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Oh and Gus at 5am in the morning as we left! Aido and Matt do you remember talking to us? All those poses were pretty funny to watch, seem to remember a few more which havent made it up yet also pretty funny when Aido was walking along farting and laughing at the same time!


Thought I'd dreamt that!!!

That seems well bizarre that does - you guys were sober and going home and the 4 of us up were off our rockers!

And yeah I think I did havea wind problem at the weekend - must have been that chilli sauce cause I'm not usually like that! Was impressed when I managed to fart across the entire LOC pitch though, those chilli's meant it burnt a bit though. Anyone bringing a as bbq next year as I'll be able to provide the methane!

Ifraz - where did you get that pic - I'm going to send that to - I look quite good on there though :P

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for cooking the one burger one sausage barbcue!


This is a list of what was ordered for a 105 people-

105 burgers

210 sausages

105 Kofte Kebabs

105 Chinese chicken breasts

55 lbs of pork loin

20 lbs of bacon

456 bread rolls

15 bags of salad

2 large tubs of margerine

Various sauces

Salt & pepper

250 plates

200 knapkins

2 sacks of charcoal

This is a list of what we chucked away-

90 Kofte kebabs

110 sausages

60 chinese chicken breasts

10 lb of bacon

Lots of rolls and bags of salad

So don't start giving me this one sausage on burger crap and if you think you can do better then over to you next year mate.

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So that's why you're a fat lad Gus - keep that up and in a few years you'll look like me :P

Ken, I think I had 256 rolls on the Saturday night after taking that chilli sauce down, they provided much needed relief thanks mate :)

In fact I think I can have a new avatar for a few days:


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So that's why you're a fat lad Gus - keep that up and in a few years you'll look like me :P

Ken, I think I had 256 rolls on the Saturday night after taking that chilli sauce down, they provided much needed relief :)

hope they wernt the ones you p***** over :sick:

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Oh **** :o

They're the one's in my boot :whistling: It was definitely grass everytime I pee'd - otherwise my shoes would be covered in splashback :sick:

Don't smell any worse than my trousers :lol:

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for cooking the one burger one sausage barbcue!


This is a list of what was ordered for a 105 people-


So don't start giving me this one sausage on burger crap and if you think you can do better then over to you next year mate.

Yeah, c'mon guys, give Ken a break, he spent several hours working his backside off to arrange the BBQ (as well as all weekend to make sure things went smoothly), how many of you who are complaining lifted a finger to help? or said so much as 'thankyou' to Ken, or Steve, or Les for all their hard work?


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From the outset I mentioned we may not be able to stay for the BBQ (still coughed up £15 to contribute), least you could have all done was eat my portion - that've cleared a substantial amount!!!

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well next year they will be doing their own barbie.. coz I know ken will only be doing it for TOC next time. And I wont be doing it for LOC

Not one TOC member complained.

Ken spent most of his day sorting it. For those who turned up and changed there minds when they clearly registered interest.

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i had a great time at my first jae, bring on 2005. it was great to put faces to names and to see the regular crowd. well done to everyone involved in the organisation and making such a great weekend possible, nice to finally meet you steve. also well done to besty for being the most prepared man in the world.

as for the bbq i went back 4 times for more food, all that stella makes you hungry you know! fidgets and giddlepin did a great job, im glad that lethal chilli sauce wasnt left anywhere near the bbq area, that stuff is a killer, but most entertaining.

had a spin in the race car, sat in the moster, did a bit of business, drank loads of stella, got sunburnt, laughed my ***** off, slept very little and left looking like a zombie and slept all sunday afternoon. cant wait for the next one.

uploaded a few pics here

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as for the bbq i went back 4 times for more food, all that stella makes you hungry you know!

Are you sure it was stella John? :P

It was great to see the usual suspects and the northern lot that I havent meet before, esp the man behind the caravan!!

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Apart from a little commosion :angry:  during the night (this is what I looked it in the morning :blink: )

What was that mate? Can't remember that - is that when Col went over to those nobs to tell them to shut up - we all went over there when we thought something was going off but I fell over someones tent and by the time we got there it was silent..

And Ifraz, I don't remember taking these but I've got 50 photos!

my bit in here too in reply to aido's post (is posted elsewhere)

Great day saturday, great hospitality, cheers to all and especially SteveAudioX, Judy and pals Raj/Jaz/Jit and wife for the curry.

Although it was difficult mixing in the "full" celebrations with all, having the family with me, but the event was not ruined for us by the late night drinking...I can understand that peeps have probably been working hard all week, and need a blowout.......

BUT, it was that car in the Mr2/Roadster/celica club section across from TOC and LOC revving flat out all night that soured the event for us.

So what happened to us? What decision had we made?

As we had been up early Saturday with our son, and with him being an early riser, we decided to retire to our tent about 11pm sat night, after the fireworks. We began to get used to the generator, and the drunk voices, which did get a little louder admittedly, but as already stated, it's lads together, its gonna be a little noisy..

It is fully the fault of that car owner redlining the vehicle, and as those of you under the gazebo know at around 0430 am, and having about half an hours sleep by that time, I got up and walked past the gazebo ready for the concerned car owners blood, the warrant card probably wasnt going to even leave my pocket, as I would not have wanted to disclose my job after I had lumped him one....I was really baying for his blood at that time. But after Lynn shouted out to them the "threat of being arrested" (for some reason, that all the drinkers would have heard, along with a string of expletives-good girl). That by the time I got nearer, her threat stopped them carrying on their revving of the car, and in the dark I couldnt I.D the culprit/car, so I gave up.

