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Osama Bin Laden And Ties With Iraq


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Was having a quick read of the paper in the chinky shop and was reading up on the ties between iraq and Osama bin Laden or the other way round

What are your thoughts on this.. do you think that if war went ahead we would be opening a serious can of worms?

Is london on target next?


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It seems as though many countries have links dating back many years. Even the Americans themselves many moons ago.

I do believe it will open more than a can of worms. Too many innocent people will die due to reprisals.

I don't agree with terrorist methods and I don't know what the answer is, but I certainly don't think war will be the solution - again, too many innocent people will die. :sad:

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Living and working near Windsor, I can tell you the police presence is unbelievable. Traffic on Tuesday was a nightmare as armed police were searching vans etc.

My husband was working until midnight last night and driving around Windsor the police were out stopping cars and getting the sniffer dogs out.

Don't know what, if any, link there is between Iraq or Al-Quada. Maybe this is all cynical explotation to justify a war in Iraq or maybe there is a link.

Bl**dy scary whichever way you look at it.

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hmm I see the future like Mad Max II

I'll be eating dog food and everyone will be figting over the empty tin

Fuel will be rare... and we'll all be fighting over that

Touch my fuel tank and a booby trap will go off!

:arrrggg-matey: :arrrggg-matey: :arrrggg-matey:

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Living and working near Windsor, I can tell you the police presence is unbelievable. Traffic on Tuesday was a nightmare as armed police were searching vans etc.

The amount of police around is quite amazing, in Englefield Green there were some in black combats with machine guns!

Outside my house there has been at least half a dozen on the road stopping cars for the last few days. The other night they were making a right racket chatting away in front of my place, was very close to popping my head out the window and asking them to pipe down as I was trying to get some kip!

Not really sure if I should be worried, or feel OK as I should be as well protected as you can be under the circumstances....

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At the moment I can't think of any war that has actually been useful in the long run. Peace is only ever found by negotiation.

If we go to war with Iraq, London will be on the same status at Isreal as far as the Loonies are concerned. We will have suicide bombers and all the rest of it. We will have swarms of invisible enemies tht we will not be able to combat effectively. We will be swamped by even more deposed Iraqi refugees that will cost us even more money.

The trouble is that Soddom Hussein is a dangerous nutter and should be stopped. I think the best solution is take him out personally, and leave the rest of the innocent Iraquis to live their lives with a new leader.

My kids are already terrified by all this. I don't want them to grow like that.

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Get rid of the head and its' muscle, the rest will wither away.

The U.N. stopped them short last time, thinking he has had a bloody nose, he's learnt a lesson, what a load of b......s.

All the credible Iraquis are waiting in exile for the day sadam is eliminated, one way or another.

Hope they don't have to wait too long.

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