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Country's Going To Hell


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Well, this morning I heard on the radio that the goverment are trying to force on-line gambling sites to have lots of warnings about gambling being adictive and warn about betting too much money...

This is, the same goverment that last year gave the go-ahead for US style super-casinos to pop up everywhere in the UK?


and then i read this:

Fined for putting rubbish in bin

A man has been fined £50 for putting rubbish in a bin.

Andy Tierney of Hinckley, Leicestershire was issued the fixed penalty notice for dumping two junk mail letters.

Hinckley and Bosworth Council accused him of committing "an offence under Section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Domestic refuse from your property was dumped into a street litter bin the fixed penalty is £50."

The council classes letters as "domestic litter", which should not be dropped in public street bins.

According to The Sun Andy said: "How on earth can they fine me for being tidy? It's absolute madness.

"I could have easily chucked those letters on the ground, but I put them in the bin. What has happened is a joke. The council is barmy. I never thought you could be fined for putting rubbish in a bin - that's what they're there for."

Andy was walking from his house to his car when his postman handed him the junk mail. He opened both letters as he strolled - then dumped them in the bin on a lamppost.

Council officials traced him from the addresses on the envelopes and issued the penalty. The letter threatens Andy with further action and a conviction if he does not pay within 14 days.

Andy insisted: "There's absolutely no way I'm paying up. You get fined for chucking rubbish on the ground. You get fined for chucking rubbish in the bin. So what exactly are you supposed to do?"

A spokesman from the council said: "A fixed penalty notice is served to people who we believe have committed an offence. Our litter bins are there to keep streets tidy, as they enable the public to deposit small amounts of litter. They are not provided for household waste."


So basically, in this country the goverment is constantly contridicting itself, and finding everyway to fine the general public..

i'm just waiting for someone to be fined for driving too slow, just to re-inforce the stupidity that is this labour goverment some idiots with no brain cells actually voted in AGAIN!

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So if you take a can of Coke from home, drink it on the street and then put it in a Council bin you could be fined for it. F'in mad this country.

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Strong points, but completely true. How the heck can you fine someone for putting litter in a bin ??? :duh:

They had an article in the paper yesterday (slightly off topic) where a Headmaster has said that he doesn't mind the children having snowball fights, providing they get permission from the person they are going to throw the snowball at first !?!!?

Where is this country heading ?

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Strong points, but completely true. How the heck can you fine someone for putting litter in a bin ??? :duh:

They had an article in the paper yesterday (slightly off topic) where a Headmaster has said that he doesn't mind the children having snowball fights, providing they get permission from the person they are going to throw the snowball at first !?!!?

Where is this country heading ?

i actually think you have taken the headmaster statement out of context...

I believe what he was saying was a snow ball fight is fine if all parties involved are consenting to the act...

in other words, some poor kid isn't being bombarded unexpectantly, or snowballs being thrown at cars...

just kids wanting to throw snowballs at each other is fine..

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Strong points, but completely true. How the heck can you fine someone for putting litter in a bin ??? :duh:

They had an article in the paper yesterday (slightly off topic) where a Headmaster has said that he doesn't mind the children having snowball fights, providing they get permission from the person they are going to throw the snowball at first !?!!?

Where is this country heading ?

i actually think you have taken the headmaster statement out of context...

I believe what he was saying was a snow ball fight is fine if all parties involved are consenting to the act...

in other words, some poor kid isn't being bombarded unexpectantly, or snowballs being thrown at cars...

just kids wanting to throw snowballs at each other is fine..

Hmmmm, maybe. But that was what they put as the main headline

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just to re-inforce the stupidity that is this labour goverment some idiots with no brain cells actually voted in AGAIN!

And the truly sad thing is that having voted them in three times our wonderful electorate will probably vote them in again. I know it's called democracy but It still offends me that so many people are institutionally brainwashed into voting Labour no matter what. Whilst it is too much to hope that people might actually vote for the opposition, surely this lot are so completely discredited that even the most diehard supporter should consider abstaining. Another 10 years of them and we will be an almost exact mirror of the old Soviet Union. To quote Richard Littlejohn et al " You really couldn't make it up"

With apologies to all the brothers. No personal offence intended. Just a very honest opinion. And yes I did vote labour once. Changed my mind for life when I was first forced to join a trade union under a closed shop arrangement. I watched first hand as militants systematically tried to destroy the company and if their members suffered constant loss of wages then, that was just tough.

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have you guys heard about school kids now having in-built bullet/stab proof vests as part of the school uniform?

not to mention the alteration of the nursery rhyme "bah bah black sheep" to "bah bah rainbow sheep"??

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Your English.... they need your money for the imigrants :tsktsk:

Oh dear...

how do you know that all forum members are English?

I resemble that remark...


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Changed my mind for life when I was first forced to join a trade union under a closed shop arrangement. I watched first hand as militants systematically tried to destroy the company and if their members suffered constant loss of wages then, that was just tough.

Yes, I nearly got sucked into this too in the early 70's, when there was a car industry in Coventry. It was depressing to watch an interesting industry shoot itself in the foot.

Saw the light though and joined the oil industry. No demarkation in the North Sea in those days. You just did whatever was required. Very satisfying after Chrysler UK.

IanB :D

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just to re-inforce the stupidity that is this labour goverment some idiots with no brain cells actually voted in AGAIN!

And the truly sad thing is that having voted them in three times our wonderful electorate will probably vote them in again. I know it's called democracy but It still offends me that so many people are institutionally brainwashed into voting Labour no matter what. Whilst it is too much to hope that people might actually vote for the opposition, surely this lot are so completely discredited that even the most diehard supporter should consider abstaining. Another 10 years of them and we will be an almost exact mirror of the old Soviet Union. To quote Richard Littlejohn et al " You really couldn't make it up"

With apologies to all the brothers. No personal offence intended. Just a very honest opinion. And yes I did vote labour once. Changed my mind for life when I was first forced to join a trade union under a closed shop arrangement. I watched first hand as militants systematically tried to destroy the company and if their members suffered constant loss of wages then, that was just tough.

Politics are at an all time low!

As naff as Labour are, they won 3 elections with a leader who talked the talk...sort of...but is yet to walk the walk (or plank), and to some degree has kept the economy stablish...

But as economists wil tell you, econimic cycles are the norm, and you can try to flatten them, but like an elastic band it still catches up in the end...and you will get's like turning a barge, it take ages to get it going, then it takes ages for it to stop!

The opposition (even with David Cameron) still have people that are too "pin stripe suited" and have no character what so ever. They are too plain boring!

The tories need to get out of the "bland" image and get someone who connects with the majority actually's a shame the majority won't vote any longer!

Anyway, still, we keep paying tax's, pay the highest amount for fuel, cars, buildings, land...

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I wonder if the guy with the letter would have been fined if he had taken it to a council refuse collection place.

As for politicians, the problem I think is that local councils are full of little hitlers all trying to look after themselves and make a name in the council for themselves usually at the expense of someone who actually has sensible ideas.

The people making the decisions are influenced by staff who have no real idea of general life.

TB is a good talker, best thing they did was put the BofE in charge of interest rates, more or less the main thing that effects most of us - hence I think why he gets voted in - we are all scared of 15% (and I had a mortgage then in 1990). The other reason he gets in is because - who are the other party leaders ?

My 2p worth

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