So, our son got us up at the break of dawn, and we then could not have the chance to lie in until mid-morning and recover the 24 hours almost without sleep..

So, we then decided to pack up and returned to Hemel where we handed little Liam over to the grandparents, and we returned home to bed where we slept soundly..

If we go again, we will camp out in the designated camping areas at the edge of the site, ort we will book a hotel nearby.

Sorry for the lack of involvement on Sunday guys

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well i managed to get back fine _ A BIG THANKS TO AIDO, and everyone else that made the kind offers of assistance for the weekend. Aido and i were out of the site in about 10/15 mins, and had a quick trip back to the airport.

Enjoyed meeting a lot of new people and putting names to faces, gordon,maz,raz,dave,colin and all the other people that i managed to say hi to, thankfully the weather was ok for fri and sat - got a bit burnt but looking fine now :blush:

once again the event was spoilt by one or 2 individuals who decided to wake everyone up at 4am on sun morning, but apart from that it was a nice break for me.

With regard to the BBQ comments - i think that it was a bit of a surprise to be told ur only allowed 1 burger, 1 sausage, when the only stuff on view was the pork (still in the process of being charcoaled, the inside was ok tho) and the saussage/burgers, the chicken/kebabs were still packed away so many people were anaware that they were there , this is why people were less than happy at the time - some TOC members were also not too pleased, if u think im an a**hole for saying the above then.......... answers on a postcard to the usual address pls.

everything else was fine and i had a good time, so roll on next year!

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No Probs Col, I understand where you are coming from mate, I nearly went looking for the prat myself, only I couldnt find me trousers :lol: I think next year we should camp a little further away.

A big thanks to Steve for organising the event, and a big thanks to everyone I havent met before for making me welcome. The monster is cool, as is the race car (even though mines faster :lol: ), and everyones cars were spot on.

Just a note about the bbq: It was spot on ! No one in the LOC has the right to complain about the BBQ. It would have helped if everyone who said they were going had turned up, the poor lad was wandering around all chuffing day looking for LOC members who hadnt paid, instead of chillin out a bit and enjoying the weekend. The fact that he was stressing out looking for folk maybe delayed things a bit, and without the delay maybe more would have been eaten.

Maybe next year it should either be money up front, or cook your own dont you think.

All in all, a brill weekend, well done to admin, Well done all the winners and watch this space for next years trophies :)

Bye the way Besty, he wasnt my bodyguard, I was his :lol:

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I've bought some stuff Rob but they've got 2am which I couldn't get - £30 but it's an additive so I daren't buy that as we'd have to mix it with something - got some Blairs Mega Death - hoping to get it for this weekend so I can try it out on some unsuspecting people!

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If you wanted a cook to take over and give Ken and Ian a break you only had to ask :P i would have been more than happy to have cooked for a couple of hours.

I wasn't told you could only have 1 of each,but i do think the larger BBQ could of been put to better use.

Anyway i had a great time and a big thanks to all that was involved in arranging everything.

Cheers guys

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A big thanks to everyone who orginised anything the weekend . great too meet everyone and put faces to names. The cheque is the post for the judges.

Had a great time


Whens the next meet then?

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as for the bbq i went back 4 times for more food, all that stella makes you hungry you know!

Are you sure it was stella John? :P

It was great to see the usual suspects and the northern lot that I havent meet before, esp the man behind the caravan!!

:o :ph34r::lol: now you is the man.

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Hi Guys;

A Big Thanks to Steve LOC and the JAE Organisers for our invitation to JAE this year (my first), it's just simply Gob Smackin!

We all had a great time and it was good to meet some "cross party" posters like Adi, I cant say anymore about the cars you saw them as well.

The only downside to the whole weekend was the FKIN MUPPET with the MR2 revvin the stonks out of it at 3:15am on Sun morning. I heard from the organisers he is actually a club co-ordinator, not for long if he belonged to our club.

Next year I will do the whole three days (and stay at a hotel).

Bill Lewis - Toyota Imports Forum.

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If you wanted a cook to take over and give Ken and Ian a break you only had to ask :P i would have been more than happy to have cooked for a couple of hours.

I wasn't told you could only have 1 of each,but i do think the larger BBQ could of been put to better use.

Anyway i had a great time and a big thanks to all that was involved in arranging everything.

Cheers guys

Was Ian & Les doing the cooking after the person who was doing it never bothered.

17 LOC members either never showed or dropped out of the BBQ, the TOC lot that had organised their own BBQ and a TOC club sponsor took up your shortfall.

I spent 30 minutes looking around Billing the whole weekend and it's all thanks to LOC :yack:

The muppet was from MR2OC and their club is now banned from JAE btw.

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If you wanted a cook to take over and give Ken and Ian a break you only had to ask :P i would have been more than happy to have cooked for a couple of hours.

I wasn't told you could only have 1 of each,but i do think the larger BBQ could of been put to better use.

Anyway i had a great time and a big thanks to all that was involved in arranging everything.

Cheers guys

Was Ian & Les doing the cooking after the person who was doing it never bothered.

17 LOC members either never showed or dropped out of the BBQ, the TOC lot that had organised their own BBQ and a TOC club sponsor took up your shortfall.

I spent 30 minutes looking around Billing the whole weekend and it's all thanks to LOC :yack:

The muppet was from MR2OC and their club is now banned from JAE btw.

dont forget the 5 we recruited from type R club :whistling:

they sang your praises

said it was a better spread than their clubs effort


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