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Winter fuel payment

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Maybe Gordon Brown set the tone of plundering the pension pots, but now there is no pension pot so lets go for the pensioners.

 Let's just admit that we got the party that was voted for by default i.e. not conservative. It just turned out that we got a sh1tload of snakes who see pensioners as plums ripe for the picking who have no defence worth worrying about. Ah well, 5 yrs later and we will be voting against another load of shysters that we don't want. Anyone got the answer? I certainly haven't.


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Somehow we need to shame the Labour MPs …….. maybe present them individually  with a list of their Constituents that have died thru’ this debacle 

Coroners to give Cause of Death …… Labour Party induced fatality ……… Name and Shame ……. But sadly that’s after many unnecessary deaths …….. 

I have no idea ( yet ) how we get this Winter Fuel Payment back on track …….. BUT I do think this will determine the short longevity of the Starmer Regime of Socially Uncaring and Inept Govt 🥵


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18 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

the Starmer Regime of Socially Uncaring and Inept Govt

It's a pity we couldn't get Abraham Lincoln instead of Starmer and his  uncaring cronies :


Abraham Lincoln's quote, "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth," epitomizes the democratic principles upon which nations are built. Its straightforward meaning emphasizes the need for governments to be representative, accountable, and work in the best interests of their citizens.

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1 hour ago, GMB said:

Maybe Gordon Brown set the tone of plundering the pension pots, but now there is no pension pot so lets go for the pensioners.

 Let's just admit that we got the party that was voted for by default i.e. not conservative. It just turned out that we got a sh1tload of snakes who see pensioners as plums ripe for the picking who have no defence worth worrying about. Ah well, 5 yrs later and we will be voting against another load of shysters that we don't want. Anyone got the answer? I certainly haven't.


Yes, I have, but are enough people interested? I doubt it. 😕 

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7 minutes ago, Boomer54 said:

Yes, I have, but are enough people interested? I doubt it

We are all interested but the problem is can we do anything about it any time soon. I doubt it too. Just accept the beating from your gracious elected leaders.

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59 minutes ago, steve2006 said:

I’m pretty sure I read today that Starmer is trying to block a vote on the WFA in Parliament?

No demonstrations and now no democracy.

Indeed, Steve, there will be no debate despite the signatures being over the 1000,000 threshold for a debate?

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8 hours ago, GMB said:

We are all interested but the problem is can we do anything about it any time soon. I doubt it too. Just accept the beating from your gracious elected leaders.

No worries. In 2024 Labour managed just 9.7 million votes. There are apparently 10 million OAP's plus lord knows how many more about to be OAPS in the next 4 years. Do the math ! If Starmer can't work it out for himself then he is too daft to be put in charge of a bacon slicer nevermind managing the future of a country. Like Forests mama used to say "Life is like a box of chocolates. Greedy people gonna puke eating the lot".

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31 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

472,210  signatures to date 

AGE UK. Petition



I wonder why this petition isn't mentioned by those from the media interviewing members of the government when they keep repeating the same spiel (at least none of the interviews I have heard recently)? 

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21 minutes ago, wharfhouse said:

I wonder why this petition isn't mentioned by those from the media interviewing members of the government when they keep repeating the same spiel (at least none of the interviews I have heard recently)? 

It was mentioned on GMB this morning before they interviewed the Minister for Defense, (Healey I think), plus 'others' they added!

Today in various News reports it states that the Labour Party intend to give Council's the power to ignore the compulsory 25% discount for single home occupancy that will affect mainly pensioners, the removal of Discounted Railcards for the elderly, service personnel and the disabled and a move to increase the pension age at a faster rate than already stated. All this must show that this government had decided that pensioners are a worthless drag on society and should be punished for leading the country to this point of supposed near bankruptcy (even though the Cabinet are the only group that actually think the UK economy is currently 'bad')!

