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Winter fuel payment

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3 minutes ago, Poundy said:

Look on the Bright side the Pensioners are losing the energy supplement  to enable the Government to give in to the demands of the Public Sector  Unions demand to settle a pay increase of between £140 to £240 per week @ 22% to Junior Doctors.

Thank you NHS 

And now that they have "given in", every tom, *****, and harry in the public sector will be going on strike unless they get a decent (above inflation) rise to make up for the years of what they feel is "pay erosion".

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8 minutes ago, Cotswold Pete said:

I am a dribbling idiot sat in front of Homes Under the Hammer all day every day

Nah, Police interceptors!

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Not to get too off topic... but I wish it was just the big corporations. Because they want money and beneficial tax laws. They are greedy - yes, and that is an issue. But we can keep them in line through trial and error and the law. 

It's worse than that... Two notable super-power dictatorships have a lot to answer for to whatever God they believe in for the ways they have impacted the world. 

And on the other side of the spectrum... certain regions of this planet with intolerant, outdated and archaic views on society, forcefulness of their ways and the green light to do 'anything necessary' to force it on the world. 

We, the UK and EU and most first world countries got good at workers rights... regulations... laws, health and safety. It all goes hand in hand with freedom. We can be proud there.

But how we've blindly bent over forwards for true evil on this planed in the last 25-30 years especially would have those who lost their lives in WW2 and WW1 turning in their unmarked graves. Such short sightedness that may get to a stage that is too late to turn back...

How does this relate to the topic?  Because it impacts the way our governments are chosen...  how they act and how they can act - sadly. 

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3 hours ago, Malc1 said:

Us Pensioner Age Group ……. I’m assuming most here, understand deprivation from our emergence from WarTime Britain and the lifetime experiences following on from that ……. and pointlessness of whingeing much about anything…….. 

We have, as a Nation, incredibly it may seem, entrusted our futures, and present economic protection,  to a “ sympathetic and caring Govt “ 

How wrong we have been right now ……. this shower of a Govt really can’t care a hoot about the OAPs to have brought many to the likely point of an early death from winter cold ……. if the Govt don’t know, and they should, that our generation just won’t whinge about this and will simply shiver at home in the cold …… and I’m quite sure many will simply die sadly …….. and I really don’t think I’m over-egging the likelihood of this desperation setting in ……. 

Forgive me if I’m being too pessimistic but I think this is realism ahead of a rash of otherwise State induced, preventable deaths 


Or we see a huge uptick in indoor sports ! pseudo Mabel voice " now Malcolm, no we can't in the name of bodily warmth. You'll have to do better than that ,the tiddlywinks are where you left them, get busy".

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2 hours ago, GMB said:



At risk of looking like a conspiracy theorist, the world seems to be run by massive corporate entities and money operations like banks and such. See what happened to silly old Liz Truss when the "established world money" took a dislike to her policies. So,  it's not our government that holds the stick, it's someone/ something else far, far away.  On a more local issue, isn't it strange how much everything costs compared to a few years ago? So where is the money actually going? Answers on the back of a postage stamp please. The book by Yaris Yaroufakis is very clear about all this and the   ( powers behind the)   EU's shameful behaviour with Greece as an example of the corruption.


Sorry Grey, but this is simply not based in fact. Many of the entities you think control 'the world' are on the receiving end of countless govt policies that do nothing ,but make their job hard to impossible to do.

You feel like apportioning some blame you don't have to look any further than the voting electorate who are collectively either apathetic ,or just down right thick when it comes to understanding where their self interest lies. Please "Mr politician buy more vote this year even if it makes no long term sense for my good ,or the good of the country as a whole". How dozy can we get?

Tell me this how does a country like ours get to be 'ruled' by a group of people who have basically carte blanche to do virtually anything they want and yet have a mere fraction of the votes of the eligible voting electorate? Please tell me who exactly are the blithering idiots who allowed this form of 'democracy' to come about?

The basic fact is we are so far away from the real concept of Democracy that we should never even use that term to describe our system of govt. The Swiss as usual do it so much better. The question is why?

All my life I have watched as politicians of all creeds and colours have done nothing more than make a power grab on the product of our labours. I have never, and probably never will, see any reasonable attempt to limit the scope of this power grab nevermind reduce it.

I can only thank whatever gods of fortune have watched over me and allowed me to swerve the worst of the effects of their limitless ambitions.

