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Windows Vista

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Hi all

It's been a while now since Vista came out.

Is it worth changing from Windows XP home to Windows Vista Home??

Are you guys happy :D with Vista or do you wish you had not changed :o ??

Any feedback would be helpfull


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It's probably the most stable version of Windows yet, just be careful if you're upgrading an existing system as XP will probably run better than Vista unless you've got a really powerful home machine!

I know Mike B is running Vista and is using it in anger and is happy with it - he knows what he's talking about as well :)

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Got Vista x64 Ultimate and Home pro versions here , i wont be going back to Xp X64 ,

i'd go onto microsofts web site and get the vista advisor program, that will tell you if there are any incompatability issues on your pc

might be best to dual boot xp and vista just to cover yourself


3 boot pc

vista ultimate

vista home pro

xp 64 version ,

the first line was a tad confusing, and i wrote it :)

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Vista is far better than XP as long as you have a recent computer (less than 1 year)

But go for Vista Ultimate, don't bother with other versions as they lack functionnalities that you may need at some point and upgrading from Home to Ultimate is not cheap

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LexAzur: By changing your OS (upgrading is SO the wrong word) to Vista all you will be doing is giving yourself many software and driver issues, and introducing yourself to the clunkiest most frustrating security system ever devised. What you will gain is a slightly prettier front end and 15% slower gaming. Whoppy do.

If you feel you HAVE to use this grotty OS then I would suggest waiting until Microsoft release Service Pack 1 for it (read Bug Fixes and Patches to Make it Useable Pack 1)

So what if it's more stable than XP? That isn't saying very much. You have the same ole same old virus and spyware issues that Windows made famous. About 20% of your CPU cysles will be wasted on protecting your data. Unbelievable.

Ryo: your solution is funny and tragic at the same time. How sad it is for a PC user that they feel the only way they can achieve what they want on their machine is to have THREE OS installed.

Other non-invasive more advanced prettier virus and spyware-free OS are available at a fraction of the price. (Microsoft know this as they copied huge amounts of it to make Vista)

Is it any wonder more people are buying Macs than ever before and profits are up 88% year on year?

Vista is the best thing that ever happened to apple.

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Erm not really

started off with xp x64, ran it quite nice for well since it came out, then got given vista x64 home pro for free, so installed it

I use XP for gaming and the vista ultimate on the "test" rig part of the pc,

my solution was simple, have dual boot on his pc, have the XP and vista in the set up, if he dont like vista a simple format will cure it, this system aswell wont cost him anything as you can run vista for 30 days as a test anyway (without inserting a serial), if he dont like it he aint lost owt has he?

apart from the occasional driver issues , at the start, ive had no problem with vista at all, but as time goes on things bet better.

and everything is free, you just have to know where to look :)

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I've been using Vista Ultimate for a good few months now on my Media Centre PC and it's been great, It actually performs better than XP did on the same machine and I have a few friends who would say the same. But as always a new OS is going to have it's share of problems and for me at the moment that is with Nvidia GFX drivers not being fully upto scratch, that will change.

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I wouldn't say there was any point in upgrading to Vista just for the sake of it. Just wait until you get a new computer and it will probably come with it.

Other non-invasive more advanced prettier virus and spyware-free OS are available at a fraction of the price. (Microsoft know this as they copied huge amounts of it to make Vista)

I hate to get into a debate with Tyger who we all know feels very stongly on this subject, but how exactly is OSX cheaper? From what I've seen Macs are more expensive than PCs running very similar hardware - therefore the OS must be what is putting the price difference between them. I'm not saying it's not better and I'm not saying it's not worth paying more for than Windows, but you said it was cheaper and I'm not sure how you work that out?

I'm a Linux user personally.... even cheaper being free :D Probably can't recommend it to the average user though, like you can with a Mac.

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Hi there. Well a stand-alone full-featured unlimited unprotected version of Mac OS X Tiger is about £80.

I won't get into it here but detailed comparison will show you that Macs are extremely competitively priced when you compare LIKE for LIKE - which most fail to do when comparing hardware.

The Mac Pro for example has no peer in the PC world, but if a similar machine is specced up from Dell or some other brand the PC is more expensive.

YES you can build your own PC cheaper. So what? You are limiting your software choices if you do that. apple are not in that market.

Agree totally with your take on Linux. Any PC hardware owner should be running it if that are able.


Yes but THREE OS!?? What a waste of resources! Wouldn't it be nicer to have ONE OS that does everything...?

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running Vista Home Premium, for home machine, and Vista Ultimate for work laptop... both operating systems far too stable to have been invented by microsoft... one of the best OS made to date... would not recommend anything less than home premium. :D

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Now that Microsoft has finally managed a half decent OS thats now having simular features to the Mac OS X(I say simular as they basically copied the Mac....anyway...) then why not go for it? If it does half of what its meant to do and looks nicer to use than Xp then give it a try. As the others have said though, only if your computer is relatively new.

