then clicked windows, then went onto current version then internet settings and in the right hand pane.

they were;

default type data

(default) REG_SZ (value not set)

ProxyEnable REG_DWORD 0x00000000 (0)

thats it

hope that helps....

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ok i un-installed norton coz it wouldnt run at all and cant remeber the exact error message but it did say something about a file missing and needs to be reinstalled.

the exact message i get when i start up and log in for the kazaa media desktop is;

"you have uninstalled a part of kazaa media desktop that is needed to run. kazaa media desktop will now quit so you can re-install it.

error: 1031

when i go to to do the virus security check it gives me the following erro message;

"your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page. as a result the page may not display correctly."

then it redirects me to an error/help page and it says;

activeX and/or Scripting is not supported or is not enabled.

i do what it says under the above message about my browser internet options but still no luck.

rodders; no-one has my email address that i dnt know and the only other mail i get is from LOC. my bro and sis have accounts on the pc 2 so it could of been them.

also i never did a emergency disk. and dnt know what a norton AV CD is???

stupid move not doing a emergency disk but what can i say.


The Norton AV CD is the CD with Norton AnitVirus on it mate

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Kazaa has a lot of spyware in it mate - I'll put good money on either;

1 - someone running something like Ad-Aware which has removed the spyware

2 - You, or someone in your family unistalling (say) Gator or whatever fro the computer.

Kazaa doesn't like like acting like it is your computer, and unistalling the scumware it insists on hoisting on you - so therefore won't run.

Try this

download this file and unzip it into your Kazaa directory (probably c:program fileskazaa)

let us know how you get on.

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geoffers- ok i went into the REGEDIT files


thats it

hope that helps....

You need to go into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE instead of HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, which is why it never gave you the other selections I mentioned.

Matt is dead right - Kazaa has loads of spyware in it and won't run without it. Kazaa lite is better for this. Error 1031 is usually because Cydoor can't run (Installed any Adware remover?) . Try the patch he has linked.

I'm concerned as to why Norton has stopped which is why I would like to see if anything is running on startup. This seems remarkably like you've been infected with the W32.Klez.gen@mm worm. Give the removal tool a try :

Klez disables both Norton and ActiveX. If you at least get ActiveX back up you can do an online scan for anything else.

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right i tried that Klenz removal program and it said its not on my computer.

i know that if i get ActiveX up and running i will be able to sort it but Active X aint working despite modifying the browser settings. starting to ***** me off. need some new hip-hop tunes that aint out yet and cant download anything :angry::crybaby:

dont know what else to do

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Download the zip file. Double click on it and (providing you have an extractor installed) it will list the contents. Select cd_clint.dll and click extract. It will then ask where you want to extract it to.

Assuming you have accepted the defaults when you installed Kazzaa, navigate to c:-program files-kazaa and select ok. (ignore the dashes - backslash doesn't seem to work here)

On a few systems I've seen, kazaa also drops it into the windows (or winnt) system32 folder so do the same extract routine and drop it there also. If it asks to overwrite say yes.

I've had a quick look at your registry entries and you have a shed load of other spyware running. I'll go through it properly and PM you back shortly.

By the way, restart your your machine after you copied the file as it may be living in memory and not appear to work correctly after you've copied it.

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Did the machine recover and boot up or is it dead and you're using another at the mo?

I think I know the answer already, but do you have a recent emergency repair disk.....?

You can try a manual repair. Boot from your 2000 CD and select R for Repair. Slect R again for the emergency repair process. You will get an option for Manual Repair or Fast Repair. Select Manual repair and select select all three options and continue. This will check your startup, media and system files. Hopefully it will be something simple that it can just remap to.

Let us know how you get on.

Just thinking - have you changed any partition on the drives at all? What was the last thing you did before getting this error?

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Did the machine recover and boot up or is it dead and you're using another at the mo?

no on another comp

last thing i did was go home on friday after turning it off

was working on it all day


only got an emergency disc for this comp and server

steve idea for new forum

" ask the g man"

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Right - all is not lost yet.

The first thing I would suggest here is dropping the drive into another machine and getting the data off if poss. There are a few things we can try but they may be destructive if there is a fault on the drive/controller itself.

Just in case - your Battery isn't low in the Bios and it's reset it has it? If you go into the BIOS, disable the Boot sector virus warning and also disable UDMA and see if it boots (Re-enable UDMA if it doesn't). There is method in my madness here.... it will tell me a lot.

Another thing you can try first is boot from the CD and perform a re-install. If it can read your registry ok then all your programs, etc. should be fine, but this may not cure the boot problem. But worth a try before the following :

Boot with the CD again but this time select C for the recovery console. It will ask for the administrator password. After it has logged in it will leave you at a command prompt.

Run CHKDSK /P to check your drive (takes a while usually)

Reboot and see if it has helped. If not, boot from the CD again and select C again, etc.


Reboot again and see if this helps. If not, Boot from the CD again, select C again, etc. and at the prompt


This will attempt to re-write your master boot record but can be destructive so try and make sure you have your data off if possible.

Try these and let me know. (And any different errors that come up while you're trying these.)

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