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Most of us here have swerved that low ball heading for us …… most of the time …….. but aeons of life’s experiences are standing us in good stead to continue “ swerving “  AND our collective concern for those less able is good, commendable and might do some good 

You me and all here on this Forum aren’t short of a bob or two I’m sure and OUR concern for those less fortunate is to be expected …….. from us ……. the intrepid Chancellor of the Exchequer and Prime Minister and the immediate Team are simply total incompetent diick’eads inured from empathy with the ‘ needy ‘ in this Nation  

I’m not prejudiced, just an old aged realist ……  I think …… and a little concerned for the well being of my fellow man …… Lexus driver or nay 😇


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It is not a labour government but a conservative one. Jeremy Corbyn was labour and his like. It's a pity the public by and large don't seam to understand the thought process of mp's. Getting it wrong enables outsiders to come in like Nigel Farage or the likes of Donald Trump in the USA who is not a Republican but more BNP in his outlook. Sad, but that's the way the world is at this time 

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and getting back on track ……… Winter Fuel Allowance …… we won’t need it ……. summer temps all way thru our very mild winter …….. 👍🤣😂😄🤔 


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17 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

and getting back on track ……… Winter Fuel Allowance …… we won’t need it ……. summer temps all way thru our very mild winter …….. 👍🤣😂😄🤔 


I for one am starting to put money into the stock market because who knows what'll happen over the next 40 years or if I'll make it that far. But if I am, dependence on the government's schemes... my employers or bank savings rates just isn't good enough! At least going by track record...  Only thing that seems to consistently go up is the stock market / index funds over decades.  That's my bet...  

If it goes well maybe I'll be driving a Lexus when I'm older too!  Otherwise... will be looking forward to the free bus ticket and admiring the flying Lexus models zooming past running on (hopefully hydrogen) lol 

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SB hi, no one's going to even be tempted to give even a modicum of advice on that one ................ we've all just got it right, and wrong, and right again, and often wrong again .......... then the hand of 'im up there tends to have the final say that's going to put all your hard thought out thoughts .......  asunder 😇 😉


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21 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

SB hi, no one's going to even be tempted to give even a modicum of advice on that one ................ we've all just got it right, and wrong, and right again, and often wrong again .......... then the hand of 'im up there tends to have the final say that's going to put all your hard thought out thoughts .......  asunder 😇 😉


Sometimes I think the biggest problem with the world is that we actually believe that it should, and can be any other way.. organised, efficient, free of evil..  Other than the odd rant on a thread like this, I suppose best not to over think it lol 

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Oh lots of Labour hate on here.

Seems sensible to give benefit to those who need it. As to threshold figure that is another matter.

Same with two child benefit cap. Take it away from those with no need.


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Never seen “ hate “ in this Forum ……. Surely that’s banned 🤔

and as mentioned earlier the recipient had the simple Option to forgo the Winter Fuel Payment ……… as many without the need possibly did …….. for the sake of Society and not draining the impecunious Exchequer  🤞


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7 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

Never seen “ hate “ in this Forum

But I hate beetroot!🤐.    ( BTW I like chips )

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57 minutes ago, CT200NI said:

I for one am starting to put money into the stock market because who knows what'll happen over the next 40 years or if I'll make it that far. But if I am, dependence on the government's schemes... my employers or bank savings rates just isn't good enough! At least going by track record...  Only thing that seems to consistently go up is the stock market / index funds over decades.  That's my bet...  

If it goes well maybe I'll be driving a Lexus when I'm older too!  Otherwise... will be looking forward to the free bus ticket and admiring the flying Lexus models zooming past running on (hopefully hydrogen) lol 

When you get older all roads will be unusable after decades of pot holes merging to become one gigantic pit across the country and all Lexus vehicles will be flying around autonomously so all you'll have to do is take a nap on the back seat and leave the rest to Mr or should that be Mrs AI.

When I get older it'll be beam me across to Bora Bora please Scotty, if it's not underwater that is! 🏝️

As for the stock market or being dependent on government schemes well, after those that be, probably Mr or Mrs AI again, have mined a multi-multi-trillion £/$ asteroid then we'll all be rich beyond our wildest dreams.  Not that it will matter much as the human brain, not having had to think for itself for such a long time will have partially decayed so nobody will know what to do with such wealth.



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38 minutes ago, Mossypossy said:

Oh lots of Labour hate on here.

Seems sensible to give benefit to those who need it. As to threshold figure that is another matter.

Same with two child benefit cap. Take it away from those with no need.


Or how about the govt does not give away anything given it does not actually belong to them in the first place. Shock horror, but they could then stop taking the same money from the very people who earned it!

Better yet let's actually have a referendum that suggests a reasonable cap of the % of GDP they can take from us to give for any cause whatsoever. Jeez Louise that actually sounds like Democracy in action.

I don't hate Labour so much as I don't like incompetence that masquerades as Democracy.

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37 minutes ago, Mossypossy said:

Oh lots of Labour hate on here.

Seems sensible to give benefit to those who need it. As to threshold figure that is another matter.

Same with two child benefit cap. Take it away from those with no need.