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Running 2000 throughout the house, every time I use XP I find something new to hate about it! Might switch to Vista when it's finished. Seeing as they only finished Windows 98SE a few months back that'll probably be a while!

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Yeah it's usually good practice to wait until the first service pack hits before going with a new OS, otherwise you just end up in the open 'beta' programme!

It's weird, years ago I used to love beta testing new OS releases, started back in the Chicago days, finished with one of the early releases of Longhorn, that's when I went to OSX and just stuck with it!

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not really a waste of resources, i got 4 huuuuuge hard drives, ive got to full them up with some thing apart from smut and games :)

PMSL, that's got to be one of the funniest replies I've seen in ages :D

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Where is the fun and sense of adventure in having a computer that just works?

for me the best part is working out why im getting a bsod, lock ups and viagra adverts.

Without that a computer is just like a toaster or fridge

just sits there doing what it was designed for, and how many people find those interesting?

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Have to admit I like my PC doing what it was designed for with none of the other ******* going on :)

And I also like my toast toasted and my fridge to keep my beer cold - sod the food I can just buy more from the shop :lol:

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Can't argue with that! lol


Def stick with your PC - it will keep you occupied for years! ;)

I guess it's a weird concept for a PC user to imagine a computer as a productive and fun tool rather than a box that causes hassle stress and strife. I didn't think of that before. Good point. ;-P

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I don't want to fuel any argument here, but how do so many people have so many problems with XP?

I've had it on my PC for almost 2 years now, and not had a single problem with it - if you're just a normal PC user, it doesn't seem to have any issues at all. The only issue I had recently was with Office 2007, but the cause came down to being my Sonyericsson PC suite rather than anything else.

Yes these discussions have made me think that I will give greater consideration to Macs next time I buy a PC, but the problem I find is that they're too limited.

I prefer having a separate tower, so all I have on my desk is a flatscreen monitor taking up as little space as possible. However, with a Mac, my only options are a one box design (iMac) which I don't want, or a Mac Pro, which is very nice, but far more powerful than I'll ever need and crucially far more expensive.

That leaves the Mac Mini, which is fine as an extra PC under the TV in the kitchen or in a car, but as a main PC there isn't enough to it.

Everyone complains about the compromises you make when buying a PC, but to me, I'd have to make compromises if I bought a Mac........ :duh:

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@ Parthiban

If you have a good look at an iMac it takes up no more space than a flatscreen monitor.... it IS a flatscreen monitor that happens to have a computer stuck in it! Then you don't NEED the tower at ALL! If you must you could always leave your current PC tower under your desk if it makes you happy... ;)

Limited? That makes no sense.

Out of the box they are the most flexible machine money can buy. They run more software than any PC can, period. You are limiting yourself by buying PC hardware absolutely - you can only run Windows and Linux software.

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@ Parthiban

If you have a good look at an iMac it takes up no more space than a flatscreen monitor.... it IS a flatscreen monitor that happens to have a computer stuck in it! Then you don't NEED the tower at ALL! If you must you could always leave your current PC tower under your desk if it makes you happy... ;)

Limited? That makes no sense.

Out of the box they are the most flexible machine money can buy. They run more software than any PC can, period. You are limiting yourself by buying PC hardware absolutely - you can only run Windows and Linux software.

I dont agree with you on that, out of the box the Mac only runs Mac OSX, you need to buy a Windows CD and setup the bootcamp software before you can use it as a windows PC. and perhaps your forgetting that you can run Mac OSX on a pc either as a virtual machine within windows or native using a hacked version.

The fact is that apple's and pc's are the same machines hardware wise, only the OS differs and that gap has closed so much now. it's even been announced recently that Vista is more secure than OSX, thats a turn up for the books. Im sure that wont last though.

It's going to happen where apple no longer makes OSX for macs only, they will sell it for PC's too.

Im so glad that apple have stopped making their machines look like fisher price toys too. they look classy now. the old CRT imacs and G4's Cubes etc looked like toys.

And I might seem like a PC fanboy, but I have owned a number of mac's myself, the latest being a mac mini and I still find them of little use to me.

Installing Ubuntu Linux on my PS3 has given me more use than the mac ever did.

If everyone was the same it would be boring and Im glad that Mac OSX is so good as to give MS some competition. it creates innovation and thats never a bad thing. but until apple start selling a cheap mac with screen for £250.00 like you can get a pc for then they are always going to be seen as an overpriced under specified pro tool.

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I use Vista Ultimate, and I agree with others who actually have it say. It is the best OS from Microsoft ever.