If this shower stay in for 5 years then there is every chance that some of us on here may be in this group without having an actual Lexus to our name as they will soon be saying that Pensioners should not be allowed to drive or even be seen in public!

Remember my words - NI on pension payments is just around the corner, NI discount for those workers over pension age will be curtailed and ISA allowance will, at best, never be increased and at worst phased-out.

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15 minutes ago, Lmafudd said:

If this shower stay in for 5 years

Think about this scenario. Widowed pensioner on a modest pension ( state plus tiny PP ). Husband just popped clogs, nice house bought and paid for, nice little 5 yr old Ford focus or fiesta.

New income hit  loss of 25% discount on council tax ( £400+) , tax on PP at 20% over basic allowance for the first time, loss of £300 WFP, increase in heating cap £170, plus a bit of inflation such as 5 or 10% extra fuel duty etc..

You couldn't make it up, a hit of about £20 per week from a modest income would tip a lot of people like this past the point of no return. It is absolute madness the way this government either do not understand or don't care how ordinary folk manage. Not all pensioners have half a million pound+ houses and gold plated civil service pensions.  In all my years I have never seen such an attack on vulnerable people by their supposed government who have the cheek to call themselves "democratic socialist". It's shameful.

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1 hour ago, Malc1 said:

472,210  signatures to date 

AGE UK. Petition




this seems to have a little more momentum today after mentioning on tv whatever    up 650 in one hour 👋👋👋


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7 minutes ago, GMB said:

this government either do not understand or don't care how ordinary folk manage. 

This is where we get to when those in power get high wages then massive pensions after a brief period in post. Complete loss of empathy for the less well-off as they have no understanding how 'real' people live and the price of anything is of no concern as there is always money in the pot. 

Strangely I thought the Tories were the evil doers that hated the lower classes but oh, how the tables have turned.

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2 hours ago, Boomer54 said:

No worries. In 2024 Labour managed just 9.7 million votes. There are apparently 10 million OAP's plus lord knows how many more about to be OAPS in the next 4 years. Do the math ! If Starmer can't work it out for himself then he is too daft to be put in charge of a bacon slicer nevermind managing the future of a country. Like Forests mama used to say "Life is like a box of chocolates. Greedy people gonna puke eating the lot".

By the way how about an interesting fact. Question, why are Western economies particularly in Europe on such a poor trajectory for growth/productivity? Now I hope our politicians are listening given how many of them purport to want high growth. Answer, as our state bureaucracy grows bigger our overall economic growth and the productivty that fuels it diminishes. It's an inverse relationship ! You see you cannot have both an ever growing state AND a productive economy that grows. In the West only the US manages to come close and I think that will found to be entirely due to two factors. A system that allows for 'failure' at both an individual and corporate level. This tends to alleviate carrying 'dead weight' in the form of debt . Second, it's a resource rich country. Most of Europe is the antithesis of this. Relevance? If you can't get growth you end up making crap policy to buy people off in what is a stagnating economy. Enter such idiocy as the Winter Fuel policy etc etc.

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55 minutes ago, Lmafudd said:

It was mentioned on GMB this morning before they interviewed the Minister for Defense, (Healey I think), plus 'others' they added!

Today in various News reports it states that the Labour Party intend to give Council's the power to ignore the compulsory 25% discount for single home occupancy that will affect mainly pensioners, the removal of Discounted Railcards for the elderly, service personnel and the disabled and a move to increase the pension age at a faster rate than already stated. All this must show that this government had decided that pensioners are a worthless drag on society and should be punished for leading the country to this point of supposed near bankruptcy (even though the Cabinet are the only group that actually think the UK economy is currently 'bad')!

If this shower stay in for 5 years then there is every chance that some of us on here may be in this group without having an actual Lexus to our name as they will soon be saying that Pensioners should not be allowed to drive or even be seen in public!

Remember my words - NI on pension payments is just around the corner, NI discount for those workers over pension age will be curtailed and ISA allowance will, at best, never be increased and at worst phased-out.