I didn't vote for Labour but I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt given that the Conservatives hadn't exactly served it's traditional base or it's newly acquired base very well of recent times. I was interested to see if Labour could actually govern to deliver for more than for just the dyed-in-the-wool Labour voters.  However, the way that Reeves in particular has acted in a few short weeks (though of course sanctioned by Starmer) that didn't last very long at all...! Just have to batten down the hatches and look after No 1 the best I can for the next four years and have a look out once we get nearer the next election to see where we all are!

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28 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

Never seen “ hate “ in this Forum ……. Surely that’s banned 🤔

and as mentioned earlier the recipient had the simple Option to forgo the Winter Fuel Payment ……… as many without the need possibly did …….. for the sake of Society and not draining the impecunious Exchequer  🤞


My parents didn't "need" it and used to give the amount to charity. Another section of society that will now miss out as I'm sure that others probably did such donations too.

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"then we'll all be rich beyond our wildest dreams.  "

Now, may I suggest you think about how inflation occurs then please link the two to understand why there will be no 'happy' outcome.

Interestingly, this concept of giving people lots of spending power without understanding the outcome for inflation as been around a long time. I mean a very long time. Think Spanish state bankruptcies in the period after they liberated the Americas (sic).

I quote, and it is still very applicable to today and what we are discussing.

"Hamilton remarked back in 1938 that ‘history records few instances of such able diagnosis of fatal social ills by any group of moral philosophers or of such utter disregard by statesmen of sound advice."

Difference today is the moral philosophers ARE the so called statesmen (assuming this equates to politicians) and any sound advice is simply not found in political circles. Hence, the need to take matters out of their hands to a much greater degree. Loud voices don't equate to 'big' brains (smirk).

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4 minutes ago, Boomer54 said:

"then we'll all be rich beyond our wildest dreams.  "

Now, may I suggest you think about how inflation occurs then please link the two to understand why there will be no 'happy' outcome.

Interestingly, this concept of giving people lots of spending power without understanding the outcome for inflation as been around a long time. I mean a very long time. Think Spanish state bankruptcies in the period after they liberated the Americas (sic).

I quote, and it is still very applicable to today and what we are discussing.

"Hamilton remarked back in 1938 that ‘history records few instances of such able diagnosis of fatal social ills by any group of moral philosophers or of such utter disregard by statesmen of sound advice."

Difference today is the moral philosophers ARE the so called statesmen (assuming this equates to politicians) and any sound advice is simply not found in political circles. Hence, the need to take matters out of their hands to a much greater degree. Loud voices don't equate to 'big' brains (smirk).

Trumpety Trump Trump Trump 🤣😂

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45 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

Trumpety Trump Trump Trump 🤣😂

You may call me Big Don if you wish, but if not then perhaps Orangey One, Orgy One, feel free to play. 😉

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18 minutes ago, Boomer54 said:

You may call me Big Don if you wish, but if not then perhaps Orangey One, Orgy One, feel free to play. 😉

Stephen I was contemplating that rather loud voiced “ smirky “ politician with zapped brains ( in the States ) I thought you were referring to tbh ……. apologies if I got that wrong 

Im sure there’s a UK one, or several that fit the bill too 👍😄……. they’ll shortly emerge 


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47 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

Stephen I was contemplating that rather loud voiced “ smirky “ politician with zapped brains ( in the States ) I thought you were referring to tbh ……. apologies if I got that wrong 

Im sure there’s a UK one, or several that fit the bill too 👍😄……. they’ll shortly emerge 


You nailed it exactly.

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Winter Fuel Payment  .....  cancellation 

suggest maybe we try, somehow  to monitor this coming wintry season,  ............ the Govt induced deaths of OAPs ............ from cancelled payments 

Ideas how it could be done everyone .......  maybe there's an MP amongst us that could shed some light on this please 

Thank you


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21 hours ago, Poundy said:

Look on the Bright side the Pensioners are losing the energy supplement  to enable the Government to give in to the demands of the Public Sector  Unions demand to settle a pay increase of between £140 to £240 per week @ 22% to Junior Doctors.

Thank you NHS 

So you suggest they pay the most junior of doctors £14 an hour? And 5 years after they've completed the degree they're still earning £25 and hour which is less than what plumbers and electricians charge yet people wonder why they go to Australia / Middle east / USA where you could earn double/ triple the salary.

Either way if it wasn't for junior doctors who actually run the hospitals there wouldn't be any pensioners.....

22% is incorrect by the way. The media has made it sound higher than it is as it includes the £1000 one off payment and the 6 % last year so it's actually not a 22% increase on top of what they're on, it works out 22% in entirety over 2 years which is still a bad deal. 

35% is not unreasonable when your average Junior doctor can't pay a plumber or builder amongst the fees to pay GMC, defense unions, student finance. 

The alternative would be to privatise the whole system, doctors would make a killing and patients may be better off in some circumstances 

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