I did think of changing to a MAC computer and bought a MAC magazine to get some info.

Firstly I was surprised at the number of adverts for Anti-virus software, as I thought MAC's never suffered from virus's. Or so it is claimed by many.

Secondly the magazine kept mentioning how much better MACs were compared to PCs. They did not mention anything about MACs not being able to run a lot of specialist programmes as their customer base is much smaller.

Thirdly, lots of stories about the super new OS called Leopard. Trouble is its launch has been delayed once again.

Fourthly, MACs do have an enviable reputation in the publishing world, but seem just average otherwise.

Lastly, it kept reminding me that MACs were to first to bring out this and that, Well surprise, surprise being the first does not make you the best. If it did we would all be driving Mercedes cars.

Sorry to have drifted off topic. :winky:

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I feel like I am in Groundhog Day...

@ Brettster

a) Come on - you don't BUY a version of Windows - you use the one you already have EITHER in Bootcamp or with Parallels which allows you to run many OS at the same time with drag n drop functionality between these OS. Or you use VM Ware and run Windows apps WITHOUT Windows...

B) You cannot run OS X on a PC without HUGE compromise on speed and functionality. Gaming for a start. About 6 people have managed this and it's not pretty. Compare OS X "running" on a PC to a Mac and then tell me a PC can run OS X. You have to be a relatively expert user to achieve this anyway and it will have no impact on Mac sales - all it will do is to tease you and show up Windows for the crud that it is.

c) Macs and PC's are the same hardware-wise!? Have you SEEN an iMac a Mac mini or an 8-core Mac Pro???????? Lets pretend for a minute this is true - that the OS is the only difference. To quote someone famous - "It's the OS stupid" - THAT'S THE POINT!! Google to compare OS X Tiger to Vista. Look at the catalogue of issues new Vista users have. It's a trainwreck. OS X Tiger is 2.5 years old or goodness sake. Vista is the best hting that has happened to apple. People are waking up.

d) apple will NEVER repeat NEVER sell OS X for PC's. If you want to run the world's best OS you need to buy apple hardware. But don't you see how daft what you said is? MACS RUN WINDOWS TOO...... IT'S THE SAME DIFFERENCE....

e) apple are not in the game of making mediocre substandard trash that some companies pass off as computers. If someone is only prepared to pay £250 for a computer then they deserve what they get.


Firstly - there ARE no viruses for Mac OS X however there are some shi**y companies who should be ashamed of themselves trying to peddle their crapware to new PC to Mac switchers. Symantec and Norton spring to mind. PC users are quivering wrecks when it comes to viruses and are not knowledgable enough when buying their new Mac to know that they don't need this trash.

Secondly - crap magazine. Look online for all the info you need. Or ask me. ;-P

Thirdly - Let's not spread FUD. Leopard has not been delayed AGAIN it has been delayed ONCE only and for 3-4 months as opposed to 3-4 YEARS for Vista. I shall tell you the reason apple are "delaying" Leopard and it has NOTHING to do with what you think. It is delayed because in June when Leopard was originally marked for 18 months ago the Iphone is released. The mobile worlds eyes will be on apple and they do not wish to be seen to be doing ANYTHING else at that time. It also is a good excuse to put some more time into perfecting Leopard. Win Win. Mac users have Tiger which is miles better than Vista already. It's really no big deal.

Fourthly - Your perception is about 6 years out of date. Seriously, have a look around the net. You would be amazed. is a good place to start.

Yes apple are great innovators. For a start, they invented the PC industry.

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I hate to say this but I got OSX running at full speed on generic Intel hardware as I said last time - full speed networking, full speed Quartz, full speed graphics accelleration..

It's not that hard fella, seriously I did it with a huge hangover, it's really really easy!

I still prefer my Mac stuff but unfortunately I have to know my PC stuff for the day to day work, I'd love to be able to use a Mac at work but it's just not as easily manageable by your run of the mill support staff!

Totally agree on the AV front for OSX though, I've not run an AV product on the platform for something like six years, can't remember now how long I switched, I did originally get a copy of Symantec but the defs were all for PC based viruses and it had a big effect on the system speed!

I'm not a big fan of Symantec anyway, it's a shame they've acquired some great products as it pretty much means the end of innovation we'll see there.

I worked with a guy from Symantec from Germany and even he admitted he preferred working for Veritas where he was before the acquisition.

I'm looking forward to the Iphone and Leo, even if I don't get an Iphone I'm looking forward to the next iPod I buy which will more than likely use the same interface :)

Anyway Tyger, you've nearly made 100 posts on LOC now, so lets see a picture of your car :P

@ LexAzur, like the guys say, you get a free 30 day eval with Vista, might be worth trying it, if you don't like it, then you've lost nothing :)

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