Means testing of the State Pension will be a far more egregious attack on pensions. But just let's temper our vitriol for a moment. Right now most of the speculation is about October that involves retired people. But what if the whole doom and gloom is being deliberately built up such that come October it turns out to be nowhere near? Cheers all round? 

Bear in mind that the total annual government spend is around 1189 Billion🤯. Before the pay awards the so called "black hole" would be around 13 billion ie not far off 1%. One percent!!! All this nonsense over one percent yet Lucy Powell claims the economy will crash if the WFA is not withdrawn. Why is there no legal process to challenge these miscreants and hold them accountable for their outrageous claims? In every other area of life if I make claims about service or product I can be pursued through the courts for falsehoods, what's different? 

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If I put my most cynical head on…

- Labour know that many pensioners don’t vote for them, and even those that do will be dead in the next 5-10 years;

- I’ve heard Ministers use the phrase ‘for the good of all’ a lot recently. The implication is that, rather than favouring the elderly, they’re on the side of ‘everybody’;

- By creating a phoney older vs younger people culture war, they’re hoping to be seen as;

     - on the side of the young, think planning and house building;

     - those young people they hope will vote Labour for many more years than the elderly will be able to do.

Also worth remembering that very few, if any, of the measures put in place by this Government will be reversed by a future Conservative Government. They’ll simply be able to blame their predecessors as Labour are currently doing…

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37 minutes ago, First_Lexus said:

If I put my most cynical head on…

- Labour know that many pensioners don’t vote for them, and even those that do will be dead in the next 5-10 years;

- I’ve heard Ministers use the phrase ‘for the good of all’ a lot recently. The implication is that, rather than favouring the elderly, they’re on the side of ‘everybody’;

- By creating a phoney older vs younger people culture war, they’re hoping to be seen as;

     - on the side of the young, think planning and house building;

     - those young people they hope will vote Labour for many more years than the elderly will be able to do.

Also worth remembering that very few, if any, of the measures put in place by this Government will be reversed by a future Conservative Government. They’ll simply be able to blame their predecessors as Labour are currently doing…


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1 hour ago, Malc1 said:


this seems to have a little more momentum today after mentioning on tv whatever    up 650 in one hour 👋👋👋


477,062.  Signatures 

up 5000 this past hour 👍


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54 minutes ago, First_Lexus said:

If I put my most cynical head on…

- Labour know that many pensioners don’t vote for them, and even those that do will be dead in the next 5-10 years;


Well as a pensioner I have never voted Labour but it is comforting to know you think we could be dead in 5-10 years. That's made my day.  Must open a bottle this lunchtime to drown my sorrows before they ban it.

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Look here I’m only 74 and I’m thinking my Lexii should see me thru this next 30 years of sublime motoring 😂🤣🤞🤞🤞 


477,202 up again in these last few minutes 


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12 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

Look here I’m only 74 and I’m thinking my Lexii should see me thru this next 30 years of sublime motoring 😂🤣🤞🤞🤞 


477,202 up again in these last few minutes 


Well if you get to 104, I would love to treat you to a bottle of Champagne to celebrate. I would still be a mere youngster of 102. Bet the politicians - Labour in particular- would be upset if  we oldies stayed around too long  to take all these  "benefits" and deprive more worthy causes of cash.

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1 hour ago, John Adams said:

Well as a pensioner I have never voted Labour but it is comforting to know you think we could be dead in 5-10 years. That's made my day.  Must open a bottle this lunchtime to drown my sorrows before they ban it.

I'm knocking on a bit and have a motorbike I could be dead before the year's out!

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1 hour ago, Malc1 said:

Look here I’m only 74 and I’m thinking my Lexii should see me thru this next 30 years of sublime motoring 😂🤣🤞🤞🤞 


477,202 up again in these last few minutes 


Are you leaving me your LS ?

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